Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1767: Tiger Peak

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Chapter 167 Tiger-shaped Mountain Peak

Those warriors remained alert and were not flying fast.

And in order to avoid hitting the war monks who visited the third ring of the Buddha country, he used some stealth martial arts to hide himself.

It is a pity that their stealth martial arts are really worse.

Flying out hundreds of miles, they met a line of war monks.

Perceived by a monk who practiced ‘God's Eye’, a fierce battle occurred immediately.

"With this strength, you also want to sneak into the floating temple to kill the peerless spirit boy?"

Following the crowd, Lan Feixuan smiled contemptuously: "I'm afraid I haven't been to the floating temple and have been killed by the patrolling war monk!"

The first three rings of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, the alert is unprecedented.

There are often war monks and law enforcement monks patrolling in the sky, giving people a sense of impenetrability.

Without sufficient strength, or deep stealth martial arts, it is almost impossible to move.

This group of warriors who have escaped the expulsion of the Lord of the West Desert is an example.

After being discovered by a line of war monks, he was immediately entangled, and waited for the other patrols to arrive, never thinking of leaving.

Fortunately, among this group of martial artists, there is a third-ranked master.

The sudden outbreak killed all the war monks in order to get rid of the trouble.

"You, we need to be very alert."

After killing the war monk, the ascending third master said: "It is best not to be found by patrol war monks or law enforcement monks, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

"Understand, Mr. Yun." Everyone nodded in unison.

Then, under the leadership of Mr. Yun, he continued to march to Fukong Temple.

With the previous experience, everyone was alert.

Although several patrol war monks were encountered along the way, they all escaped in shock.

About an hour or so later, the floating temple, the third largest temple in the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, was in sight.

I saw the floating temple, worthy of the word 'floating'. The entire temple was built on top of suspended mountains.

These peaks are unique in shape, and most of them look like guardian beasts.

Like a dragon, it has a three-headed, six-armed Buddha.

Cheng Feng looked at the most central mountain peak and found that it had thousands of arms.

Each arm is different, or pinch the orchid finger, or five fingers together, or hold a weapon, or raise your hand to support the sky ...

It gives people a thousand hands and a heart, holding the taste of heaven and earth!

"That's ... a thousand-handed Buddha?"

Seeing the mountain with thousands of arms, Cheng Feng frowned.

"Well, it's a statue of a thousand-handed Buddha."

Lan Feixuan nodded: "It is rumored that the main temple of the floating temple, the third largest temple in the West Desert Buddha Country, was held in the void by a thousand-handed Buddha."

"I saw it now, but it was just a fool!"

For the West Desert Buddha country, Lan Feixuan has an instinctive rejection.

In words, all kinds of derogations against the West Desert Buddha country.

"Lan Feixuan, this thousand-handed Buddha is not a fool."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, the thousand-handed Buddha that crosses the third circle of the Buddha, its source is the peak of the thousand-handed Buddha."

"Even I suspect that all the warriors captured by Thousand-handed Buddha crossing the Era will be sent to this Thousand-handed Buddha peak."

"Suppressed by the main hall of Fukong Temple, you can never get away!"

"Thousand-handed Buddha crosses Eh?" Lan Feixuan narrowed her eyes.

She had just been attacked by the Thousand-Handed Buddha, and she knew deeply how powerful this was.

At this moment could not help but said: "Listen to you, this thousand-handed Buddha peak is the front-line of Thousand-handed Buddha crossing Eh?"

"It is not the peak of Thousand Hands Buddha, but the main hall of Fukong Temple."

Cheng Fengdao: "The mountain peak and the main hall are a whole, so we can provide endless power to the Thousand-Handed Buddha to cross the Era."

"This floating temple is not easy. We better be careful."

Lan Feixuan nodded in agreement, using the means to condense the magical scent of her body to the extreme.

So as not to be noticed by the monks of the floating temple, unnecessary troubles will arise.

At the moment when Cheng Feng and two people are watching the floating temple, the boom is ~~~

Suddenly, one of the ninety-nine mountain peaks suspended in the sky was bombarded by force.

The attack force was very fierce, like a meteorite impact, and that tiger-shaped mountain peak was traversed nearly 100 meters.

Fortunately, before being hit by the giant force, the tiger-shaped mountain peak suddenly lighted up.

Let the whole mountain come alive and turn into a giant tiger.

With two huge tiger claws to block the huge bombardment, they did not get much damage.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole mountain will be smashed on the spot!

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng was a little shocked.

"Cheng Feng, don't be surprised."

Lan Feixuan's voice sounded: "This should be my people in action, attacking the floating temple and creating confusion!"

"Once the floating temple is in chaos, the third ring of the entire Buddhist kingdom will follow in chaos."

"Oh? Has your man begun?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "The timing is just right!"

The words fell away, bang bang ~~~

A few miles away, a number of continuous forces emerged out of thin air and blasted on the tiger-shaped peak.

The tiger-shaped mountain peaks were panned several times and the light shivered!

If it is repeatedly bombarded several times in a row, it will inevitably smash the tiger-shaped defense and blast the entire mountain!

And those who do it secretly have clearly seen this.

The first few waves of attack just came down, hum ~~ hum ~~~

A few more waves of attack came again, heading straight for the tiger-shaped mountain.

But at this time, the floating temple responded.

Ten of the remaining ninety-eight peaks shine brightly.

The next moment, turned into ten giant Buddhist guardian beasts, blocking the attack on the tiger-shaped mountain peak in the middle.

Make the tiger-shaped mountain peak dangerous and dangerous, escaped a disaster!

However, more than one master attacked the tiger-shaped mountain.

Just as the guardian of the Buddhist gate turned into a mountain of ten heads, helping the tiger-shaped peak.

Bang ~~~

Three treacherous forces suddenly appeared and blasted on a crane-shaped mountain peak.

The wings of that crane-shaped mountain peak were beaten into powder on the spot.

The whole mountain peaks and rocks fell randomly, it seems to fall from the sky!

"Where is your friend, come to my floating temple to work?"

At this moment, a trembling voice sounded from the main hall of the Floating Temple: "Do you want to be suppressed in Buddha prison for thousands of years?"

With the sound, the thousand-handed Buddha peak below the main temple of Floating Temple was full of light.

The next moment, a mountain bergamot became alive.

Eventually, a giant hand surrounded by the rhyme of the Buddha was drawn towards the almost collapsed crane-shaped mountain peak.

Before the next wave of stealth masters arrived, he grabbed the crane-shaped mountain peak and held it to the side of the thousand-handed Buddha peak.

"Don't hide it, everyone!"

The crane-shaped mountain peak was towed away, and a vicious voice came out: "The peerless spirit boy is in that crane-shaped mountain peak. If you really want to kill the peerless spiritual boy, you will get a huge reward."

"Then please go hand in hand and open the temple gate of Floating Temple together!"

The ruthless voice uttered an astonishment, which made all the potential soldiers in the field excited.

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