Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1676: Jiu Pin Shi Li

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Chapter 1676 Nine Relics

The area of ​​Leiyin Temple is not small. The inner temples are heavy, and the bald monks shuttle back and forth, all of which are not weak.

Especially near the main hall of Leiyin Temple, there was a ray of Buddha light rising from the halls everywhere.

Obviously a Buddhist monk is participating in meditation, and the image of Buddha's power leaking out.

Cheng Feng made a rough calculation, there are thirteen Buddha lights.

Each Buddha light is very strong, and it is estimated that the five-pin Luohan body was cast.

Among them, a light from the Leiyin Temple went straight to the sky, covering the entire Leiyin Temple like a pillar of heaven.

Ten out of ten is the first monk of Leiyin Temple.

"Two donors, my abbot is in the temple, please!"

When he came to Leiyin Hall, the leading monk pointed at the hall and asked Cheng Feng to enter.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and looked around the hall.

It was found that there was no abnormal situation, so he stepped towards the temple.

However, Jian Qi did not follow in, but stayed outside the hall, and if there was a problem, he could respond in time.

The Leiyin Hall is very wide and the dome is high.

A statue of Buddha is erected in the hall, and the one in the center of the hall is the largest.

Crafted in solid gold, it is 18 meters high and lifelike.

Cheng Feng raised his eyes and looked, and the eyes of the Buddha statue looked back at him.

He couldn't help but jump in his heart, and when he went to take a closer look, the feeling had disappeared.

Cheng Feng shook his head and looked under the statue.

I saw three futons at the foot of the statue.

Sitting on a futon on the right, a monk with a small body was sitting.

This monk is ordinary, but has an indescribable charm that makes people feel close at first sight.

But when Cheng Feng saw the monk, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because the monk's body contained a super majestic Buddha power.

Better than the charity monk who formed the six-pin Luohan.

It can be inferred from this that the monk who is slightly fat is at least on par with the charitable monk, and has formed a six-pin Luohan.

It is equivalent to the sixth strongest man in the martial arts.

"Presumably you are Mr. Chen Yue?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's arrival, the slightly fat monk clasped his hands and said, "The old man is black and polite."

"Master Xuan Ku is good."

Cheng Feng returned a gift, and then went straight to the topic: "I don't know why the master came to me?"

"Mr. Chen Yue, please sit down."

When Xuan Ku master Fuli urged him, he sent a futon to the foot of Cheng Feng: "The old man asked Mr. here to ask for something."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Cheng Feng sat on the futon and asked.

"In Leiyin Temple, a killer demon was suppressed."

Master Xuan Ku said: "Lao Yuan originally wanted to use the strength of the Buddha to weaken each other, but this demon is too magical and it is really difficult to reduce.

"Only with the help of the Buddhist scriptures of the Kobayashi Temple on the fifth ring of the Buddhist kingdom, can its magic be eliminated."

"So I want to ask my husband to go to the Kobayashi Temple and bring the Buddhist scriptures to my temple in order to thoroughly reduce that devil."

After hearing Master Xuanku's words, Cheng Feng froze for a moment.

I never thought that Master Xuan Ku would move the Buddhist scriptures to the bright side to talk.

Because according to the God of War, Master Xuan Ku was a descendant of an old ministry and was extremely loyal to him.

This time Cheng Feng came to Leiyin Temple to take away a master monk relic hosted by God of War from Master Xuan Ku.

Then based on this relic, go to the Buddhist monk to exchange evil Buddhist scriptures.

These things must not be discussed in public.

Although there were only Cheng Feng and Master Xuanzang in the hall, maybe there were ears in the partition.

"Mr. Chen Yue have doubts?"

Seeing Cheng Feng not answering for a long time, Master Xuan Ku said: "In fact, this matter is very simple, Mr. Chen Yue is only a middleman."

"You know, before Mr. Action, Mr. Lao will hand over an ancient relic of this temple to Mr."

"After your husband arrives at Kobayashi Temple, you only need to hand over the ancient relics to the abbot of Kobayashi Temple. For your convenience, you will pass the Buddhist scriptures to you and take you back to the temple.


Cheng Feng was puzzled, looking towards Master Xuan Ku.

"Sir, look, this is the ancient relic of this temple."

I heard that Master Xuanku pointed at the golden Buddha statue in front of him.

Cheng Feng looked in the direction of Master Xuan Ku's fingers, and first saw the eyes of the Golden Buddha.

A feeling of being stared at again from the heart.

But when he looked closely, he found nothing, it seemed to be just an illusion of himself.

"It's weird, this Buddha has problems."

Cheng Feng's heart burst into a suspicion: "This Buddha statue seems to be alive, and is staring at me secretly."

As soon as Cheng Feng first entered the Leiyin Temple, he found that the Golden Buddha was not right.

But at the time I thought that it was just an illusion and I didn't take it to heart.

However, this situation occurred twice in a row, and suddenly made Cheng Feng alert, knowing that this is not an illusion.

"I thought that Master Xuanzang had put things on the bright side, which was a bit abrupt and careless."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Now it seems that this is exactly the mastery of Master Xuan Ku."

"Not only will it allow me to get the Buddhist relic smoothly, I will go to the Kobayashi Temple to change the evil Buddhist scriptures, but it will also wash away the doubts that I may have a 'connection' with Master Xuanzang.

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

The reason why the abbot of Leiyin Temple did so was to eliminate the trace between himself and Cheng Feng.

Because he had had many anomalies during the time of hard work in Qianfo Temple.

Let the Lord of the West Mo Buddhism have some doubts about him, so he was transferred from Qianfo Temple to be the abbot of Leiyin Temple.

At the same time, the Lord of the West Desert also radiated spiritual knowledge, staring at the words and deeds.

If there is any abnormality in the meeting between Xuan Ku and Cheng Feng, he will definitely be noticed by the Lord Buddha, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly thought of the difficulty of Master Xuan Ku.

Then pretending to be unaware, he looked down from the face of the golden Buddha.

Immediately I saw an oval bead the size of a longan, floating above the palm of the Buddha, exuding a soft circle of Buddha light.

"Ferment Guseli?"

Seeing the oval bead, Cheng Feng frowned.

I only felt that this bead was very unusual and contained a strong Buddha nature.

Bathing in the light of the Buddha's beads gives you peace of mind and clear head.

The speed of the dragon's power in the body has accelerated a lot.

The relic that bears the thoughts of the God of War in Cheng Feng's hands, knows how much.

"Yes, this is the ancient relic that has been treasured in our temple for tens of thousands of years."

Master Xuan Ku smiled and nodded: "It is said that this relic is the only relic formed by the monk who cast the body of Jiu Pin Luo Han."

"It contains the essence of that monk, but it is a treasure."

"It can go hand in hand with the sacred artifacts in your martial arts."

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