Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1729: Forged

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Chapter 1727 Forging the Prestige

"You want freedom, then I will give you freedom!"

The Devil Slayer struggled violently. After Cheng Feng saw it, he simply released his hand.

Huh! The Devil Sword is very excited.

As soon as Cheng Feng let go, it turned into a black-and-black lightning, sinking into the depths of the sky.

Cheng Feng is located in the void interlayer, and the sky is not high.

It didn't take long for the Devil Sword to fly out before reaching the top, stabbing ~~~

Take a turn and fall from the sky like a meteor.

Because the turn was too sharp, the blade of the knife gently brushed over the top of the void, and directly cut a dozen-mile-long mouth.

And when it reaches the ground and pulls up, it stabs ~~~

Dao Jin made another cut in the ground.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

When the Devil Sword flies dozens of circles in the void sandwich.

The entire void sandwich was suddenly cut by the blade.

Wait until all the breaches are in a line, wow ~~~

The void sandwich collapsed and was destroyed by the slayer.

"Cheng Feng, I'm really sorry, I ruined one of your treasures."

After the void sandwich collapsed, the Devil Sword calmed down from excitement.

Fly back to Cheng Feng, embarrassed and said, "I was too excited just now, I'm really sorry!"

"It's okay, it's just a void, it's ruined!"

Cheng Feng waved his hand, signaled nothing: "It's you, the power has improved a lot."

"That is."

The Devil Sword proudly said, "I haven't removed my magical power before, and my power can only be used up to half."

"The magic is now cleared, at least twice as much as before!"

"Furthermore, I am now in charge of the Devil Sword, so I no longer have to be afraid that the level will rise too quickly, causing the situation of the Lord Eater."

"As long as you take out the treasured semi-secrets and let me devour them, it will definitely allow me to be promoted to the level of semi-secrets."

"By that time, the real sacred artifact can also be regrettable!"

"Slayer, your demon is cleared, and you can increase your level by devouring the essence of other weapons?"

Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised. He originally thought that the ability of the Devil Sword to devour weapons to increase the level was related to magic.

It seems that this is not the case.

"Cheng Feng, my devouring function is a gifted instinct and has nothing to do with magic."

Demon Slayer Spirit Road: "Instead, my magical ability has hindered my talent. Now that my magical ability is eliminated, my devouring power has skyrocketed."

"Even if it is a real holy weapon, I can swallow it."

"You have a big appetite!"

Cheng Feng glanced at the Devil Sword: "Okay, I'll take out the treasured half-holy artifacts for you to devour."

"Hope you won't let me down in the end!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng stunned, and took out the judge of the heaven judge, the heavenly sword of the skybreaker, and several other unavailable weapons.

Without any hesitation, one was thrown to the Slayer.

Om ~~~

Seeing the weapon thrown by Cheng Feng, the Devil Sword immediately became excited.

The turquoise blade exuded a black awn, wrapping those weapons.

After three or five minutes, the black mang retracted into the sword.

To make the Devil Sword stronger, the edge was exposed, and even produced a majestic.

This majestic force is sharp and sharp, with a taste that can cut through the sky.

This is truly a kind of Shengwei!

It is the special coercion that occurs when a weapon is upgraded to a semi-holy artifact or even a holy artifact.

The presence of the sacred power on the Devil Sword indicates that it will be upgraded to a semi-holy artifact.

Once the promotion is successful, I am afraid that it is just a knife, and it will be able to rival a peerless powerhouse.

"Are you finally going to advance?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help getting excited: "I'm really looking forward to what kind of changes will happen after the devil's promotion to a semi-holy artifact!"

However, at the time of Cheng Feng's excitement.

Wow ~~~

The sacred power on the Devil Sword suddenly weakened.

"What happened?" Cheng Feng was startled.

"Cheng Feng, the essence of the weapon is not enough."

The sound of the Devil Slayer's voice sounded anxiously, "Hurry up, give me a few more semi-holy artifacts and let me step into the semi-holy artifact level!"

"Give you a few more holy artifacts?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched slightly.

You know, there are more than one half-holy artifact devoured by the Devil Sword.

Just now they have devoured many top weapons, but they have not been able to advance them to the semi-holy level.

This made Cheng Feng want to scold his mother, biting her teeth and said, "Slash the demon, all the weapons on me have entered your mouth."

"You can't just throw the armor of war on you and swallow it?"

"God of War is your important baby, I dare not swallow it."

Demon Slayer Spirit Road: "But in addition to the armor of war, you still have a semi-holy artifact in your hand."

"Give me that holy grail, and I will definitely push me to the level of the holy grail."

"The last sacred artifact in my hand?"

Cheng Feng frowned, then twitched his cheeks: "Slash the devil, do you mean infinitely?"

"No, I have a lot of use for this thing, I can't devour it for you."

The Promise Ruler is a portable weapon of the immortal King of the Blood Gods.

Although it is a fake artifact, it is very powerful.

With this ruler, Cheng Feng can stretch and compress the void at will, which is an escape weapon.

"Cheng Feng, that ruler is just a counterfeit. What do you keep it for?"

The Devil Slayer said: "It's better to let me swallow it. In the future, it will help you win the real infinity rule."

"Not to mention, I'm just one step closer to being promoted to semi-holy."

"You can't just stare at me for a while, you fell short in the last moment?"

The sword-slayer knife Ling Ling usually does not have much to say, but he did not expect to open his mouth, but his tongue was like a spring.

Cheng Feng heard the other party's words, but he was speechless.

"Okay, I'll be out today."

After a moment of groaning, Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and finally decided to complete the sword.

As for saving his life with the infinite ruler, he can also use the shadow method to save thousands of miles.

As long as the timing is accurate, it is even better than the infinite pole effect.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng rushed and took the endless ruler out of the soul ring.

Then one was thrown to the Devil Sword.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Seeing this, the sword-slayer sword spirit shone with two eyes and shouted, "Cheng Feng, you really mean it!"

"After I'm promoted to semi-holy artifact, I will help you to conquer the world and level all enemies!"

As the words ended, the Devil Sword sent out a large stream of blue-black gas, enclosing the endless ruler.

After about four or five minutes, it's awkward ~~~

The bluish black gas was withdrawn, and the weakened sacred power on the Slayer's Sword immediately rose.

The blink of an eye not only returned to its peak, but went even further.

Let Shengwei quickly consolidate, transforming it into an indestructible sacred majesty, imprinted on the sword.

Suddenly, the power of the Devil Sword soared.

It is like a saint in a weapon, giving a taste of being able to chop everything in the world.

God stops killing God, Buddha blocks killing Buddha!

"Ha ha, it's done, I finally got promoted to a semi-holy artifact!"

As Shengwei condensed, the Devil Slayer Lingha laughed wildly.

Then the blade edged down and stabbed ~~~

A long, narrow knife mark appeared instantly in the sky.

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