Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1672: Second feeding

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Chapter 167 Second Breeding

In fact, this is pretty good.

Under normal circumstances, the success rate of crossing the robbery is more than one tenth.

Of the ten peak warriors who ascended the heavens, at most only one can survive the robbery.

The high success rate of ascetics is precisely because the state of mind is the result of ascension.


After the end of the penance, the dark clouds in the sky completely dispersed.

The sand storm has long since dissipated, revealing a clear sky.

The eight ascetics who had survived the calamity descended from heaven, their faces covered with joy.

When he landed on the sand, he bowed down to the philanthropic monk, thanking the other for his mention.

However, the charitable ascetic monk folded his hands with ten gifts and did not take credit.

"You, ascetic practice is a practice in life."

Subsequently, the eyes of the charitable monk glanced over Cheng Feng and others: "This practice has no beginning, no end."

"Let ’s continue on the road. If anyone wants to leave, they can do it at any time. The poor monk will never stop."

As a result, the philanthropic bitter monk stepped forward and moved forward in the vast sandy sea.

In the sand, many ascetics scattered by the dust storm saw this and immediately calmed their emotions to keep up.

Of course, a small number of people groaned and eventually stopped.

Of the eight who had survived the tragedy of Tianjie, seven people rose to the sky on the spot and flew abroad to the West Mofo.

The joy in one person's eyes faded away slowly, turned into a touch of firmness, and the practice was re-enclosed, once again embarked on a journey of penance.

As for Cheng Feng's five newcomers, there is no hesitation.

Remove the scarf covering the mouth and nose, shake off the sand from the body, and chase after the charity monk.

"There are a lot of people in the penance team."

After returning to the road, Cheng Feng casually glanced at the penance team and found that the number of the entire team has decreased.

The total number of people used to be hundreds, but now there are less than 400.

"Patience is not easy. It will not only cause torture to the body, but also impact the soul."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Especially, the longer the time, the harder it will be. Some people give up halfway, which is normal."

In fact, it is not only that some people give up midway this time.

Some people died in the robbery.

Some people haven't waited for the breakthrough of their hearts, and they were torn up by the sandstorm. They couldn't even leave their last words.

"Brother Chen Yue, this is how penance is."

Hearing Cheng Feng's sigh, Wang Lei said, "Many people can't wait until the end of penance, and they die in the process of penance."

Wang Lei's remarks spoke deeply about the cruelty of penance.

Let Cheng Feng and others be silent, one by one sulking.

This hastened for seven or eight hours.

When the stars in the sky hung, the steps of the charitable monk slowed down.

When they met a run-down temple, the group officially stopped to rest.

After all, after Xiu Wei was completely sealed, Cheng Feng and they were almost the same as ordinary people. Hunger, tiredness, pain, etc. are very easy to appear.

Can not be like a warrior, do not eat or drink for ten days and a half months.

The ruined temple is not large, and Cheng Feng and their nearly 400 people can't accommodate it at all.

So when the crowd stopped, they immediately acted, collected materials on the spot, lifted pieces of rubble, and simply expanded and repaired the ruined temple.

Because in the wild, there are many beasts foraging.

Cheng Feng and theirs are now 'ordinary people'. If they encounter a beast foraging, they may become each other's meal.

With more people doing things quickly, it didn't take long for the gap in the ruined temple to be blocked.

And based on the wall surface, a circle of stone fences were piled up, and once a beast struck, it could block one or two.

After having a temporary residence, Cheng Feng and they started busy filling their stomachs.

More than four hundred soldiers were divided into two paths, all the way to collect firewood, all the way to find water.

After you get the wood and water, you can cook in a hot pot.

This touched Cheng Feng's newcomers and felt the hardships of ordinary people.

"Let's be within the 20th ring of the Buddhist kingdom now?"

Not far from the ruined temple, several new members of Cheng Feng formed a team to collect firewood.

The palms of the hands were punctured with blood holes and blood was flowing.

"Well, it should be the Seventeenth Ring of Buddha."

Seven swords are tall and big, while picking up firewood, they are in charge of vigilance.

In the event of a beast, return to the temple immediately.

"Seventeenth ring? Almost half way."

Cheng Feng groaned: "If the charity monks of tomorrow continue to maintain this speed, tomorrow night it is estimated that they will be able to penetrate the tenth ring of the Buddhist kingdom."

"Brother Cheng, it's not that simple."

Jian Qi shook his head: "The Dharma pulpit in the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom is about to be held. At this time, if you enter the tenth ring of the Buddhist Kingdom, you will undergo strict inspection.

"The treasure that God has given me is difficult to completely isolate the detection of Buddha light within ten rings."

"So before entering the tenth ring, we estimate that we will leave the penance team and sneak in from other places."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Since that is the case, let's stop at the 11th ring."

"It happened to be on the 11th ring road. I have a few things to do."

After speaking, Cheng Feng picked up a bundle of firewood and returned to the ruined temple with a couple of swords.

In the ruined temple, after a brief meal, everyone began to sleep in batches.

Some of them rested, while others kept vigils to avoid being attacked by wild animals.

Cheng Feng was assigned to guard the middle of the night, originally Jian Qi wanted to watch vigil for Cheng Feng.

But was rejected by Cheng Feng. He still has something to do later.

When Hai Shi passed, when he turned in his son, Cheng Feng cheered up.

Because at three o'clock, it will be his second time to raise the blood beast.

Once missed, the blood beast will be completely out of sleep and cannot be tamed by him!

Time passed, and soon it was three o'clock.

Vigilant Cheng Feng narrowed his eyes, then made a urgency move, got up and walked outside the ruined temple.

The ascetics of the vigil thought that Cheng Feng was going to pee, and after a brief glance, he stopped paying attention.

In fact, after leaving the ruined temple, Cheng Feng found that no one noticed it, and untied the repair directly, and performed the shadow kill of the Seven Kills.

Huh! The whole person disappeared.

No one else was aware of this.

Only the charity bitter monk who meditated with eyes closed in the middle of the ruined temple opened his eyes narrowly when Cheng Feng disappeared.

However, he only glanced at will, then retracted his eyes and closed his eyes to practice.

Because he said a long time ago, the ascetic can choose to leave at any time, and he will never stop.

Regarding the disappearance of Cheng Feng, he thought it was Cheng Feng who chose to give up, so naturally he no longer paid attention.

However, after about Mo Yixiangxiang, Cheng Feng's breath suddenly appeared again.

This caused the charity bitter frown to frown slightly, thinking that Cheng Feng was gone.

But in this regard, charitable monks do not care.

This time without even opening her eyes, she continued to meditate.

As for Cheng Feng, he walked slowly to the place where he squatted, and sat down to continue the vigil.

No one else knows that he has reared the blood beast once again using the method of rearing blood.

Then just feed it forty-seven times, you can completely tame that blood **** beast and take it for your own use!

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