Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1760: Seven-Colored Blade

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Chapter 17th Seven-Colored Blade

Before the four law-enforcement monks were killed by Lan Feixuan, they should pass the message out.

Cheng Feng sensed that at this time there were several strong breaths, and he was approaching here.

If it is blocked here, it will cause a lot of trouble.

"Nearly half of the power in the Ximo Buddhist country is held back by thirty-two peerless strong men."

However, Lan Feixuan was very courageous, saying, "The remaining monks and war monks are busy with the empowerment of the peerless spirit boy.

"As long as the Buddhas arrived, they did not make the Qipin Luohan."

"Come a girl and kill one. Come two and kill a pair!"

"You want to stubbornly refuse to stop with Ximo Buddhism."

Cheng Feng frowned: "But forgive me, leave!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng was about to leave.


Lan Feixuan stopped on the way of Cheng Feng: "This weak area of ​​the Buddha ring was cleared by this girl."

"You want to walk through, tell me your identity first, and the origin of the demon soldier in your hand."

"Magic soldier?" Cheng Feng raised an eyebrow and immediately realized.

He figured out why he was exposed.

It should be the breath emanating from the Devil Sword, captured by Lan Feixuan.

As a result, it is tracked and locked, and the specific position is locked.

"Hum, don't pretend to be me."

Lan Feixuan said: "There must be a magic soldier on your body. My seven-colored blade has already sensed it, and there is no possibility of error.

The seven-colored blade should be the magic soldier in the hands of Lan Feixuan.

There is a mutual induction between the magic soldier and the magic soldier.

Qi Ling, the sword-slayer before, also sensed the breath of the seven-colored blade, but Cheng Feng didn't care.

I thought it was a natural reaction after the Devil Sword encountered the weapon of the same level.

Now it seems that is not the case at all.

"Friend, do I have a magic soldier on hand, that is my personal matter, and I have no comment."

After clarifying the situation, Cheng Feng said coldly, "As for my identity, it is not necessary to tell you."

"The words I already said are very clear. If you continue to block, then we can only meet each other!"

The breath of the monks in the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom was approaching quickly, and Cheng Feng didn't have time to waste with Lan Feixuan.

Put a word coldly, and walked directly towards the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring.

If Lan Feixuan continues to block, Cheng Feng will take action.

However, in the face of Cheng Feng coming in stride, the blue concubine groaned slightly, but did not carry it hard.

One step ahead of Cheng Feng, turned to fly to the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring.

At the same time said: "No one has ever dared to speak to this girl in this tone."

"Those who speak well to this girl are all dead now!"

"Oh, right?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "It seems I'm grateful that I didn't die in your hands!"

"You really should be lucky."

Princess Lan Xuan said: "In my demon dynasty, no owner of the magic soldier can kill each other."

"And you happen to have a magic soldier."

"Dynasty ..."

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "I remember the royal family name of the blue magic god, isn't it that you are one of the royal magic tree?

"Ahem, don't you know my Lan Feixuan?"

After hearing Feng Feng's words, Lan Feixuan was very surprised.

As if Cheng Feng didn't know that her name was abnormal, she glanced at Cheng Feng with the look of Tu Yuan.

"Uh, should I know?"

Cheng Feng, inexplicable, asked, "The three characters Lan Fei Xuan are well-known?"

In fact, Lan Feixuan's three words are really well known.

Especially in the million deities, it is a color-changing existence.

Because Lan Fei Xuan is the only daughter of the Demon Emperor, and she grew up holding and caring in every possible way.

Its status is higher than that of the Crown Prince of the Wan Moshen Dynasty, even if Lan Feixuan is willing.

The devil emperor will definitely abolish the prince and let her be the next devil emperor.

Therefore, Lan Feixuan is in the million demon dynasty, which can be called more than 10,000 people.

Anyone who knows something about the Wan Mo Shen Dynasty generally knows Lan Feixuan.

But unfortunately, Cheng Feng didn't know much about Wan Mo Shen Chao.

So that Lan Feixuan was embarrassed at the scene!

"My Lanfei Xuan ... isn't that well known?"

Questioned in person, Lan Feixuan was her first experience.

In particular, this doubter was still serious, obviously not pretending, but really did not know what the three words Lan Feixuan meant.

This made Lan Feixuan hold her hands, her face was a little hot.

"Sorry, I really don't know."

Cheng Feng said lightly, "Would you like to introduce me?"

"Hum, you will know later."

In this case, how could Lan Feixuan introduce Cheng Feng? Where do you put your face?

After saying a sentence with a stiff voice, he flew into the fourth ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shrugged, also passed through the weak area of ​​the Buddha Ring, and entered the fourth ring area of ​​the Buddha.

And at this moment, buzzing ~~~

In the sky of the fourth ring of the Buddha, four or five strong breaths are rushing forward.

The first one has a taste of breaking down all demons and suppressing everything.

Enough to stand up to the peerless powerhouse!

When Lan Feixuan sensed this breath, she immediately hid her breath.

In particular, the breath of the magic soldier was concealed by a special means and disappeared directly.

As for Cheng Feng, Shadow Kill was already running.

At this time, the spirits urged, and ordered the Devil Slayer to enter a dormant state.

Suddenly, the breath of the Devil Sword disappeared.

Directly let the witch Lan Feixuan lose track of Cheng Feng.

"Keep on your way to the third ring of Buddha."

After being completely invisible, Cheng Feng gave a slight glance at those rushing breaths.

There is no nonsense, and he walks towards a weak area in the third ring of Buddha.

"Since you have a magic soldier, you don't want to slip away from this girl."

Losing Cheng Feng's trace, Lan Feixuan was not hesitant: "No matter who you are, this girl must borrow the magic soldier."

"Rescue the five aunts who were suppressed at Huatai Temple, the second ring of the Ximo Buddha country!"

After speaking, Lan Feixuan took a little snake out of the soul ring.

The little snake was all green, with only red blood on its head.

After climbing a circle in Lan Feixuan's hands, the blood red on the top of the snake snake rushed to the north.

Seeing this, Lan Feixuan collected the little snake and flew to the north immediately.

Its orientation is exactly the same as Cheng Feng's departure direction.

"Well? I've let the Slayer's breath converge."

During the flight, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Why is this woman still behind me?"

Cheng Feng thought he had stolen the sword.

Lan Feixuan was able to get rid of things without tracking and positioning.

I never thought that the other party would keep up.

"Cheng Feng, the other party should have used some special means."

At this time, Nalan's longevity voice: "such as the possession of souls, or breath tracking, etc."

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