Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1733: Do nothing

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Chapter 1733 Overwhelming Fang Wuwei

"Cheng Feng, stop this temple!"

Seeing Cheng Feng was going to forcefully kill Li Zhuoyan, Fang Wuwei's cheeks twitched and his face was angry.

"Cheng Feng, don't be impulsive."

At the same time, the worship of the king, who was outside the palace of gold, also loudly discouraged.

And the divine power evoked, condensing a divine shield, blocking the slash of the demon sword.

As for Li Zhuoyan, he was frightened.

With the sword cut off, the breath of death through the human bone marrow rushed forward, and quickly urged all the six star power in the body.

In front of himself, a wall of divine power condensed.

At the same time, he also took out a small golden shield, infused a little divine power into it, and turned it into a golden dragon scale to stand in front of him.

He also took out a blue long sword, Jian Guang Sen Han, and stabbed the sword.

However, after being upgraded to a half-holy artifact, the power of the sword has increased by more than a star.

When it was severely chopped down, it hit Li Zhuoyan's sword light.

Wow ~~~

The sword's light was like a candlelight, chopped instantly.

Then the blade edged like a bamboo, cut off the blue long sword, and split it on the shield formed by the dedication of the king.

Huh! The shield formed by the six-star divine power collapsed immediately.

Next is the magic wall formed by Li Zhuoyan's divine power, which was also unsurprisingly chopped by the magic sword.

It was only when the golden shield was cut by the Devil Sword that only a small amount of resistance was encountered.

However, it is only a little resistance, and it is impossible to stop the cutting of the magic sword.

In less than half a second, 嘭 ~~~

The golden shield shattered, and Li Zhuoyan was immediately exposed to the blade of the Demon Slayer.

"Your Highness save me, save me!"

This time, Li Zhuoyan went straight to death.

The whole person was suppressed by the divine power issued by the Devil Sword, and he couldn't move at all.

Except for hissing for help, all he could do was watch the slashing sword slash at him.

"Cheng Feng, this temple wants you to stop, have you heard?"

At this point, Fang Wuwei took a deep breath and exploded again.

And his hands pressed down vigorously, banging ~~~

The dome of the Golden Palace suddenly fell down, like the teeth of a dragon, and several golden spikes pierced Cheng Feng.

Force Cheng Feng to stop beheading Li Zhuoyan!

However, Cheng Feng did not seem to see the slashing potential of the Demon Sword.

Stabbing ~~~

Wait until the blade flashed through Li Zhuoyan.

One of the top six powerhouses who climbed to the sky was killed under the sword.

Even a ray of divine thought could not escape, the soul flew away on the spot!

"Cheng Feng actually ... really chopped Lao Li?"

At the gate of the Golden Palace, Wang Zong worshiped Li Zhuoyan, who was looking at the blood splattering on the spot.

It never occurred to him that Cheng Feng really dared to kill Li Zhuoyan and gave Fang Wuwei nothing at all.

This power is scary.

This also shows from the side that Fang Wuwei really angered Cheng Feng.

However, Fang Wuwei did not have this awareness, and felt that Cheng Feng was too much. The following offenders should be severely punished.

The action of pressing down with both hands became more urgent and fierce, which caused the pressure of the golden palace dome to drop sharply.

Like a dragon chewing, Cheng Feng must be crushed.

However, Cheng Feng stood calmly in the center of the Golden Palace.

When the golden dome was about to rest on his head, he stretched out his two hands at will.

Grasp the two golden spikes with one hand and push upwards with a click, click ~~~

The downward pressure of the Golden Palace was actually held hostage by him.

No matter how Fang Wuwei urged his secrets, he could not let the golden dome fall.

Fang Wuwei's complexion turned red all the way, his fingers Cheng Feng, snoring with anger.

"Fang Wuwei, don't even think about doing it to me."

Cheng Feng gave a slight glance at Fang Wuwei, and his hands suddenly spurred the dome back to its original position.

Then he said, "Because you are too weak, you will only embarrass yourself!"

"Cheng Feng, what a Cheng Feng!"

The dome of the Golden Palace returned to its original position, and the force shocked Fang Wuwei.

After standing firmly, he clenched his hands tightly, and said in a cold voice, "It seems that you really want to rebel against the Lord and completely break away from my feathered gods!"

"Breaking a break with Yuhua Shenchao?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "Fang Wuwei, are you qualified to represent the feathered dynasty?"

"In my eyes, the feathered dynasty has only one master, and that is His Majesty."

"Only His Majesty the Emperor is qualified to represent the Feathered Dynasty and he is qualified to let me work for him."

"As for you, it's not worth it!"

"Cheng Feng, don't bully people too much!"

After listening to Cheng Feng's remarks, Fang Wuwei almost gasped his lungs.

The impeccable princely emperor of the gods, the blood-line inheritor of the power to create the realm, is so ignored, it is simply not true.

"Fang Wuwei, bullying too much, you are not qualified to say."

Cheng Feng said coldly: "As early as the moment you took my parents and family as a bargaining chip and threatened me, you have bullied me to the extreme."

"At this moment, I am just giving back the insults a little bit!"

"Cheng Feng, you are fine! This temple remembers you."

Fang Wuwei finally knew that he had violated Cheng Feng's inverse scale.

In Cheng Feng's mind, his family must not be threatened.

However, he went forcibly to touch, but he was asking for trouble.

"Wang Fangwei, you must not only remember me, but also remember something that you must not do."

Cheng Feng ruthlessly said: "Otherwise, even if you are a prince today, you cannot afford it!"

"In addition, you also remember that Cheng Feng did not forget the harvest of the fruits of heaven and earth for His Majesty the Emperor, let alone forget!"

"Once the fruit is ripe and the sky is opened, I will go to fight for it!"

"But before that, where should Cheng Feng go and what should I do, you better not ask."

"I Cheng Feng, not a slave to anyone!"

"Finally, don't talk about my family and friends anymore."

"If they make a slight mistake, don't blame me for doing something extreme."

"You can't afford the consequences, and His Majesty the Emperor will drop anger!"

Cheng Feng stopped talking and the scene was silent.

Wang worshipped his eyes narrowed and realized Cheng Feng's arrogance.

As for Fang Wuwei, his face was blue and red.

Have a heart attack, but know that Cheng Feng is right, what is wrong is himself.

And once Cheng Feng is rushed, let him reflect the feathered gods, the feathered gods will definitely be thundered.

The other side could not afford it at all.

Therefore, in Cheng Feng's reprimand, Fang Wuwei only remained silent, and could only remain silent.

When the silence lasted for more than a minute, Cheng Feng spoke again.

"His Royal Highness, I have already said what I should say."

Cheng Feng's tone was slightly milder: "How to decide, consider it for yourself!"

"Huh, this temple will leave for Jade City later."

Fang Wuwei exhaled a long breath, and said, "I will not ask you about your whereabouts."

Fang Wuwei compromised, and in the face of the tough Cheng Feng, chose to be soft.

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