Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1769: Old monk

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Chapter 167th Old Monk Du'er

The five-finger, ten-pressed mountain stone bergamot arrived first.

Like a sky curtain, Cheng Feng hooded.

"Thunder cannon boxing, boom!"

Facing the suppression of the mountain stone bergamot, Cheng Feng was fearless.

The thunder cannon was cast directly, and one punch greeted him fiercely.

Bang ~~~

The fists collided and the force of force exploded.

A huge crack was made in the palm of that huge mountain bergamot.

Then the second punch followed, banging on the same part of the mountain stone bergamot.

The place suddenly burst open and a huge cave appeared.

call out! Cheng Feng strode forward and flew out along the cave.

Just escaped the suppression of this mountain stone bergamot.

However, there were more than one bergamot on Cheng Feng, but dozens of them.

Moreover, each mountain stone bergamot is different.

For example, at this moment, there is a mountain stone bergamot holding a heavy hammer, and the hammer face is blasting towards Cheng Feng's head.

At the same time, there was a mountain stone bergamot holding the Euphorbia, and swept across Cheng Feng.

There is also a mountain stone bergamot with a spear in his hand, and the tip of the gun stabbed Cheng Feng's heart.


Every blow hits Cheng Feng's key point directly. He must kill Cheng Feng on the spot.

"The thousand-handed Buddha peak is really worthy of holding the temple peak of the floating temple. The power is stronger than other temple peaks!"

As soon as the suppression of the first mountain stone bergamot flew out, he hit dozens of mountain stone bergamots in succession, which frowned Cheng Feng's brow.

Whispered: "It looks like you need to be real!"

"Otherwise, it will be more troublesome!"

The words come to an end, 噌 ~~~

The Devil Sword suddenly flew out of the scabbard of the Buddha.

After being caught by Cheng Feng in his hand, he split his head angrily.

Stabbing ~~~

The sledgehammer banging into Cheng Feng's head was immediately cut off by the bladeless sword light shot by the Devil Slayer.

Then Cheng Feng twisted the handle, and the knife's light surged.

The mountain stone bergamot holding the sledgehammer in half broke apart.

Subsequently, the second bergamot was destroyed in Cheng Feng's hands.

However, this is just the beginning.

After seeing Cheng Feng chopping a mountain bergamot with a sledgehammer in one stroke, he slashed under the sword.

laugh! Cut his halberd across his waist.

Then the sword stabbed and blasted the spear that stabbed his heart.

Thereafter, the Devil Sword continued to change in Cheng Feng's hands, up or down, left and right.

In less than a second, the Devil Slayer cut out dozens of times in a row.

All the mountain bergamots that attacked him were smashed in front of him.

Let the void tremble, the world is lonely, and the dust is rolling!

A wave of attacks that was enough to kill Dengtian's sixth-best top powerhouse was intangible!

"Oh my God, dozens of rock and stone bergamots from the thousand-handed Buddha peaks were all blown up by stealthy masters!"

"Who is that person? Maybe too strong?"

"Master, must be a peerless powerhouse with a long history!"

The Quartet, when countless warriors saw the scene, their eyes almost fell down.

I never expected that Cheng Feng was so powerful.

In the leisurely steps, the multiple combos of the thousand-handed Buddha peaks were resolved.

"So strong magic, so sharp!"

Compared to everyone's surprise, Lan Feixuan's focus is on the sword.

She is the niece of Emperor Demon, and she is very sensitive to the magic soldier.

The moment Cheng Feng took out the Devil Sword, there was a feeling in his heart, a pair of eyes shot out a ray of light, and stared suddenly at the past.

After faintly seeing the Demon Sword, there was a kind of fluctuation in his heart.

It was instantly determined that the quality of the Devil Sword was better than the three demon soldiers in her hand, and her eyes were hot.

"Third-tier magic soldier! The knife in Cheng Feng's hand is at least a third-tier magic soldier!"

Lan Feixuan couldn't hide her excitement: "It is impossible for this class of magic soldiers to appear on the earth dome."

"It was cleared tens of thousands of years ago."

"Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng didn't know where to get one. It was really incredible!"

The magic soldier is a weapon used by the demons, and has strict levels.

The first-tier magic soldier is the lowest, and the nine-tier magic soldier is the highest.

The three magic soldiers in Lan Feixuan's hands, except for the seven-colored blade, barely reached the second order.

The other two monsters are all first-order, and they are not in the same rank as the Devil Slayer!

No wonder the grandmother-in-law of Wanwan is also jealous of Cheng Feng.

"Friend, you are really good."

At the moment everyone was shocked by Cheng Feng.

In the main hall of the Floating Temple, a thick Buddhist voice sounded loudly: "Since this is the case, the old lady has a few tricks with you!"

With the sound, an old monk emerged from the top of the thousand-handed Buddha mountain.

The old monk was wearing a pale-washed monk's clothes, his face was thin, and his two eyebrows were very long, even hanging down his waist.

After he appeared, his hands were crossed first.

At the next moment, He Shi's hands spread out, and then slowly rolled out.

Bang ~~~

Under the old monk, the thousand-handed Buddha peak suddenly moved.

A stone bergamot with five fingers closed together pushed out, like a huge wave, covering the sky and suppressing Cheng Feng.

The number reached more than a hundred, which made people feel a sense of suffocation!

"Not good, the old abbot of the Floating Temple, Du'e Monk came out."

"The old monk who crosses Ere is said to have formed the Qipin Luohan body more than ten years ago."

"And this person is also good at the formation method, watching the thousand-handed Buddha sculpture, and created his own thousand-handed Buddha to cross the Eunjeong, and has the power to capture the heavens and earth.

"This time I personally went to control the thousand-handed Buddha mountain. The hidden master has trouble!"

The elder monk's identity is amazing.

When he first appeared, he was recognized by everyone, and he was a strong man who formed the body of Qipin Luohan.

"Cheng Feng, the old monk Du'er was the creator of the Thousand-Handed Buddha's Cross."

Lan Feixuan's face also condensed, and she said, "This man will control the peak of the Thousand-Handed Buddha, which will double the attack power. You better be careful!"

"Well, I see." Cheng Feng nodded.

At the moment when the old monk in Du'er appeared, he felt a thick threat coming.

Let him lock countless pores all over him, dare not neglect, hold the magic sword in hand, and cut a sword at the hundreds of mountain bergamots that he had blasted.

Cheng Feng did his best with this knife, and Daoguang reached the pinnacle level.

After being cut with a knife, a kilometer-long knife without light flew out, breaking the void directly.

Across a dozen miles, 铿 ~~~

It was severely chopped in the hands of hundreds of mountain stone Buddhas.

At that moment, the sword light exploded like a starlight in the hands of a hundred mountain stone Buddhas.

The force of terror surged and gushed, and the light of the Buddha attached to the bergamot shrank rapidly, and faded.

Immediately, 嘭 ~~~

Buddha light was blown up, and the remaining sword light was cut into the mountain stone bergamot.

Hundred mountain stone bergamots were hit at the same time, a lot of rubble fell, and the clouds were smashed with holes.

It seems that it is raining meteorites, the scene is extremely shocking!

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