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Chapter 177: The Vajra Demon Formation

"It's easy to unseal the head of the god."

The God of War remarked lightly: "You just need to dive into the main hall of the Thousand Buddhas Temple and lead away the eighteen old bald donkeys in the main hall."

"Then breaking down the Vajra Vajra array in the center of the main hall, the skull of the **** can escape from the trap."

"Enter the main hall of the Thousand Buddhas Temple, the holy place of Buddha's gate, and lead away eighteen Buddhist monks and break up a vajra buddha?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "God of War, none of the three things you said are simple?"

"It was not easy to put it before, but it is much simpler now."

The God of War stubbornly laughed and said, "As the West Mo Buddhism competes with the great gods against the peerless powers, it is bound to leave a lot of bald donkeys who guard the Qianfo Temple."

"In this case, you have to be a shadow killer of Dacheng Realm, just be careful."

"It is easy to sneak into the main hall of Qianfo Temple."

"Oh, what you said is light."

Cheng Feng sneered, and then said, "Yes, how about the eighteen old monks who guard the main hall of Qianfo Temple?"

"The eighteen old bald donkeys, repair is okay."

"What kind of realm is Xiuwei?"

Seeing the God of War's remnants veiled, Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "How many Luohan bodies have been formed?"

"Three cast into Qipin Luohan."

Under the challenge of Cheng Feng, the God of War left his thoughts: "As for the remaining fifteen, it is the top six Rohan!"

"..." Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

"God of War, don't play tricks with me."

After a long silence, Cheng Feng only said in a deep voice: "The reason why I ventured into the West Desert Buddha country is all for you."

"If you deliberately concealed the information and caused my misjudgment to fail to unseal your head, you will have to bear the consequences yourself."

"Cheng Feng, my **** knows how important things are and will not play tricks on his future."

"So best."

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "Next, tell me about the situation of the Vajra Vajra."

"King Kong's apocalypse battle is tricky."

The voice of the God of War is a bit dignified: "This array is a large array of kings, good at suppressing and blocking."

"Anyone who is suppressed by him will be gradually withdrawn from his strength, become weaker and weaker, and eventually become a dead bone."

"The skull of the **** was first suppressed by the celestial burial, and it took a huge price to break out, but it just happened to hit the Vajra."

"At that time, I was at the lowest point of my life, and I was trapped in the battlefield for a few tens of thousands of years."

"A battle of kings?"

Cheng Feng's brow froze: "Wang Pin's battle, at least can block two or three peerless powerhouses."

"Although my attack power is comparable to the peerless powerhouse, in a short period of time, I can't break that big array."

"Once the time has been delayed, the whole plan will probably fall short."

"Cheng Feng, don't worry about this."

The God of War left his thoughts: "Our God is not in vain in the Vassal Formation."

"Already acting secretly, most of the formations of Vajra's formation have been blocked or cut off."

"At that time, you only need to blast the eyes of the Vajrayana demon array, and my skull will be released from it."

"Oh? That's fine."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But if you really want to do it, you need to wait for it."

"Before that, I went to muddy water to touch the fish, got a catty of domain **** iron, and raised the armor of war **** to the strongest state."

"In the event of a failure, I will be able to protect myself."

"Cheng Feng, regarding the God of the Iron God, the God has already arranged for you."

The God of War said, "You can go to Leiyin Temple, the eleventh ring of the Buddha Kingdom, and Leiyin Temple is one of the hundred famous temples in Ximo Buddha country."

"At the top of its temple, there is at least a pound of Yujin."

"If nothing unexpected happens, you will gain something when you go to Leiyin Temple."

"Oh, I see!"

Leiyin Temple abbot Master Xuan Ku is an old descendant of the God of War who was planted in the Ximo Buddha country.

Cheng Feng, who had previously been able to borrow the treasures of the town temple of Leiyin Temple, was a result of the advance arrangement of the God of War.

Now God of War secretly instructed Master Xuan Ku to temporarily withdraw the power guarding the top of Leiyin Temple.

At that time, Cheng Feng quietly went forward, ‘taking away’ the **** of iron at the top of Leiyin Temple, it was easy.

During the conversation, Cheng Feng had already reached the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring.

I looked up and looked around, and found that the distribution of warriors everywhere seemed to be chaotic, but in fact, there was a kind of rules.

Many warriors with similar breaths came together to form small groups.

Through observation, Cheng Feng found that these small gangs gathered together were all god-oriented people.

For example, one of the small gangs, each with a strong Wuhun spirit, sword Wuhun sword strength, vertical height, sword Wuhun sword power rising, at a glance, we know that it is from the ethereal dynasty.

Because only the warriors of the misty dynasty are proficient in cultivating martial arts souls, and mainly use the power of martial arts souls.

In addition, Cheng Feng also saw several old acquaintances.

"Dong Xiong, the lord of the Sacred Fire, Li Renxiong, the head of the Li family in Lancang Prefecture ... and even Li Shiji!"

Cheng Feng raised a brow, and was quite surprised: "It seems that the Emperor Yuhua is paying special attention to the peerless spirit boy of Ximo Buddhism!"

"For the destruction, a lot of experts were sent over."

"One of them is more likely to have the seventh-best peerless power in the sky!"

The peerless spirit boy in the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, once the initiation is successful, can directly enter the seventh ascent to heaven.

At that time, it will be the biggest competitor of the gods and princes to pick the fruits of heaven and earth, and no one wants to make it successful.

"In the next West Desert Buddha country, there will be some battles."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But this is good news for me. The greater the storm in the West Desert Buddha country, the more I have the opportunity to touch the fish in the muddy water and unblock the head of the war god."

"But before that, I'd like to go to Leiyin Temple on the 11th Ring of Buddha."

"While returning the evil Buddhist scriptures, take away the **** of iron on the top of Leiyin Temple, which is used to attract Buddha's breath!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng didn't delay, pretending to walk around the crowd in a pretending manner, and then passed through the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring and entered the 14th Ring of the Buddha.

The fourteenth ring of the Buddha Kingdom also gathered a large number of martial arts, and an air of martial arts rushed into the clouds.

It looks like Xinghe upside down, quite spectacular!

However, Cheng Feng didn't pay much attention, merged into the crowd, mixed in a weak area of ​​the Buddha ring, and entered the next Buddha ring area.

About half an hour later, Cheng Feng successfully reached the eleventh ring of the Buddha.

The situation of the eleventh ring of the Buddhist kingdom is different from the previous ones. The number of warriors gathered in this ring is even greater.

In particular, the peerless powerhouse has fully reached the scary twenty-one.

As soon as Cheng Feng entered the eleventh ring of the Buddha Kingdom, he clearly saw the twenty-one strands of martial arts spirit that seemed to be the pillar of the sky.

It can be said that Qi Xia Yunxia is daunting!

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