Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1770: Ninety-nine forms of defense

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Chapter 1700 Chapter Ninety-nine Xingyi Defense

"Holding the grass, the old monk crossing the Eur triggered a thousand-handed Buddha mountain attack, but he couldn't beat the mysterious master?"

"Who is that man sacred in the end? It's ridiculously strong!"

"Willn't it be the strongest of a certain dynasty?" If that's the case, things will be a mess! "

Countless people were shocked to see the picture of Cheng Feng smashing a hundred mountain stone bergamots.

However, everyone's shock was a little early.

Because the hundreds of mountain bergamots were not completely chopped by Cheng Feng.

After Wupi Daoguang cut off the Buddha light protecting the mountain stone bergamot, his strength has weakened to the extreme.

At this time, it was cut into the mountain stone bergamot, and only cut the mountain stone bergamot in half, and the knife light disappeared.

"Reshape the Buddha!"

At this time, the old monk duo Er sighed.

Immediately, hum ~~~

A burst of Buddha power suddenly burst out from the hundreds of mountain stone Buddha hands, condensing on the site where the mountain stone Buddha hands were chopped.

It was actually sucking a large amount of rocks to the rupture and repairing the rupture quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the hundred mountain stone bergamots have been restored as before, surrounded by Buddha light, and the power seems to be stronger.

The next moment, wow ~~~

Hundred bergamots spread out like lotus flowers and blasted towards Cheng Feng again.

Not only that, the peak of the thousand-handed Buddha also followed.

It also urged a hundred mountain stone bergamots to scramble to Cheng Feng from two directions.

Want to trap Cheng Feng in the mountain stone bergamot, slowly crushed to death!

"Summoning Swordsman, Die Langkang!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face changed.

With a flash in his eyes, he lifted the Devil Sword to make the first form of the long-used Summoner Sword.

This type of knife is very powerful and can stack the power of the knife dozens of times in a row.

Once hitting the target, dozens of vigorous roads broke out one after another, and the peerless powerhouse couldn't bear it.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng was cut out with one shot, he hit a mountain bergamot.

Stabbing ~~~

Destroyed, the blade directly cut into it.

The entire mountain stone bergamot cut out a hole in an instant.

But at this time, the old monk who crossed the Erie together.


The hundreds of bergamots scattered like a lotus immediately closed along the broken bergamot.

Layer by layer, we must stop Cheng Feng from escaping along that cave!

At this time, the power of Dielang kill was manifested.

Don't wait for that mountain stone bergamot to be completely closed, 噗嗤 ~~~

Cheng Feng grabbed the demon sword with one hand, and flew out of the cave.

Chopped down six or seven mountain bergamots along the way, and easily escaped from the chasing of hundreds of bergamots!

"Friend, you stay!"

For the escape of Cheng Feng, the old monk Du Er frowned slightly.

Saying a word in his mouth, his hands spread out loudly.

Followed by, wow ~~~

A large number of stone bergamots changed their orientation and grabbed towards Cheng Feng who flew by.

At the same time, another hundred mountain stone bergamots also arrived at this moment, united this hundred bergamots, and pursued Chengfeng together.

The number of mountain stone bergamots has reached 200.

Not only that, but also dozens of other temple guardian peaks suspended in the void.

Roar! !!

Tigers roared, giant elephants roared, predators screamed, and cruel birds murmured.

There are no less than a dozen guardian mountain peaks, chasing and blocking Cheng Feng!

"The old monk Du'er seems to be focusing on Cheng Feng."

Seeing this, Lan Feixuan's eyebrows were condensed: "This old monk has great strength. With the help of the mountains and rivers, his combat power has even caught up with the seventh-highest rank in the sky."

"Cheng Feng will be very dangerous under this person's pursuit."

"So I still tell the evil spirits to let him take hold of the old monk, and create a chance for Cheng Feng to escape."

"Lest Cheng Feng be trapped or killed, I can't get all four magic soldiers together!"

Thinking of this, Lan Feixuan acted immediately.

Take out the white book and inform the Wan Moshen to the Peerless Power Demon lurking in the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, and let him do something to the Du'er Monk.

At the same time, Lan Feixuan also changed her voice.

Call on all martial arts to attack the temple guard peaks of the Floating Temple together, and reduce the pressure on Cheng Feng.

But in fact, Cheng Feng doesn't need these at all.

I saw the heavy mountain stone Buddha's hand grabbing, Cheng Feng played a swift step.

Before he was caught by the hand of the mountain stone Buddha, he could escape from the gap between the fingers of the Buddha.

Let the hunting of the mountain stone bergamot fail again and again.

As for the temple guard peaks, because the power is much worse than the thousand-handed Buddha peaks, it is impossible to determine the specific position of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng casts shadow kills + walking steps, and the position changes from moment to moment, so that the rushing Husi Mountain can't figure it out.

Not only was it impossible to hit Cheng Feng, but they were crowded together, creating a lot of convenience for Cheng Feng.

Even, Cheng Feng's eyes flickered with cold light.

When encountering the peak of Husi Temple, he daredly used the magic sword to fold and kill.

Dozens of heavy knives blasted on the peak of Husi Temple, causing the Buddhist light around the peak of that Temple to be deformed violently, and then shattered.

Then the sword vigorously blasted on the body of the temple, banging ~~~

The entire mountain exploded, and a large number of rocks fell from the sky.

The mountain peak of the second floating temple was chopped under the sword by Cheng Feng!

"I wipe, that mysterious powerhouse is really against the sky."

"With the full force of the old Buddhist monk Du'er, not only was it unscathed, he even blasted a guardian mountain peak."

"Bull, what a bull!"

Many warriors saw this scene and couldn't help but give thumbs up to Cheng Feng.

Some irritable people even shouted.

"Don't let us hide, let's help the mysterious strongman."

"Let him have enough energy to bomb the temples of Husi!"

"There are ninety-nine mountain peaks in the floating temple, and the temple gate will not appear until half of it is destroyed."

"At that time, we will be able to enter the floating temple, find the peerless spirit boy and kill it, and get a huge reward!"

The floating temple is hidden among the ninety-nine guardian mountain peaks.

You cannot enter the Floating Temple without first breaking through the peak of Husi Temple.

And if you want to completely break the guard temple peaks of the floating temple, you must at least destroy at least fifty guard temple peaks.

"Senior, let us help you."

"The ninety-nine Xingyi defensive formations at the Floating Temple, every time a Xingyi mountain is destroyed, the power of the large formation will be weakened by one point."

"We will hold on to the other Xingyi Peaks and give you enough time!"

Someone shouted, and a sword stabbed at a Husi mountain.

The other soldiers met and immediately followed suit.

Attacked the mountain peaks of that temple.

And it's not just these warriors.

Bang ~~~

An outrageous force suddenly emerged out of nowhere, and it exploded in the hands of more than a dozen stone Buddhas.

That dozen or so bergamots burst into the air in an instant.

The attack power has reached at least the seventh weight, and it should be a peerless powerhouse.

Almost at the same time, 嘭 ~~~

The peak of a guardian temple suddenly deformed sharply.

As if squeezed by a huge force, half a second later, it exploded directly in the air.

Obviously, he is also a peerless powerhouse. The attacking method is very tricky, making people feel mad.

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