Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1686: Get into the magic

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Chapter 1686 Going into the Devil

Fang Wuwei's words made his meaning clear.

The reason for 'inviting' Cheng Feng's parents and elders to Yujing is that there is only one purpose, which is to force Cheng Feng to return to Yuhua.

As long as Cheng Feng goes back, everything is calm.

If you do n’t go back, then Cheng Feng ’s parents and elders may encounter the “rebellion” of the blood gods!

This is the key point of Chiguoguo, forcing Cheng Feng to make a decision.

"His Royal Highness, you are really 'good' to me!"

Cheng Feng knew everything, but did not completely tear his face.

Suppressing the anger that is about to erupt with perseverance, Shen said, "I will consider your suggestion."

"Within three days, I'll give you a reply!"

When the words came to an end, Cheng Feng grabbed the bronze mirror and exerted his strength slightly.

Huh! The entire bronze mirror was pinched by Cheng Feng.

Then a raging anger burst out from Cheng Feng's body, which turned into a substantial flame, which caused the entire void interlayer to shake violently.

It seems that a large earthquake with a magnitude of about ten has almost collapsed!

"Fang Wuwei, what a Fang Wuwei!"

Cheng Feng growled: "Dare to threaten my family ..."

At this moment, Cheng Feng's emotions were extremely excited, his eyes were blood red, and it was full of appalling murderous power.

Even the blood vessels on the entire face bulge, with blood and dark air inside.

It was actually a layer of black scale armor on Cheng Feng's cheek.

The killing power in my heart is even more prosperous, I can't wait to kill the Fifteenth Ring of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom immediately, capture Fang Wuwei, and crush the dead!

"Cheng Feng, calm down, don't fall into magic!"

At this moment, a burst of drink suddenly burst from his mind.

Like a wooden stick, he knocked severely on Cheng Feng's head.

Let Cheng Feng's almost chaotic mood stabilize at the last moment.

Then a pair of eyes covered by murderous intentions appeared a touch of clarity.

After waiting for this Qingming to keep zooming in, more than ten minutes later, he was finally sober.

"Huh, I almost went into trouble."

After returning to Qingming, Cheng Feng exhaled.

The clasped hands loosened, the nails pierced into the meat were pulled out, and a drop of blood kept dripping.

The faint painful irritation gradually dissipated Cheng Feng's black gas scales covering the whole body, and eventually disappeared completely.

In this way, Cheng Feng really recovered his head.

Obviously, Cheng Feng had caused the attack of the Summoner Sword because he was too angry just now.

If you really get there, Cheng Feng will become a killer.

"I almost turned into a murderous madman, all worship was given by nothing!"

Cheng Feng shook his hands again, the wound that had just solidified burst apart, and the blood shot out.

But Cheng Feng did not respond, and his intentions continued to increase: "No one can use my family to threaten me. The Tiemu family can't, the blood **** can't, the other can't do anything!

"If my family encounters a little injury, regardless of whether the other party is acting as a prince or shit, I must have shaved him alive!"

The family is a restricted area that Cheng Feng cannot touch.

During the outbreak of the blood **** disaster, the blood **** religion was so rampant that it did not hurt Cheng Feng's family.

Now that the plague of the Blood God has subsided, it will be in danger.

Cheng Feng cannot tolerate such things!

"Cheng Feng, anger can't solve anything."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "You should calm down now, because the situation is far worse than you think!"

"While Fang Wuwei used your parents and elders to make a fuss, it was only an intention, and it was far from being implemented."

"Not to mention that once you really do it, you will tear your face completely, and he cannot afford the consequences."

"Only at the level of Qianlong Academy, he may not be able to pass."

"It's not easy to pick up people from Qianlong Academy!"

Nalan's words are true.

You know, Qianlong Academy is a martial arts shrine for the feathered gods. There are more than one saint and there is no fear of the feathered gods.

Cheng Feng's family lives in Qianlong Academy, and even if Fang Wuwei is Prince Yuhua, he cannot forcibly pick them up.

"Well, indeed."

After hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng calmly calm down: "My top priority now is to get in touch with the academy."

"Please ask the seniors of the college to take care of my family and not let Fang Wuwei have the opportunity to do anything!"

"In addition, Fang Wuwei acted despicably, and must not have done anything without happening."

Cheng Feng said coldly, "I'm going to give him a little color to see sometime recently."

"Let him know what it takes to dare to threaten Cheng Feng!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng rushed.

A piece of metal paper appeared in his hands.

This piece of metal paper is strange and covered with quaint patterns.

After Cheng Feng took it out, he tore his finger and wrote on the metal paper.

Cheng Feng's words written in blood were simple and straightforward, and he named himself, and then asked the seniors of the college to look after his family.

When an outsider came to 'take' his family, he refused until he returned!

The text was very short. After Cheng Feng finished writing, the metal paper dried the blood and disappeared.

At the same time, Qianlong College, hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Mr. Shu frowned, and from the exclusive storage space, he took out a sheet of metal paper exactly like Cheng Feng's.

On the paper, those blood texts written by Cheng Feng actually appeared.

Mr. Shu glanced coldly in his eyes.

"It seems that some people can't sit still and want to make a fuss about Cheng Feng's family."

Mr. Shu frowned: "Cheng Feng, as a student of Qianlong College, dares to touch his family, and is the enemy of my college!"

"Old man has to see, who has the courage!"


At the same time, the fifteenth ring of the West Desert Buddha.

On a sand dune, Fang Wuwei sat cross-legged and looked like he was in charge of the whole situation.

Beside him, two old men in purple clothes stood.

The two old men are the strongest guards in the phoenix dynasty, the Purple Guards.

The cultivation of each purple robe is above Dengtianjing, which is very rare.

In particular, the two who protect Fang Wuwei are the old men in the purple clothes.

At this moment, a thin-skinned Ziyi Wei frowned, and said, "Your Highness, are you using Cheng Feng's family as a bargaining chip to force Cheng Feng to return to the dynasty? Is it too urgent?

"If you do this, you will almost tear your face with Cheng Feng, and leave him with a feeling of anger and even hatred!"

"Lao Wang, not in a hurry."

However, Fang Wuwei shook his head and smiled: "The temple feels that the time is right!"

"Cheng Feng has been so popular lately that he has forgotten a bit, so he has to beat one or two."

"Otherwise, he will forget who is the true master in the Feathered Gods!"

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