Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1768: Fist explosion

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Chapter 167: One Fist Blasts

Most of the people present came to the West Desert Buddha country to kill the peerless spirit children and get huge rewards.

So the vicious voice came to an end, and the scene suddenly exploded.

Many warriors lurking around the floating temple, thoughts floated.

Many people took the action directly and rushed to the ninety-nine mountain peaks suspended in the sky.

Including Mr. Yun's warriors!

Boom boom boom ~~~

For a moment, the sky was splattering vigorously, brightening the dark night sky.

The strong impact sounds deafening people's ears.

"The fire ... is it finally going to burn?"

In hiding, Lan Feixuan's eyes lit up.

I feel that the development of things is moving towards the planning in my mind.

Once the fire burns to the floating temple in the center of the third ring of Buddha, the third ring of the entire Buddhist kingdom will be chaotic.

The time is when they act.

However, Cheng Feng is not as optimistic as Lan Feixuan.

Looking at the battle, he groaned, "The current fire is not big enough, and it may not be able to light the floating temple!"

"Perhaps, I should just stir it up a bit!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

Although the ruthless voice of the master took the lead, a large number of potential warriors besieged the floating temple.

But the overall strength is still too weak to shake the defense of the Floating Temple.

Even over time, there was a feeling of being countered by the floating temple.

Discovering this, Lan Feixuan took out the white scroll and issued an order again.

Let all the demon gods lurking in the third ring of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom to all the masters to launch an attack on the floating temple.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also transmitted a voice to the God of War, allowing the old part of the God of War to fire.

However, the effect is still not obvious, and it is in a stalemate.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

Run Shadow Kill to the extreme, 唰 ~~~

Actually, I personally greeted one of the ninety-nine mountain peaks in the sky.

"Break me!"

The peak in front of Cheng Feng is a dragon-shaped peak.

The mountains are undulating and majestic, as if a giant dragon is crossing!

When Cheng Feng arrived, he said nothing, and punched toward the dragon-shaped mountain peak.

Cheng Feng's fist mobilized ten dragons in his body.

After a punch, the ten dragons twisted together and turned into a tyrannical tyrannosaurus.

Roar! !!

Dragon vs. Dragon.

As the two dragons collided in the sky, the force of terror suddenly exploded.

It was as if a huge rock had been thrown on the calm lake, and the waves of shocks were pulsating.

Destroy the sand and clouds in the sky into **** instantly!

The sky was as white as white, which made the stars shine a lot.

However, such an overbearing force did not smash the dragon-shaped peaks.

Just let the whole mountain light interspersed randomly, and moved backward several dozen meters.

In contrast, Cheng Feng actually moved back a longer distance than the dragon-shaped mountain peak.

This made Cheng Feng frown, and realized that the ninety-nine guardian peaks of the Floating Temple were extremely powerful.

"It is indeed the third largest temple in the Ximo Buddhist country, and it is indeed well-deserved."

Cheng Feng whispered: "However, the mountain peak of your temple is still broken!"

The words stopped, and the dragon power inside Cheng Feng ran away.

Rotating between the waist and cymbals, a thunder gun fisted out.

Thunder cannon boxing is a god-class top martial arts, and its power has not kept up with Cheng Feng's rhythm.

But at this time, the power is still amazing.

One punch hit, and dozens of heavy punches exploded.

Let the light on that dragon-shaped peak shine once.

Each time the light shone, the entire mountain peak was hit hard and backed away by 100 meters.

After waiting dozens of times, the dragon-shaped mountain peak dwelled a few kilometers.

The light shrouded in the mountain peaks has been thinned more than ten times.

There were cracks in the places that were being taken care of by Boxing Jin.

"Cheng Feng's strength is really strong!"

A hundred miles away, Lan Feixuan saw that Cheng Feng had only two punches and cracked the dragon-shaped mountain peak.

Could not help but raise his eyes: "Just with ordinary strength, you can stand up to the sixth strongest man in the sky."

"If the fire is full and even the hole cards are used, wouldn't it be able to defeat the peerless powerhouse?"

"It seems that the rumor that Cheng Feng killed the peerless powerhouse is not a rumor."

"This guy may have killed the peerless powerhouse!"

Lan Feixuan was stunned by Cheng Feng's combat power, and so was everyone else.

At this time countless pairs of eyes cast in and looked at Cheng Feng in the sky.

"Dragon-shaped peaks, break me up completely!"

From the point of view of everyone, Cheng Feng just made the strongest form of Thunder Cannon Boxing.

In order to prevent identity exposure, Cheng Feng slightly modified the Thunderbolt.

Even so, when this boxing hit the dragon-shaped peak.

Bang ~~~

That dragon-shaped mountain's defensive mask was also instantly broken.

The remaining strength poured into the dragon-shaped mountain peaks, causing the dragon-shaped mountain peaks to flutter with rocks and rupture the mountain.

The next moment, it will be completely broken!

"Friend, isn't it?"

Just then, a loud voice came from the top of the thousand-handed Buddha.

Immediately, wow ~~~

Dozens of Buddha hands grabbed Cheng Feng overwhelmingly.

These dozens of Buddha hands are not ordinary and different.

There are five fingers and ten fingers to suppress, some have sweeping spears in their hands, some have spears in their hands ...

Each attack is comparable to the full blow of a sixth ascendant.

Previously, the crane-shaped mountain peak was about to be crushed by three invisible masters.

It was the Thousand-Handed Buddha Peak that struck out the three masters with dozens of large Buddha hands, while holding the crane-shaped peak to the side of the Thousand-Handed Buddha Peak.

At this moment, the place where the dragon-shaped mountain peak collapsed has been restored.

This time, the thousand-handed Buddha Mountain Peak wanted to follow suit.

Save the broken dragon-shaped peak of the mountain protection mask from Cheng Feng's hand.

"Dragon-shaped mountain peaks, let me break them!"

However, would Cheng Feng make it happen?

He only listened to him sighing, and then the whole body gushed.

When he was able to perform his moves, he rushed to the dragon-shaped mountain peak and punched out with a punch.

Bang ~~~

The slender dragon-shaped mountain peaks were suddenly punched into two sections by Cheng Feng!

Then made a few more punches, a huge mountain peak was blasted into the void.

Rolling sand and dust make the scene silent!

"I wipe, so fierce!"

"The master of boxing is really fierce. He actually blasted the dragon-shaped mountain before the attack of the thousand-handed Buddha!"

"What a fierce man I am!"

After the silence, there was a general discussion.

Almost everyone was shocked by Cheng Feng's strength and gave thumbs up.

Even Lan Feixuan flickered her eyes and had a deeper understanding of Cheng Feng.

"Friend, you really passed!"

Compared to the martial arts, one side of the floating temple was exasperated: "In order to wash away the radon in your heart, the old lady still sends you to the Buddhist prison for reflection for a hundred years!"

The words stopped and buzzed ~~~

Those dozens of powerful Buddha hands banged in the direction where Cheng Feng was.

Cheng Feng must be severely wounded and arrested for 100 years in Buddhist prison!

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