Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1677: Mo Sutra

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Chapter 167 Mo Sutra

"A Buddhist monk who formed the body of Jiupin Luohan, sitting in the relic of the relic?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised: "This thing is indeed a treasure."

The monk who formed the body of Jiupin Luohan is equivalent to the ninth strongest man in the sky.

It is naturally not easy for these existing essences to condense into a bead.

I am afraid it is the treasure of the town temple of Leiyin Temple!

"Master Xuan Ku, there are not many Buddha Buddhist relics in the whole Buddha, aren't they?"

Cheng Feng asked: "You give me these treasures, aren't you afraid that I will carry them with you?"

"Old man believes you."

Master Xuanku smiled and said, "People who can be recognized by the charity master will never be blinded by a nine-pin relic."

"Master of Charity?"

Cheng Feng thoughtfully, then said: "Since the master can see Chen so much, then Chen will go to the Xiaolin Temple on the fifth ring of the Buddha."

"But I'm a little bit small, I hope the master can help."

"Mr. Chen, please."

"Chen is practicing a martial art recently. Every time this martial art is cultivated, it consumes a lot of energy and spirit."

Cheng Feng said: "This makes me weak and takes a long time to recover."

"It is rumored that Buddhism has a martial art that quickly supplements people's energy, and I wonder if the master can teach me one?"

"Martial arts supplementing the spirit of energy?"

Master Xuan Ku groaned and laughed, "This is simple, the Mo Sutra has this effect."

"Mo Sutra?" Cheng Feng was puzzled.

"The Mo Sutra is a scripture created by a great sage of my Buddhism. It has the effect of meditation."

Master Xuanzang said: "You only need to meditate on the Sutra when the energy loss is huge, and you will soon be able to replenish your energy loss."

"Oh? Ask the master to teach me."

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened, and he humbly asked for advice.

Master Xuan Ku knew that Cheng Feng was a **** of war, and he did not conceal it.

The essence of the Mo Sutra was imparted to Cheng Feng without any leakage.

After Cheng Feng heard it, he imprinted it in his heart.

Immediately with a smile, bowed down to pay respect to Master Xuanzang.

"Mr. Chen doesn't need to be polite."

Master Xuan Ku shook his head and got up for a gift.

Then his eyes turned, looking at the Jiupin relic suspended in the palm of the Golden Buddha.

I saw him silently chanting the Buddha's horn, and using one hand.

The relic flew up from the palm of the Buddha and flew towards Cheng Feng.

"Mr. Chen, please keep the relics."

Hearing Master Xuanku's voice, Cheng Feng nodded.

With one hand out, the nine-pin relic fell on his hand.

This relic is different, exuding circles of Buddha light.

And starting with a slight heat, Cheng Feng's undulating mood calmed down quickly, and his thinking became clearer.

"Mr. Chen, this is a Buddha wooden box."

At this time, Master Xuanku handed a small square box: "This box is made of Buddha wood, which can isolate the breath of relic."

"You put the relic in the box, and outsiders can't know that you will have nine relics on you."

"Oh? Let me try."

Cheng Feng caught the small box and waited to put Jiupin Relic in it.

Sure enough, the circles of Buddha light were isolated in the box, and nothing leaked.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled slightly and put the box and relic into the soul ring.

"Mr. Chen, please pay attention to three points when you go to Kobayashi this time."

Seeing Cheng Feng put away the relic, Master Xuanzang said, "First, don't act from the entrance of the Buddha ring, that will expose your appearance."

"Second, don't make contact with strangers. The other party may be a demon's accomplice."

"Third, Jiupin relic must be delivered to the abbot of Xiaolin Temple."

The so-called entrances to the Buddha Rings should be dozens of specific entrances and exits for each ring in the Ximo Buddha country.

The entrance and exit are guarded by Buddhist monks, and people are mixed.

Cheng Feng was equipped with the Devil Sword and practiced the Summon Sword.

If there is no treasure shelter given by the God of War, it will definitely be detected by the light.

Master Xuan Ku purposely told Cheng Feng not to act from the entrance of the ring of Buddha, but he obeyed Cheng Feng's intentions.

Bu Chengfeng still asked: "Master, since I am escorting Jiupin relic to Xiaolin Temple, why can't I enter and exit from the entrance of the Buddha ring?"

"Mr. Chen, there are many people at the entrance of the Buddha Ring."

Master Xuan Ku said: "You may come in and out of there, maybe you will be found by the demon gang or the bad-hearted person and intercept."

"I sent a dozen practitioners to the Kobayashi Temple before, but as soon as I entered the tenth ring of the Buddhist kingdom, I lost track and never returned."

"Master, isn't the rumor that the West Desert Buddha Country is the safest country in the entire dome continent?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "How come some people dare to attack Buddha disciples within the tenth ring of the Buddhist kingdom?"

Cheng Feng was indeed a bit surprised. I did not expect that in the iron desert-like West Desert Buddha Country, there were even murderers who did wrong, and the fierce flames were surging!

"Mr. Chen, there are dark forces everywhere."

Master Xuan Ku shook his head and said, "Even in the ring of the Buddhist kingdom, there are many evil spirits dormant, intending to subvert the entire Buddhist kingdom.

"Especially recently, the Buddhist Dharma pulpit in our country is about to be held, and a large number of unscrupulous people are coming."

"It's an eventful season, and the undercurrent is turbulent."

Listening to Master Xuanku's words, Cheng Feng nodded suddenly.

Because Cheng Feng knows deeply that the current Dharma pulpit in Ximo Buddhism is to instill a peerless spiritual child.

Direct that spirit boy into a peerless powerhouse!

Although this secret is very secret, since Cheng Feng can know it, other major gods may not have the means to detect it.

And when the masters of the major dynasties learned that the monks in the Western Desert Buddha initiated the spiritual children, they were in order to **** the fruits of the heavens and the earth, and they would certainly carry out various destructions.

After all, once the Buddha's spiritual children succeed, they will greatly threaten their interests!

"Master, I will pay more attention on the way to Kobayashi Temple."

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng faced Master Xuan Ku and said, "Guarantee will be delivered to the abbot of Kobayashi Temple in exchange for the evil Buddhist scriptures."

"So thank you Mr. Chen."

Master Xuan Ku held his eleven hands together.

Cheng Feng also gave a gift, and then stopped talking and turned to walk outside the hall.

As soon as he stepped out of the Leiyin Temple, Jianqi greeted him, "Brother Cheng, are you okay?"

"It's all right."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "Master Lei Yin Temple's abbot Xuanku is looking for me, but he just wants me to do him a favor."

"Help? What are you doing?" Jian Qi asked.

"Help him bring something to the Xiaolin Temple in the fifth ring of the Buddha." Cheng Feng answered.

Jianqi frowned and asked, "With the strength of Leiyin Temple, do you need outsiders to help him bring things?"

"Master Xuan Ku can't get away."

Cheng Feng explained: "Suppressing a demon in Leiyin Temple is very powerful."

"The thirteen monks in Leiyin Temple need to take a shot together to suppress it and cannot get away."

"As for ordinary disciples, they will be attacked by the Demons."

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