Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1658: Earth Soul Awakening

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Chapter 158: The Awakening of the Soul

"Brother Cheng, please rest assured, I will protect you."

Hearing the words of Cheng Feng, the sword was raised with seven hands, and a golden hilt appeared in his hand.

This is the sword of Sword Seven, which has been worn next to it and will only be taken out during combat.

Cheng Feng saw his sword for the first time since he saw Jian Qi.

"Sword Seven, don't be so nervous."

Cheng Feng laughed: "You can also practice, as long as you don't expose your breath, there should be no problems."

"No, my cultivation has reached the limit of broken territory. There is no possibility of improvement except for crossing the robbery into the heaven."

Jian Qi shook his head and said, "I still protect the law for you and make sure I'm foolproof!"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng no longer dissuaded.

I saw him stunned, took out a few drops of water of life and threw it into his mouth, refining and warming his body to strengthen the ten dragon power.

The ten dragon powers of the non-process peak have reached their limit since they increased to 129,600 meters.

No matter how you cultivate, it is difficult to grow in the slightest.

"It seems that after Longli reaches one yuan, it can no longer be improved."

Cheng Feng whispered: "That being the case, then I will no longer pursue breakthroughs, but will slowly gain momentum to prepare for the crossing."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng no longer pays attention to Long Lixiu.

Immediately, a green tree was taken out of a soul ring.

This small tree has a knotted body with green leaves growing on it, exuding a strong fragrance.

In particular, a pear-sized fruit hangs on the crown of the tree.

It is the earth soul tree and the earth soul fruit!

"What a magical tree, it actually made my spirits very active."

Jian Qi sat not far from Cheng Feng. When Cheng Feng took out the soul tree, his face suddenly showed a shocked look.

"This is the Earth Soul Tree!"

Not only Jian Qi, but the old monk Xuanzhi who meditated with closed eyes also opened his eyes sharply at this moment.

Looking at the Earth Soul Tree, he was surprised: "It is rumored that this tree is the three souls that grow from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth and can nourish people."

"Especially the warming effect on the earth soul is the best, very rare."

"Master Xuanzhi is really knowledgeable."

After hearing the words of the old monk Xuanzhi, Cheng Feng frowned.

Then a little dragon power was applied to cover the entire hall to prevent the fragrance from the earth soul fruit from escaping from the hall.

Otherwise, it will definitely attract the attention of many people and cause unnecessary trouble.

"I also accidentally saw the old monk from an ancient book about the earth soul tree."

The sentiment of the old monk Xuanzhi gradually calmed down: "Originally thought it was just a kind of heaven and earth spiritual treasure in the rumor."

"I never thought it would be a pleasure to meet in this life."

While speaking, the old monk Xuanzhi took a long breath.


A lot of the fragrance from the earth soul tree was sucked into his belly.

He let his godless eyes brighten, and his mental state improved a lot.

"Master, your spiritual knowledge is seriously aging, and the breath of this soul tree seems to make up for it."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said: "If you don't want this earth soul fruit, please take it from the master!"

This earth soul tree bears three earth soul fruits.

Cheng Feng had eaten two before, and at this time the last one was left.

He just took it off and gave it to the old monk Xuanzhi.

"No no no."

However, the old monk Xuanzhi shook his head: "These heaven and earth spirits let the old monks eat them.

"If you can, God will give me three leaves of the Earth Soul Tree."

"With three leaves, it is enough for the old monk to reincarnate again."

The old monk Xuanzhi was determined, and Cheng Feng did not force it.

So he plucked more than a dozen leaves from the soul tree and sent them to the old monk Xuanzhi.

"Thank you God."

The old monk Xuanzhi caught the leaves of the earth soul tree and folded his hands for eleventh ceremony.

Then he took out a leaf and put it in his mouth, carefully folded the remaining leaves, and fell back into meditation.

Soon, the effect of the leaves of the earth soul tree appeared, and the corruption of the old monk Xuanzhi slowly faded, as if he was a teenager.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled and retracted his gaze.

But when I saw Jian Qi's eyes, there was a touch of envy, and I obviously wanted some leaves of the earth soul tree.

Earth soul branches are luxuriant, with at least a few hundred leaves.

Therefore, Cheng Feng also picked a dozen leaves and gave them to Jianqi.

"Brother Cheng, thank you!"

Earth soul tree is a heaven and earth spiritual treasure. Although the effect of leaves is far less than that of fruit, it is also very rare.

Cheng Feng presented more than a dozen leaves, which made Jian Qi's heart beat wildly.

Catch his hands, bow to salute to Cheng Feng.

Because these dozens of earth soul tree leaves can at least push his soul forward.

The success rate will increase sharply when it is over, which is a huge gain.

"Brother Jianqi is polite."

Cheng Feng smiled lightly: "It's just a few leaves, don't worry too much."

"Brother Cheng, this is not an ordinary leaf, but a leaf of the earth soul tree."

Jian Qi excitedly said: "This kind of baby, you can't buy it when you want to buy it outside!"

"Not so exaggerated."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "There are still many things in my hand, please rest assured."

"If not, please ask me!"

"Thank Brother Cheng!" Jian Qi thanked again.

Then no more words, took out a piece of earth soul tree leaves and put it in his mouth, began to nourish the soul.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng put away the soul tree.

Then picked up the last earth soul fruit and bit it down.

Earth soul fruit was crispy and delicious. Cheng Feng ate it three or two times, and the flesh instantly turned into a heat wave, which flooded into his mind.

This heat wave has a strong nourishing effect on human spirits.

With the influx of Cheng Feng's mind, it was watered on the five-meter-high tree of spirits.

Immediately let the soul branches grow leafy and grow slowly.

About half an hour later, the whole soul tree became more and more lush.

The tree was a full meter high, reaching six meters, at least 20-30% stronger than before.

Not only that, the heat wave transformed by the earth soul also nourished a small tree bag beside the soul tree.

Let the tree bag grow stronger, and finally broke through the outer skin and broke through the shell completely.

Cheng Feng's mind was swayed, and he had a very special feeling.

Obviously, this is a symptom of Cheng Feng awakening the earth soul.

People have three souls, human soul, earth soul, and heaven soul.

Ordinary people can only awaken the human soul in their lives. Both the earth soul and the heaven soul are dormant in the flesh, they cannot awaken at all.

Because the awakening of the soul and the heavenly soul requires a huge amount of soul power, it is difficult for ordinary people to supply.

Only when Xiu is able to reach the heavenly and eighth-strength peers above the sky, can he awaken the earth soul by his own cultivation.

Cheng Feng can awaken the earth soul at the peak of the broken realm, I am afraid it is the first one in tens of thousands of years!

"Earth soul ... is this the feeling of earth soul awakening?"

"It's amazing, it seems like you have two yourself!"

When the small tree in the mind representing the earth soul broke the shell, a strange feeling suddenly emerged from Cheng Feng's heart.

As if suddenly an eye was added, the understanding of the entire world instantly deepened.

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