Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1731: Dog training

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Chapter 173st Dog Training

"Li Zhuoyan, you are a junk!"

Fang Wuwei stood in front of the four-claw dragon chair, and the purple-clad old man kneeling on one knee in front of his fingers, scolded, "You actually made your own claim and leaked the news of Cheng Feng's presence in the West Desert Buddha.

"Who gave you this courage? What is your intention?"

Li Zhuoyan, an old man in purple with one knee on his knees, is large and imposing.

But at this moment, his face was extremely ugly, and Fang Wuwei was reprimanded and scolded, and he did not dare to say anything.

After Fang Wuwei's reprimand came to an end, he justified: "His Royal Highness, the old slave did all this for you."

"For me? In order to pull me out of the Prince?"

"His Royal Highness, how could it be."

Li Zhuoyan explained: "The reason I originally leaked Cheng Feng's whereabouts was to attempt to attack with poison."

"That Cheng Feng is now climate, and you haven't even looked at you."

"Even if you wanted to invite Cheng Feng's elders to live in Yujing City, he was severely rejected by Cheng Fengtuo's relationship."

"So I leaked Cheng Feng's news through an old friend, and with the help of everyone, forced Cheng Feng to return to God's direction."

"Borrowing someone else's hand, forcing Feng Feng back?"

After listening to this speech, Fang Wuwei's anger was calmed down: "But have you ever thought about it, you will make Cheng Feng into a huge crisis by doing this?"

"In the event of an accident midway, how does this temple explain to the Father?"

"His Highness, these old slaves have been evaluated."

Li Zhuoyan said: "After the news leaks, Cheng Feng will indeed be in danger, but with Cheng Feng's strength to kill several peerless powerhouses, he is fully capable of escaping from the West Desert Buddha country to our feathered gods."

"At most, it will only hurt, and the impact will be negligible."

"Li Zhuoyan, this is just your family."

Fang Wuwei was furious: "If you let the Emperor know the news, not only will you kill Ling Ling, but you will also hit your nine families!"

"In addition, Cheng Feng has guessed that you betrayed him."

"Not long ago, I spoke well to the temple, and even sprinkled fire on the temple."

"It won't take long for you to come here to‘ promise your teacher ’!”

"You say, how do I respond?"

"What? Cheng Feng already knows the news?"

Upon hearing this, Li Zhuoyan was shocked: "It's impossible, my old friend's mouth is very strict, and he also vowed."

"How did Cheng Feng know the news? Is it ... Cheng Feng captured my friend alive?"

Thinking of this, Li Zhuoyan was sweating wildly: "His Royal Highness, all the slaves have done are for you, please keep the slaves."

"You did such a stupid thing, how do you want this temple to protect you?"

Fang Wuwei retorted, "Will it be necessary for me to tear my face with Cheng Feng?"

"His Royal Highness, you have torn your face with Cheng Feng."

Li Zhuoyan said: "When you used Cheng Feng's parents and elders to make chips and threatened the other party to return to the divine dynasty, I remembered you for convenience.

"Although Cheng Feng didn't say anything on his mouth, the old slave saw it and even killed you."

"This kind of hard bones requires more beatings."

"Otherwise, it is impossible to tell who is the master and who is the slave!"

After listening to Li Zhuoyan's remarks, Fang Wuwei was silent, his eyes flashed.

At this moment, a faint wave of power came from outside the gold house.

The next moment, a breeze blew from the door of the golden house.

Xun Ye turned into a young man dressed in black, which was Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng? Did you come here so soon?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Cheng Feng, Fang Wuwei was astonished with Li Zhuoyan.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng returned to the fifteenth ring of the Buddha country easily under the pursuit of the peerless strong men.

And also quietly entered his palace, showing the strength of horror!

"A few are here."

Cheng Feng did not answer Fang Wuwei's inquiry, and his gaze swept across the golden palace.

After seeing Fang Wuwei and Li Zhuoyan, he smiled slightly and said, "So good, you can face the face!"

"Cheng Feng, what is your attitude?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's careless appearance, then Li Zhuoyan woke up from shock, his face sulking and sulking: "Your Highness asked you, but turned a blind eye? Is this the way of court?"

"Li Zhuoyan Li worships, are you teaching me?"

Hearing Li Zhuoyan's words, the smile on Cheng Feng's face dissipated.

A pair of eyes stared at him, asking coldly.

"Old man, this is not a lesson, just a reminder."

Li Zhuoyan was tit-for-tat: "You need to know that you have to put yourself in the right place."

"A courtier, you have to be a courtier ..."

"Hehe ~~~"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng sneered: "Li Zhuoyan, it seems you really take yourself as a spring onion, and you want to teach me how to be a minister?"

"I tell you, the way to be a minister is not to whisper, not to go all out, or to flatter the monarch like a dog!"

"You like being a dog, it's up to you."

"But I will never treat anyone as a dog, nor will His Majesty the Emperor!"

Cheng Feng's words were a bit embarrassing. It was the sharp counterattack of the opponent's inaction several times.

Tell the other party clearly that you should never treat him as a grandma.

Otherwise, the consequences are serious!

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, Fang Wuwei's complexion immediately gloomed.

Originally, he planned to meet Cheng Feng with a smile. At this time, the smile on his face quickly converged, and a anger was rising.

Not far away, then Li Zhuoyan saw the scene and immediately took a step forward and shouted, "Cheng Feng, you are too arrogant! How dare you even be rude to His Majesty?"

"I thought that with some small achievements, the world is invincible?"

"I'm far from the word" Invincible "."

Cheng Feng said coldly: "But against you, it is as easy as playing."

"Come over and kneel!"

"Since you like being a dog, do the promising job of" dog "to the end!"

The words fall, hum ~~~

Cheng Feng's enthusiasm spreads throughout his body, turning it into ten unmatched strengths, banging against Li Zhuoyan.

"Cheng Feng, you are so brave, how dare you do it in the presence of His Royal Highness?"

Li Zhuoyan is a sixth-ranked master who is ascendant to the sky and has a quick response.

When Cheng Feng's dragon power was triggered, six-star divine power sprang up all over him, intending to counteract Cheng Feng's dragon power crushing.

However, although Cheng Feng's repair is low, the strength of the dragon force is scary.

When pressed on Li Zhuoyan's six-star divine power, he actually deformed the six-star divine power.

Immediately after clicking, a cracking sound sounded.

噗通 ~~~

The next moment, tyrannical force crushed Li Zhuoyan's six-star power.

When he fell on Li Zhuoyan's body, he actually made Li Zhuoyan's legs soft, and kneeled in front of Cheng Feng in an extremely humiliating manner.


Kneeling on his knees, Li Zhuoyan was not inexperienced.

But it was the first time he had been so reluctant and overwhelmed by force.

It was too humiliating, too embarrassing, and turned Li Zhuoyan's face into a pig's liver color instantly.

With a roar of hysteria, he stood up from the ground.

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