Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1732: Hit the prince's face

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Chapter 1723 Fighting the Prince's Face

Li Zhuoyan was furious in his heart, and his body was full of divine power. He was about to stand up from the ground.

Although Cheng Feng's strength is strong, after all, he has only broken the peak of the realm, and the pure power cannot be suppressed at all.

However, just before Li Zhuoyan's bent knee was about to straighten.

噌 ~~~

A spatula of light shone.

The next moment, a black blade emerged out of thin air, crossing Li Zhuoyan's head.

Once Li Zhuoyan continues to stand up, his head will inevitably hit the blade.

"This knife is terrifying!"

With the appearance of the blue and black blade, Li Zhuoyan's body tens of thousands of pores suddenly tightened.

An unprecedented thick breath of death rushed forward like a raging wave.

Let him know deeply that if the turquoise blade on his head cuts himself, there is no doubt that there is no chance of being spared.

So he didn't dare to neglect the slightest, and he stood still.

"Li Zhuoyan, what is your posture? Standing without standing, kneeling without kneeling, what is the system?"

Seeing Li Zhuoyan's half-squat look, Cheng Feng said coldly: "Let me help you and continue to kneel!"

The words fall, hum ~~~

The turquoise and long black knife hanging from Li Zhuoyan's head moved suddenly and began to move downward.

As the blue and black sword moved, the horrible sharp edge approached Li Zhuoyan's head.

Frightened his face, he bent his knees involuntarily and knelt down on the ground again.

That way, there are as many wolves as there are wolves, and it is shameful to be home!


Kneeling on the ground with great humiliation, Li Zhuoyan's face instantly turned into a pig's liver color.

Can't wait to find a place to dig into it, hissing and shouting, "Cheng Feng, you little beast, my husband will kill you! Kill you!"

Li Zhuoyan lost his mind, and yelled at Cheng Feng.

"Screaming and yelling at me? It seems you are a hard bone!"

Cheng Feng sneered: "Before I heard you say, hard bones need to be beaten often, so as not to swell to the point that I can't recognize myself.

"I'll be good to the end today and help you beat one or two!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng raised his hand and condensed a dragon.

Huh! Pulled directly to Li Zhuoyan's cheek.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you!"

Seeing this, Li Zhuoyan's face was all green, and in his yell, he tried his best to dodge.

However, a knife dangled from his head, and the power of the knife was infinite, making him afraid to dodge.

Cheng Feng slammed too fast.

Therefore, Li Zhuoyan desperately dodged, and finally watched a dragon power palm, constantly zooming in his vision.

Then, slap ~~~

A crisp thump sounded.

Immediately, a red five-fingerprint appeared on Li Zhuoyan's cheek, and it swelled up!


At this moment, Li Zhuo's words were almost mad.

With a hysterical roar, he shouted with red eyes: "You **** little beast, how dare you hit the old man's face!"

"Oh, your face is not a tiger's ass, why don't I dare fight?"

Cheng Feng sneered, and immediately popped ~~~

Several slaps were drawn again, breaking Li Zhuoyan's mouth, loosening his teeth, and squirting blood out of his mouth.

That look, not to mention how embarrassed!

"Cheng Feng, that's enough!"

Just as Cheng Feng beat Li Zhuoyan's face fiercely, a sound of deep anger sounded.

The voice came from Fang Wuwei's mouth. He stood in front of the four-claw dragon chair, and his face was somber that he could almost screw out water.

Obviously beaten by Cheng Feng's face, he was extremely angry.

Because Li Zhuoyan said nothing, he was also a helpless person, but when Cheng Feng came up, he severely beat him, making him very shameless.

"Li Zhuoyan, being a dog is also a science, you better learn it."

"Don't bite the person who shouldn't bite, otherwise you will break your teeth!"

Fang Wuwei's voice came, but Cheng Feng didn't rush to stop.

He first loudly reprimanded Li Zhuoyan for a few words, then threw away a few slaps, and flew Li Zhuoyan out before stopping to look at Fang Wuwei.

"His Royal Highness, it's been a long time!"

Cheng Feng gave a slight glance at Fang Wuwei's tepid way.

"Cheng Feng, you are too much!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's appearance, the anger in Fang Wuwei's heart could no longer be suppressed, and he said coldly, "You first came to the Buddhist Kingdom of the West Desert silently, making this hall unable to explain to the father and the emperor."

"Second, in front of the main hall, hitting the subordinates of the main hall, do you still have nothing to do in your eyes? Is there still my feathered god? Is there His Majesty the Father?"

Fang Wuwei was so angry that he moved the Emperor Yudi out.

However, Cheng Feng's performance was as flat as water.

"His Royal Highness, first of all, I am Feng Feng, a free man. I go wherever I want, and I have no obligation to report to you."

Cheng Feng responded coldly: "Second, you first asked my parents and family to beat me, and then you instructed Li Zhuoyan to disclose my whereabouts, and almost made me die in the hands of several peerless powerhouses."

"Excuse me, how do you want me to put you in my eyes?"

"Cheng Feng, you are my father's choice to pick the fruits of heaven and earth."

Fang Wuwei resisted the fire and said, "Your best choice is to stay in my feathered gods honestly."

"The reason why this temple invited your parents and family to live in Jade City is to force you to go back. There is nothing malicious."

"The leak of your whereabouts has nothing to do with this temple."

"Oh, your ability to shirk responsibility is quite strong."

Cheng Feng sneered: "But ... no matter, since things have already been said, I am too lazy to talk to you."

"Today I simply took this opportunity to make some words clear."

Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "First of all, my Cheng Feng is not a slave to your family. You have no choice but to decide on my stay."

"If I meet again in the future, someone will make a fuss with my family. I don't care if he is a prince today, it will cost him a painful price!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng was transcendent.

With one stroke, the slashing magic knife hanging on Li Zhuoyan's head issued a squeak, which coincided with Cheng Feng's murderous body.

Om ~~~

Like Juyue Hongding, Fang Wuwei, who was originally prepared to scold Cheng Feng, changed his face greatly.

The words in his mouth stiffened, his face flushed.

But Cheng Feng turned a blind eye and continued: "I just said something that threatened my family, now I talk about my situation."

"I Cheng Feng is not afraid of death, and passed by countless times."

"But that doesn't mean that I don't care about life and death, but I take it seriously!"

"So if someone wants my life, I will let him take it out first."

At this point, Cheng Feng's eyes turned away from Fang Wuwei's face, and he looked at Li Zhuoyan.

"According to the information, it is Li Zhuoyan who has leaked my whereabouts before."

In the eyes of Cheng Feng, the killing idea rose: "So, Li Zhuoyan must pay the price, he must --- die!"

The words fell, Cheng Feng raised his hand, and then severely split.

And with his movement, the slashing magic knife suspended on Li Zhuoyan's head immediately followed the blasting down!

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