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Chapter 178: The Devil

"Twenty-one peerless strong men? The gods and emperors are really great!"

Seeing the twenty-one martial arts spirits that plunged into the sky, Cheng Feng was also moved: "This is to use absolute force to force the West Desert Buddha country to give up initiating the peerless spiritual child, thereby killing a strong competitor. "

"But, will the Lord Buddha of the West Desert agree?"

"of course not!"

The voice of God of War suddenly sounded: "The Lord of the West Desert Buddha often said that the four majors were all empty, seeing through the falsehood, but in fact he did not see through, only he was afraid of death!"

"In order to get a chance of detachment, it is already a little crazy, and it will definitely not be scared by the force of the major gods!"

"If the gods and emperors are persecuted too much, they will awaken the first monk in advance and kill a world upside down!"

"So hard?"

Cheng Feng was surprised: "This Ximo Buddha Lord is a cruel man."

"The old bald donkey of the Lord Ximo Buddha is not only cruel to others, but also cruel to himself."

The God of War replied: "It has done all kinds of crazy things to become a Buddha."

"Although the Lord of the West Desert, located on the continent at this moment, is not the deity, but also inherited the other person's fierce personality."

"This time, we will never give up without turning the world upside down."

"If that's the case, then I need to be more careful."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Don't go to the end, being stared at by this ruthless person will cause great trouble!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's shock had calmed down.

Raised his eyes and looked around slightly for one or two. When the position of Leiyin Temple was confirmed, he flew away quietly.

Soon, Leiyin Temple, standing on a continuous mountain peak, caught sight of Cheng Feng.

After seeing Cheng Feng, his brows couldn't help wrinkling.

Because around Leiyin Temple, it was actually in the shape of a character, each with a strong dragon-like martial arts spirit.

Obviously three peerless powerhouses, guarding around Leiyin Temple.

What is even more amazing is that above the Leiyin Temple, the dark clouds turned, the darkness was dark, and the sky was covered by the sun.

"That dark cloud ... something wrong!"

Looking at the rolling black cloud, Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "It gives people an extremely evil taste, like the evil spirit emanating from a demon head."

"Cheng Feng, you guessed it."

God of War replied, "The rolling black cloud is the evil spirit emanating from a demon head."

"What? Really evil spirits?"

Cheng Feng was shocked, he just said casually.

Unexpectedly, I guessed.

"When I went to Leiyin Temple to get Jiupin Gusheli, Master Xuanku once said that under the Leiyin Temple, a demon was suppressed, and it was necessary to cross the evil Buddhist scriptures to reduce it!

Cheng Feng whispered: "At the time I thought it was an excuse that Master Xuanku had freely found. Now it seems that it is not nonsense!"

At this point, Cheng Feng suddenly said: "By the way, these three peerless powerhouses stay around Leiyin Temple, shouldn't it be to help Master Xuanku to suppress the demons?"

"Help suppress the demons? You think too much."

The God of War remnant said: "The reason why the three seventh ascendants ascended the sky around Leiyin Temple has exactly the opposite purpose."

"It's to isolate the Buddha's breath from flowing into Leiyin Temple, so that the demon head suppressed in Leiyin Temple can get out of trouble faster!"

"What? They're so heartbroken?"

Cheng Feng was startled: "Why are these people doing this? Or are they?"

"In the face of great interests, many people will do 'inhuman' things!"

The God of War is accustomed to it, and said lightly: "After all, if the demon head suppressed under the Leiyin Temple is out of trouble, it will attract a lot of the power of the West Desert Buddha country.

"This will help the major gods and emperors to pressure the Ximo Buddha Lord and have some help!"

"These **** things!"

Cheng Feng couldn't help scolding: "Don't they know how much harm the demons will cause once they get out of trouble?"

"At least it will kill millions of people!"

"In the eyes of the three ascended seventh martial artists, ordinary people are as cheap as grass, and they don't care."

The God of War replied: "And the **** also suggested that you wait and see, don't go to Leiyin Temple at this time."

"Releasing that little devil's head will be very beneficial to unseal the god's head!"

"No! At this moment, I should go to Leiyin Temple even more."

However, Cheng Feng shook his head flatly: "You must not let the repressed demon head out of the trap!"

"Cheng Feng, you are asking for trouble." God of War objected.

"Maybe, but I have to do it."

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "At least, I have to get through the level in my heart!"

Cheng Feng did not hesitate.

Run Shadow Kill to the extreme, 唰 ~~~

Leiyin Temple tossing to the black cloud flew quietly.

Around Leiyin Temple, squatting guard three peerless powerhouses.

These three peerless powerhouses have all achieved the seventh highest ascent to the sky.

Especially a gray-haired old man on the west side has reached the seventh intermediate level of ascending the sky.

When their martial arts breathe out and condense together, it is an invisible air wall impervious to air.

Any object approaching will be forcefully ejected.

Even the Buddha's breath emanating from the Thousand-Buddha Temple, the sacred place of the West Desert Buddha Country, was no exception, and was excluded from entering Leiyin Temple.

However, after Cheng Feng arrived, he did not stop.

"The wall of gas formed by the three peerless powerhouses?"

Cheng Feng whispered in his mouth: "I'll try it. Is your gas wall solid, or is my sword sharper?"

After speaking, Cheng Feng quietly took out the Devil Sword in the Soul Ring.

Wait for a moment to push forward, oh ~~~

The invisible gas wall was like a rotten wood, and a large hole was easily punched out by the Devil Sword.

Then Cheng Feng lifted his knife and stabbed it ~~~

The rupture of the gas wall instantly expanded by more than ten times.

The next moment, Cheng Feng's body flickered, and he had penetrated into the air wall along the crack.

"Well? Someone is here!"

"No, that person broke the wall of the three of us!"

"Master, here is a great master, who is no worse than us!"

At the moment when Cheng Feng slashed the invisible air wall, the three peerless powerhouses immediately noticed.

While shocked, a pair of eyes stared suddenly, searching back and forth in the place where the air wall broke.

Even the three breaths turned into billowing waves, sweeping along the inside and outside of the rupture.

However, nothing was gained.

Not only can't the eyes see half of the figure, even the breath sweeping.

It was as if the crack in the air wall was created out of thin air, causing the eyes of the three peerless powerhouses to shrink sharply.

"No one? No one?"

A peerless powerhouse was shocked: "No, there can be no one."

"It should be that the speed of that person is too fast, and the stealth method is extremely clever, so we have avoided our eyes."

"Mr. Lanto is also invited to perform a search with a broken eye, and he will be able to find the hidden master!"

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