Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1734: Analyze the situation

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Chapter 174: Analyzing the Situation

In fact, Fang Wuwei had to be subdued.

Although he is the crown prince of the feathered god, he is nothing compared with the current Cheng Feng.

The degree that the Emperor Feather needs Cheng Feng can be much higher than him.

If it continues to stiffen and startle the Emperor Yuhua, it will be him instead!

After all, the son can be reborn, but the chance of detachment may be only once in this life.

Don't miss it!

"His Royal Highness, I'm glad you have this realization."

Hearing Fang Wuwei's words, Cheng Feng nodded: "Now the strong power of the Western Desert Buddha Country gathers, and the undercurrent is turbulent. If you decide to leave, you should be as early as possible, so as not to be caught up in the storm.

"Finally, say hello to Fang Fenfei!"

"I'm afraid you can't take this greeting with you."

Fang Wuwei shook his head: "Because Queen Fen Fei has left the Earth Dome continent and has gone to the Feather Star Field."

"Feathered Star Field?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"The feathered star domain is an extraterritorial territory controlled by my father, including nearly a hundred planets, thousands of continents, and billions of people."

Fang Wuwei explained, "The real power of Feathering God is all in Feathering Star Field."

"The feathered dynasty on the earth dome is less than one ten thousandth of the feathered star domain."

"Oh, all right."

Cheng Feng was not at peace, and had a little understanding of the power of the Emperor Feather.

But his face was bland: "Fang Fen Fei went to the Feathered Star Field, and she could escape the coming storm!"

At this point, Cheng Feng and Fang Wuwei no longer have a common language.

Feel free to give the other a fist and turn away from the palace.

In an instant, the trace disappeared.

"Jack, **** junk!"

A long time after Cheng Feng left, Fang Wuwei's backlog of anger erupted: "Cheng Feng, this jerk, should be guilty of death, and destroy the family!

Fang Wuwei was so embarrassed and embarrassed that he was the crown prince, but Cheng Feng couldn't lift his head.

In the end, he even had to swallow his voice in exchange for Cheng Feng's understanding to make him look shameless.

This has never happened in the history of the Feathered God Dynasty, but it is the first case.

"His Royal Highness, anger."

Hearing Fang Wuwei's heartfelt remarks, the king's offering at the gate of the Golden Palace was frightened.

He glanced outside the palace and discouraged, "You can't say this indiscriminately."

"In case of being heard by Cheng Feng, I'm afraid it will be angry and thunderous, causing an uproar!"

"Cheng Feng ... he's gone!"

Fang Wuwei's face jumped, but the words in his mouth stopped.

"His Royal Highness, Cheng Feng's methods are very trivial.

The worship of the king's offerings was lingering: "For example, just now, Cheng Fengtang entered the palace, but I didn't notice it at all."

"If Cheng Feng didn't leave, hide and overhear ..."

"Don't scare yourself."

At this time, Fang Wuwei's anger had subsided and he regained control of the overall situation: "Cheng Feng did go. He had a dragon ring on him.

"The reason I didn't notice it before was because I was reprimanding Li Zhuoyan and didn't pay attention to the mother dragon ring!"

"Hoo, that's good."

The king worshipped and nodded: "But even so, your highness, what you just said, still have to be careful."


Fang Wuwei whispered coldly: "The main hall speaks and always speaks the same."

"I said that Cheng Feng would destroy the family and destroy it."

"But that will happen after Cheng Feng has completed his father's plan, and this temple will let Cheng Feng taste it, and dare to offend the painful consequences of this temple!"


Just when Fang Wuwei was killing his heart.

Cheng Feng has left the Golden Palace hundreds of miles to a sandy sea oasis.

"This time, it's a complete tear with Fang Wuwei!"

Xu Xu fell to a lake in the oasis, and Cheng Feng groaned: "After today, Fang Wuwei will definitely hate me and try his best to kill me!"

"But he would never dare to make it clear, at least until the end of the battle for the fruits of the world."

"So before that, my family and friends will not be in the slightest danger."

"Even if someone intends to murder, Fang Wuwei will try his best to stop him, lest I put the account on his head."

"Overall, this trip is worth it!"

Cheng Feng hit himself fiercely and set the final tone, that is, he should hit.

Because blindly giving up will only make some people feel that they are bullying.

Appropriate strength will actually have a good effect!

"Fang Wuwei is a smart man with big ambitions."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "Under the current circumstances, I dare not add more obstacles to me."

"Leaking the whereabouts is even less likely to happen again!"

"So I'll be in this oasis for a while."

"After the state of slaying monsters is completely solid, I will improve my strength again, and then set off for Ximo Buddha's domestic ring."

"Waiting for the opportunity to sneak into Qianfo Temple and unseal the head of God of War!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and swept across the oasis, and found that there was no danger.

Step out and enter the lake.

The lake was small and the water was clear. Cheng Feng quickly reached the bottom of the lake.

A magic shield was condensed into the lake.

Then, Cheng Feng sat cross-legged inside the Divine Shield and began to adjust his state.

Cheng Feng has not had any major consumption recently. The previous consumption of Zhanyan Fairy and others has already been added back.

So within the divine shield, Cheng Feng adjusted for a moment, and the whole person has returned to the peak.

"I'm afraid the news of my presence in the West Desert Buddha Country is well known."

Cheng Feng groaned: "At this moment, I don't know how many peerless powerhouses are searching for my traces, with the intention of attracting and strangling."

"At the same time, the Dharma pulpit of the West Desert Buddha Country will be held in about ten days."

"The ultimate goal is to empower a peerless spiritual boy and directly create a young peerless powerhouse."

"Lay a solid foundation for the fruits of the world."

"So if I don't take the lead, those peerless powerhouses who search for me will definitely set their sights on the West Desert Buddha."

"When the time is right, we will kill the Holy Land of Ximo Buddhism together and destroy the empowerment of the peerless spiritual boy."

"By then, the entire Ximo Buddha nation will be turbulent and turbulent."

"I acted at that time, and my chances of unlocking the head of the warlord were greatly increased."

"Before that, all I needed to do was work hard and cultivate!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

The reason that the masters of the major dynasties have spent great energy reaching out to the earth dome is only one purpose, that is, to compete for the fruits of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the masters of the major dynasties certainly do not want to happen to the initiation of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom for the peerless spiritual child.

As long as the Ximo Buddha nation begins to infuse the peerless spirit child, countless peerless strongmen will drill out and destroy from various places.

And when all the great peers were fighting the monks of the Ximo Buddhist kingdom, it was time for Cheng Feng to unseal the head of the war god.

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