Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1761: Talking about cooperation

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Chapter 1761 Discussing Cooperation

"It should be breath-locked."

Cheng Feng frowned: "This woman just played tentatively with me, and she must have done something at that time."

"Some traceable substance on my body!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is not bad.

Lan Feixuan did something on his body just now.

Silently, a special medicine powder was sprinkled on his body.

This medicinal powder is colorless and tasteless, but can be traced by blood-crowned snakes.

Lan Feixuan took the bleeding crown snake to track and locate, and the effect was no less than the breath of tracking the cutting sword.

"Lan Fei Xuan, isn't she?"

Seeing Lan Feixuan catching up, Cheng Feng simply slowed down and asked, "What do you mean by following me all the time?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to talk to you and know each other."

Lan Feixuan was proficient in a superb martial arts skill, and soon reached Cheng Feng.

"Want to know me?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Sorry, I don't want to know you, and I'm not interested in you."

"You ..." Cheng Feng's words directly made Lan Feixuan's heart fire.

I think she is the No. 2 person in the world, she has no idea how many people are flattering and flattering, and she wants to have some relationship with her.

Now she lowered her body to talk to Cheng Feng, but Cheng Feng looked disgusted.

This is simply not the case, so mad!

"Blue girl, we are not all children. There must be something important to come to the Ximo Buddhist country."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "So, let's not delay each other's time, just do whatever you want!"

"You are Cheng Feng!"

A word from Cheng Feng silenced Lan Feixuan for a while.

Then suddenly he said, "You are the first day of the feathered dynasty that has spread to the outside world, Cheng Feng!"

Lan Fei Xuan spoke amazingly, making Cheng Feng confused.

He did not expect that Princess Lan Xuan would suddenly say a word and gain insight into his identity.

"You are indeed Cheng Feng!"

Seeing Cheng Feng not responding for a long time, Princess Lan Xuan giggled, and her voice was no longer hoarse and harsh.

Become extremely sweet and proud, and smiled: "I was a little uncertain just now, and now I am completely sure that you are the Cheng Feng no doubt!"

"Cheng Feng? What a joke!"

Cheng Feng responded quickly, saying calmly: "The so-called Cheng Feng has already fled the West Desert Buddha country because of his identity exposure."

"Oh, do you think I would believe?"

Lan Feixuan sneered: "As far as I know, Cheng Feng once encountered a set of gold armor."

"That set of armor has a special origin. It was the armor of the **** of war that was peerless and giant, more than 100,000 years ago.

"In the early days of martial arts in Cheng Feng, this armor had tremendous help and saved him countless lives, thus forming a huge cause and effect with the God of War."

"Now there is a great turmoil in the Ximo Buddhist country. In all likelihood, Cheng Feng will come to the Ximo Buddhist country to repay and unseal the head of the war **** who was suppressed under the Thousand Buddha Temple in the holy place of the Buddhist gate.

"It is never possible to go back to the house because of a momentary difficulty.

At this point, Lan Feixuan looked towards the direction where Cheng Feng was: "Cheng Feng, can I be right?"

After listening to Lan Feixuan's remarks, Cheng Feng's brows frowned.

He had thought that almost no one knew about his coming to the West Desert Buddha country to unseal the war god.

I never thought that Lan Feixuan, who was met for the first time, knew everything.

This caused Cheng Feng to have a deep fear of Lan Feixuan.

"Sister, I don't know what you're talking about."

Cheng Feng continued to deny: "I said I'm not Cheng Feng, you recognize the wrong person!"

"Cheng Feng, do you still want to die?"

Lan Feixuan said: "First of all, there are only a handful of warriors who have cultivated to the top of the broken land but have such combat power.

"Second, you don't know me Lan Feixuan."

"And of all the peerless geniuses, the one who doesn't know me Lan Feixuan is Cheng Feng."

"So, who are you not Cheng Feng?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng finally knew where he was exposed.

Browsing frowns: "There are so many geniuses in the world, not necessarily the few people you know."

"It is possible, but it is very small."

Lan Feixuan said: "Furthermore, I believe in my own judgment, you are Cheng Feng without doubt!"

"Blue Girl, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

Cheng Feng's voice was slightly cold: "Cheng Feng can kill the existence of the peerless powerhouse."

"If I were Cheng Feng, do you think you could save your life?"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng had a thought of killing.

Want to kill Lan Feixuan directly, a hundred.

"The news that Cheng Feng killed the peerless powerhouse is true. My old man has verified it."

Lan Feixuan is not afraid: "No process peak wants to kill me, but it is not so easy."

"My old man gave me more than one life-saving thing, and the peerless powerhouse couldn't help me."

"What's more, if I die, my old man will definitely go crazy."

"I don't think someone will kill a murderer, and let a great fortune-making giant remember it, and chase him crazy?"

"Big titans?"

Cheng Feng's eyelids were picky: "Your old man, is it the Emperor of the Demon God?

"You only know?" Lan Feixuan asked silently.

As for Cheng Feng, he was even more speechless.

He glanced at Lan Feixuan and exhaled a long breath: "Langen, let's open the skylight and talk brightly."

"You're staring at me this time, what the **** is going on?"

"It's very simple. I want to talk to you about a cooperation, a win-win cooperation."

Lan Feixuan said: "If the cooperation is successful, both of us will gain a lot."

"Oh, what cooperation?" Cheng Feng asked.

"As far as I know, the purpose of your visit to Ximo Buddhism is to unseal the suppressed God of War."

Lan Feixuan said: "It is difficult to achieve this."

"If someone can attract a part of the strength of guarding the Thousand Buddhas Temple while you are acting, you can increase your success rate."

"Why, don't you want to help me?"

"If you cooperate, I can do you a favor."

Lan Feixuan said: "To tell you the truth, this time I came to the West Mo Buddha Country, also to understand and rescue a person suppressed by the West Mo Buddha.

"This person was suppressed in the second ring of Huaitai Temple in the Ximo Buddhist country."

"If you and I do it together, we can divide the defensive power of the Ximo Buddha Country into two."

"In this way, we will all be able to achieve our goals."

"You came to the West Mo Buddhism country to understand a person who was suppressed by the West Mo Buddha Lord?"

Cheng Feng had some doubts: "You are the daughter of Emperor Demon God. Would the Emperor God ask you to do such a dangerous thing?"

"I kept it from the old man and didn't let him know."

Lan Feixuan said: "Otherwise, the old man will definitely lock me up and keep me from messing around!"

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