Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1687: Miles mirror

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Chapter 167 Miles Mirror

"His Royal Highness, beating Cheng Feng is old and not opposed."

Wang worshiped frowning: "But this method ... is it too violent?"

"Brother Wang is more concerned."

At this time, another old man in purple clothing said, "Compared to others, His Royal Highness's method of beating Cheng Feng is very gentle. He should be thankful!"

"Lao Li, Cheng Feng is a hard-tempered person."

Wang worshipped: "His Highness used the other's family as chips, which may have the opposite effect!"

"Hard temper? Then temper his temper."

Li Feng worshiped Shen and said, "Before Cheng Feng won the confession of robbers after winning the fruits of heaven and earth."

"Well, this possibility must be eliminated."

Fang Wuwei spoke, categorically: "Lao Li, you will send a message to Tian Ming Si Tai Si Ming, ask him to go to Qianlong College."

"Take Cheng Feng's parents and elders to Yujing City, the sooner the better!"

"Observe." Li Fufang nodded.

As for the worship of the king, though I felt that it was a bit offensive to do so.

But others said lightly and could only sigh and watch the situation develop.

Just when Fang Wuwei made his decision.

The sixth ring of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, in the void interlayer.

Cheng Feng took a sheet of metal paper in his hand and looked at a line of text on the paper, a smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Shu responded and will try to protect my family."

Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "Without my permission, even if Her Majesty the Lord arrives in person, he will not be able to pick up people."

"Fang Wuwei wants to hold my family as a threat, there will be no chance!"

"Cheng Feng, don't relax too much."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If Fang Wuwei is clearly unable to access people, he may use a black trick."

"Yinzhao's defense can't be beaten. It's easy to hit."

"Yinzhao?" Cheng Feng's face was slightly heavy.

It is true that Qianlong Academy has great strength, but it may not be able to prevent such tricks as "stealing and deceiving."

If Fang Wuwei completely rips his face, and uses this method of inferiority, I am afraid that Cheng Feng's parents and elders can be 'connected' from Qianlong College.

"It seems I need to give Fang Wuwei some warning."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Let him know how painful it will be to calculate me."

"Under this condition, Fang Wuwei can only be afraid of doing things, and he dares not to act arrogantly!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng put away the metal paper.

Gaze turned, looking at the mysterious old monk lying on the ground.

"Don't pretend, get me up!" Cheng Feng chilled.

However, the Xuanxu old monk did not move at all, and seemed to be in a syncope.

"Since you like to play dead, then I will help you and make you a real dead person."

Cheng Feng said coldly, a mighty dragon was surging on his hands.

Once it falls on the old monk Xuanzang, he will surely send him back to the West!

"Don't do it, Mr. Chen, don't do it."

However, without waiting for Cheng Feng to start, the mysterious old monk in a state of fainting stunned from the ground.

Just now I was obviously pretending to be dizzy, trying to avoid the punishment of the process peak.

"Xuan Xu, you should have heard Fang Wuwei just now?"

Cheng Feng glanced at the mysterious old monk: "He wants me to dispose of you at will, and how to get rid of anger, even if there are thousands of broken bodies."

"Do you think I should break you into pieces? Or a thousand swords?"

"Don't listen to Fangweiwei's jumbled words."

The mysterious old monk revealed a look of anger and anguish, cursing: "The monk was born and died for Fang's family. When he came to this Buddhist country in Ximo, it was decades before he could hide in the day and night.

"Unexpectedly, in the end, it was treated like a pig and dog, which is so **** chilling!"

"Oh, you will chill, too?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "I thought you would be loyal to the other's family, and stretch your neck to let me slaughter."

"How come? I'm not a fool."

The Xuan Xu old monk replied, and immediately changed his tone: "The old monk just heard your conversation with Fang Wuwei. It turns out that you are the peerless genius Cheng Feng, who pulls the feathered gods out of the mire of war . "

"However, the dog day's Fang Wuwei is not only grateful to you, but also wants to hold your family as a puppet, it's simply heartbroken."

"Let's say we are all fallen and we cannot kill each other."

"Let the adults remember the villain's passage, bypass the sin before the old monk!"

"You old bald donkey has a sharp mouth."

Cheng Feng looked to the old monk Xuanzang: "But the swear words are scattered, and there is no vitality of Buddhist monks."

"Hey, the old monk is not a monk."

The old monk Xuanxu laughed, "If it wasn't for the destiny of the destiny, I would have come to Ximo Buddhist country to be an undercover agent. I would have already descended."

"A monk who wants to marry a wife and have children?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "It seems your old thing is not a good bird, just kill it."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, don't!"

Xuanxu monk faceless and skinless, begging for mercy: "We have common enemies, we can't kill each other!"

"And I've been lurking in the West Desert for decades, and I know the situation here clearly. I can saddle my horse for your son.

"It's not impossible for me to spare you."

Cheng Feng groaned a little: "But you better keep your mouth shut, don't reveal my identity."

"Otherwise, you will not escape if you go to heaven."

"You can rest assured, I will definitely keep my mouth shut, old monk."

The mysterious old monk promised again and again, vowing a curse, a bold and faithful look.

"Okay, I don't have time to hear you talking."

Cheng Feng waved his hand and instructed: "Give me a few bronze mirrors that you have contacted with Fang Wuwei, and then roll away."

The bronze mirror that Xuanxu monk had contacted with Fang Wuwei, Cheng Feng was emotional at that time, and he turned it into a fan powder.

Cheng Feng asked for a few, then he could stabilize the caller and lock the position of the other party.

After switching to the evil Buddhist scriptures, he rushed directly to let Fang Wuwei taste his methods!

"My son, the bronze mirror you said is called Wanli mirror."

The old monk Xuanxu said: "This situation is a messenger baby made by the Emperor God of Heaven and Earth, and can talk within 100,000 miles."

"There are only two in the old monk's hand. This is the last one. Please keep it."

During the conversation, the mysterious old monk Buddhism rushed.

A bronze mirror suddenly appeared, Cheng Feng took it in his hand, and after he figured out the key to the call, he put it in his soul.

"Xuan Xu, be careful when you speak."

Cheng Feng closed the mirage mirror and told Xuanxu the old monk.

Huh! Grabbed the opponent and flew out of the void mezzanine.

"Brother Cheng, things are resolved?"

Outside of the void, Jian Qi and withered bamboo saw Cheng Feng appear, and they all approached.

"Well, it's resolved."

Cheng Feng has calmed down his emotions at this moment, and said lightly: "Let's rush to the weak area of ​​the fifth ring of Buddha and enter the fifth ring of the Buddha."

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