Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1671: Ascend to Heaven

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Chapter 671 The Assault on the Sky

Bang bang ~~~

The winds in the sky are more rapid and fierce, and the dunes are constantly collapsing and becoming shorter.

On the back of the dune, Wang Lei pushed away the sand waves falling from the top of the dune.

Let the four Cheng Fengs not be attacked by the sand waves, and successfully complete the improvement of their state of mind.

Mood improvement is fast, Cheng Feng has completed in a few seconds.

The whole person became calm and sophisticated, the look in his eyes was unyielding.

There is even a taste of seeing through life and death, no longer afraid of death, and being able to face it calmly.

This is obviously a performance of mood improvement!

Immediately after Cheng Feng, Jian Qi also completed the improvement of his mood.

I saw Jian Qi's eyes being aggressive, and his body was full of sharp breath, and he wanted to break the sky.

Followed by Zhu Lin and Hu Fei, they also made breakthroughs with surprises on their faces.

In fact, not only Cheng Feng, but also the old ascetics scattered in the dust storm, have reacted one after another.

Some of the old ascetics failed to hide behind the dunes in time and were caught in the sky by the storm.

The sand shot like arrows, and the wind was like a knife, making them clearly aware of the threat of death.

Even the next moment, it will be engulfed and torn by the wind!

Under the threat of death, many asceticists shook their heads in regret and unlocked their sealed practices.

The power returned instantly, no longer fearing the strangulation of the sandstorm.

But there are many people who know that death is imminent, but they still do not want to unblock it.

The end is that most of the people were torn by the rolling sand and dust, and blood splattered on the spot.

Only a small number of people fully realized before death. The soul was greatly affected by qualitative changes, and their mood was soared.

Then the homeopath was released and repaired, rushing into the depths of the sky where the sand waves were tumbling.

Hack ~~~

Deep in the sky, the hurricane rolled dark clouds and formed a thunderstorm.

The thunder was exploding and exploding, sending out waves of thunder and lightning.

Those who broke through the mood arrived here without any hesitation, and went straight into the thunder and lightning.

Suddenly, a large number of thunder and lightning surged, venting frantically towards the ascetics.

These thunders are all spring thunder with vitality.

When it hits the ascetic, it immediately infiltrates into the body, allowing flesh and blood, bones, fascia ... all internal organs to undergo qualitative changes, and become stronger rapidly.

At the same time, a large number of thunders poured into the aura of the ascetic and surrounded Longli's acupoint.

Let the ascetic dragon power accept the baptism of thunder, leaping into the dragon gate, and launch an impact on the divine power.

In addition, the thunder rushed to the spiritual soul of the ascetic, allowing the spirit to be tempered, to begin qualitative change, and to transition to spiritual thought.

"Ah, look, there are ascetics in the sky!"

Behind the dunes, Zhu Lin has just completed a breakthrough in mood repair.

When I looked up, I could see the amazing picture in the depth of the sky and couldn't help shouting.

Hearing the shout, Cheng Feng looked up at the same time.

Suddenly I saw the pictures of the ascetics bathing in thunder, and their faces quickly condensed.

"Heavenly? Is this the crossover?"

Regarding Tianjie, Cheng Feng heard it countless times, but he has never seen the scene of transitional robberies.

At this moment, when I saw the picture in the depth of the sky, I was immediately moved.

However, Wang Lei shook his head.

"These people are just training dragon power and spirits, and have not yet begun to robbery."

Wang Leidao: "Once the real scourge descends, thunderstorms roll, howling winds roar, poisonous fire fills the sky ... those who can pass it completely are few."

"Lei, since the ascetics haven't crossed the robbery, what are they doing now?"

Zhu Lin also saw the warrior crossing the sky for the first time, and was puzzled.

"Zhu Xiaomei, the ascetics are making their final preparations at this time."

Wang Leidao: "They are being baptized by Chun Lei at this moment, allowing Longli to transform with the spirits and advance their strength to the strongest level."

"You can only hold it when the real calamity is coming, and enter the heaven."

"Performing the last accumulation?"

Zhu Lin stared with wide eyes and said suddenly: "I see, now it is the key to decide whether the warrior can survive the calamity."

"Just like a meal before work, the more you eat, the more work you can do."

"Well, that's almost what it means."

Wang Lei nodded: "But everyone's‘ meal amount ’can be different. Some people eat more and some eat less.”

"The reason why we came to do penance is to eat enough 'meal' before crossing the robbery!"

Wang Lei's explanation was easy to understand, and she analyzed the potential before crossing the gang.

As Wang Lei said, everyone ’s ‘meal intake’ is different, and improving your mood is to increase your meal intake.

The amount of food was large, and the power of Chunlei was absorbed. Long Li and the soul were all changed in quality, so that they could withstand the subsequent calamity.

Even in one breath, he crossed the three or four heavy robbers and became a master of three or four heavy ascendants.

Bang ~~~

While Wang Lei was explaining.

In the depths of the sky, spring thunder spreads out.

Dark clouds rolled in large groups, and when they collided violently, thunderstorms of gold, emerald green, and blue appeared from the dark clouds.

Then overwhelmed and blasted to a crucified ascetic.

Not only this person, but also in several places in the sky, thunderstorms occurred, and the ascetics who bombed the robbery.

Even the thunder of some people is actually mixed with cold wind and horrific poisonous fire.

Let the frenzied sandstorm soon stop.

"Look at it, someone is crossing the double or even triple the sky."

Seeing this, Zhu Lin shouted excitedly.

In fact, without Zhu Lin shouting, several people of Cheng Feng have already seen it.

The thunderstorms are mixed with the scourge of hardships, but they are crossing the double sky.

As for the hardships of thunderstorms, howling winds, and poisonous fires, it is the three-day disasters.

It is a rare genius.

Because the former true deity of the blood gods Yu Cangfei first passed through the triple calamity in one breath.

It is not easy to cross the triple sky robbery.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that there were a total of seven people who were working hard in the triple disaster.

But soon, one ascetic was cut by two winds, and the whole person was cut in two.

Then he was hit by a blue thunderstorm and was blown into fly ash on the spot!

This made Cheng Feng's eyes shrink, and he deeply realized the terrible nature of Tianjie.

Bang ~~ Bang ~~

Thunderstorms roar, and howling winds are raging!

The terrible scene of robbery continues and it is frightening.

Bu Chengfeng and others were not afraid, at this time they stared at each other and accumulated experience.

It can come in handy when you are on your own.

This look, I have watched for almost an hour.

The dark clouds that dissipated on the day dissipated, the thunderstorm disappeared, the wind stopped, and the poisonous fire went out!

More than forty people who had crossed the gang had left only seven or eight people.

The success rate of crossing the robbery was only a poor one-sixth.

It makes people feel cold, **** shows the terrible nature of the disaster!

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