Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1728: Beasts come out

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Chapter 1728 The Beasts Come Out

"Well, this matter cannot be rushed."

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "After I go to the Buddha World, I want to eradicate it."

"Not to mention that crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures is not without effect."

"At least it stopped the magical invasion of the Summoner Sword, and gave me a lot of time."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng no longer has to worry about the Summoning Sword.

Instead, bet on the sword, and continue to cross the evil Buddhist scriptures to clear the magic of the sword.

The devil's predecessor is a magic soldier, which is very magical.

Although the current sword body is re-condensed by devouring the essence of a large number of weapons, it is essentially different from the magic soldier.

However, the magical nature still came from the unknown demon world, intending to assimilate the demon sword, and re-form it into a magic soldier.

Cheng Feng washed the demon sword for several hours with the Buddhist scriptures, but he couldn't clear the magic of the sword.

As Cheng Feng crossed the evil Buddhist scriptures backwards, black fumes continued to seep from the blade body, and were illuminated by the Buddha's rhyme into flying ash!

time flies.

When Cheng Feng turned the Buddhist scriptures to half, the Buddhist rhyme from the Buddhist scriptures reached its peak.

At the same time, there were sounds of old monks chanting the scriptures, spreading with the rhyme of the Buddha.

Not only did the Devil Sword produce drastic changes, the blade trembled violently.

Even Cheng Feng himself exuded a black gas from his pores.

Obviously, under the superposition of Buddhist rhyme and chanting, the restraint to magical nature has risen to a higher level.

That is why the magical nature of Cheng Feng hidden deep in the body was squeezed out a little.

However, the Summoning Sword is very strange, it seems to feel the arrogance of Buddhist rhymes and recitations.

Even to the depths of Cheng Feng's body, he contracted again.

With this, Cheng Feng's black gas all over his pores stopped, and no more half of the black gas exuded.

"It's a pity."

Found this scene, Cheng Feng shook his head with regret.

Then he was suddenly shocked.

Because the Devil Sword was cleaned by the Buddha's rhyme and recitation, the blade was deformed sharply, and even curved like a bow.

In the end, it turned into a black lightning burst, trying to escape the void.

"Come back for me!" Cheng Feng whispered.

God walked out, and the whole person turned into a flash of lightning to catch up.

Waiting to catch up with the Devil Sword, reach out and grab the hilt of the Devil Sword, drag it stiffly, and pull it towards the evil Buddhist scriptures.

"Cheng Feng, let go of me, let go of me!"

The Devil Slayer struggled hard, but was unable to escape Cheng Feng's grasp.

So he begged: "I'm going to be burned to death by that **** Buddha rhyme and chanting, let go of me!"

"Slayer, I'm helping you."

However, Cheng Feng did not let go: "You can only become a single individual if you can endure the practice of crossing the evil Buddhist scriptures and completely remove the magic."

"Otherwise, once the magical return of the Devil Sword will swallow you up and make you completely disappear!"

The current Devil Sword Spirit is a new entity that gradually grows after absorbing the spirituality of the weapon.

However, although it is a new entity, it is entangled in magic.

If the magic is not removed, sooner or later it will be engulfed by the magic and become the former magic weapon spirit.

"Cheng Feng, I know you are good for me, but it is too painful!"

The Devil Slayer screamed, "I'm afraid I can't get through the moment when the magic is cleared, and I'll rush and die first!"

"No, you must be able to persist to the last minute."

Cheng Feng encouraged: "For new students, please believe in yourself, you can do it!"

"Okay, then I'll fight again."

After a moment of hesitation, the Devil Slayer cut his teeth and said, "It's a big deal, the soul is flying away, it's better than being stubborn!"

After all, the Devil Slayer gave up the struggle.

Let Cheng Feng take it to the end of the Buddhist scriptures, surrounded by thick Buddhist rhymes and recitations, and the blade squeaked loudly.

This lasted for half an hour.

Roar! !!

A sharp roar suddenly came out of the Devil Slayer.

Immediately afterwards, a thick black mist was pulled out of the Devil Sword by the Buddhist rhyme and recitation.

This thick black mist is very dark, giving an indescribable malice.

As if it is synonymous with ‘evil’, it ’s creepy and cold.

Cheng Feng is no exception. When he saw the thick black mist, he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

"What the **** is that?" Cheng Feng trembled with emotion.

"Cheng Feng, that's the deepest magical power hidden in the sword."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "As long as this group of magic is cleared, the Devil Sword will be cut off from the devil and completely used by you."

"The deepest magical power hidden in the slayer?"

Cheng Feng was shocked: "Uncle Nalan, how can I clear it?"

"Without your hands, the Buddhist scriptures will be cleared."

Nalan's long-lived voice has just come off, and it's so loud ~~~

Cross the evil Buddhist scriptures without wind automatically, page by page scrolling backward.

With the change of the Buddhist scriptures, a large number of Buddhist rhymes rushed out of the scriptures like boiling water and washed away to the thick black mist.

At the same time, the sound of the monk chanting suddenly became extremely high.

In the end, it sounded like a thunder, and it hit the thick black mist.

Let the thick black mist tremble violently, evaporate and become smaller, and scream one by one.

This lasted for more than a minute, hey ~~~

The thick black mist finally couldn't bear the double cultivation of the rhyme of the Buddha and the chanting of the sutras, and it burst into a whistle of black gas.

The black gas was illuminated by the rhyme of the Buddha, and instantly evaporated and disappeared.

In just ten seconds, all the black gas disappeared.

The magical power hidden in the deepest part of the Devil Sword was completely removed!

"Haha, the magic in me is cleared."

As the viscous black mist disappeared, the laughter of Devil Slayer Qiling sounded: "This feeling is really special."

The sound of the Devil Slayer is full of a sense of ease and relaxation.

As if a large mountain pressed on his body was removed, a cold cold blast spewed out like magma.

Moreover, not only the spirit of the Devil Slayer, but the blade of the Devil Sword also changed dramatically.

The whole knife actually shrunk a bit, from a length of more than two meters before, to one meter and ninety-eight, almost equal to Cheng Feng's height.

At the same time, the color of the blade has also faded a lot from the darkness.

Although it is still black, it is black and green, and it seems to be more powerful.

As for the pattern on the knife body, it is three-dimensional.

If carved with a sharp knife, it feels like a giant dormant.

It seems that the Devil Sword is a giant beast, a sleeping black and black beast.

Once the monster wakes up, the world will change color!

"Nice, really good!"

Cheng Feng grasped the Devil Sword in his hand and felt the most profoundly. He clearly felt the change of the Devil Sword.

Like the beast removed the shackles, struggling violently in Cheng Feng's hands.

Even with Cheng Feng's arrogant strength, he was still unable to grasp it, which was a bit amazing!

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