Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1771: Super Beast Claw

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Chapter 1771 Super Claw

Not only that, but many warriors came from the fourth ring of the Buddhist kingdom.

Immediately after arriving, he joined the battle and attacked the temple guards.

Let Cheng Feng's pressure drop suddenly, walking in the idle court.

嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~

Draw out several knives in succession, and cut out several temple guards!

"Peerless Powers of All Deities and Apocalypse?"

The fierce counterattacks of the martial arts made Du Erao frown: "You are so brave, you have ignored the law and covenant of God and ran to my Buddhist kingdom!"

"Did you want to be punished by God?

The old monk Du Er's eyes were old and hot, and the two stealthy peerless powerhouses were recognized as soon as they shot.

Use God's divine covenant to reprimand each other, hit the mind, let their spirits tremble, and reduce their combat power.

However, the effect is not so obvious.

This is because the divine covenant is an oath made by the various emperors.

The strongest people who reach the seventh or higher level in each **** dynasty cannot enter the territories of other countries and make trouble.

Otherwise, God will be punished.

In severe cases, they may even be deprived of one's practice and degraded to a mortal!

However, the dome continent is a small piece of territory that breaks the 'Sky', the laws of heaven and earth are incomplete, and the power of God is weak.

Under the interference of the powerful emperor at the level of God's dynasty, even if the peerless strong entered the territory of another country, God could not help it.

The so-called divine covenant is just empty talk!

Therefore, even if the old monk crosses over and scolds, the two peerless strong men ignore them.

The bombardment of the temple's mountain peaks continued, and within a short period of time, the mountain peaks of eleven floating temples collapsed.

In addition to the seven or eight buildings destroyed by Cheng Feng, nearly twenty Husi peaks have been destroyed.

The power of ninety-nine Xingyi's defense against large formations was reduced by about 20%!

"What a disrespectful bastard!"

Seeing Cheng Feng and the two peerless powerhouses, they did not care about their anger and scolding at all.

The old monk Du Er twitched his cheeks angrily, and said coldly, "Since this, the old lady will let you see and see what is Tianwei!"

The words stopped, and the Buddhist monk's body burst into the rivers of Buddha's power, pouring into the thousand-handed Buddha peaks under him.

On the peak of the thousand-handed Buddha, nearly two thousand stone and stone bergamots were moved.

In the click, like a lotus blooming.

The palm of that mountain stone Buddha's palm is facing outwards, and each Buddha hand emits a strong Buddha light.

When the light from more than 2,000 bergamots condensed together, the night sky was brightly lit.

噼 Ka ~~~

Actually caused a vision of heaven and earth, making the thunder roar in the depths of the sky, lightning flashed.

It was as if the martial arts were going to cross the sky, and the scene was very scary.

At the same time, the peaks of the temples suspended in the sky also changed at this moment.

Each mountain peak emits a thick beam of light, which blends into the light from the 2,000 bergamots.

Let that Buddha's light be intense, like a little sun.

As a result, the Thunder and Lightning brewing deep in the sky was even more violent.

Vaguely, you can even see a giant claw of a giant beast, and a weapon containing heavenly power is shining.

An extremely oppressive atmosphere spread to the Quartet.

Depressing and uncomfortable!

"No, the old monk Duoe is going to be real."

"He seems to have urged a counterattack form of the ninety-nine Xingyi defensive array, which will lead Tianwei down to deal with us!"

"Defense, speed defense!"

"Once you are bombarded by Tianwei, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die!"

See the thunder roaring in the sky, and the looming terror beasts.

All the people at the scene were embarrassed and shouted, using their strongest defenses to guard.

Lan Feixuan was no exception. When Tianwei started brewing, the whole person quietly backed away.

Withdrawing hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye, at the same time, he said, "Cheng Feng, the old monk Du Er is angry, you better be careful."

"Don't carry the Tianwei from the other side, it will be enough to kill Dengtian's seventh strongest member!"

In fact, without reminding Lan Feixuan, Cheng Feng also felt the horror of Tianwei deep in the sky.

His brows froze slightly, and the whole man flew back.

However, he wanted to retreat, and some people did not want him to retreat!

As he flew back, he buzzed ~~~

A big crocodile opened his mouth and swallowed at him.

At the same time, there was a fierce bird, two steel claws descended from the sky and hit Cheng Feng's spine.

Once the spine was scratched out, the whole person immediately turned into cartilage and bones, and couldn't stand.

In addition, there was a big arrow, a sharp knife, a Buddha stick ... all hit Cheng Feng together.

Almost all the retreats of Cheng Feng were blocked, forcing Cheng Feng to carry Tianwei's bombardment hard!

"Drive me!"

Faced with the volley of the mountain peaks of Zhonghu Temple, Cheng Feng's face calmed.

There was a burst of drink in his mouth, and the slashing demon blade in his hand was thrown fiercely, blasting forward.

With this sword, Cheng Feng was slashed with anger, and his power reached a record high.

When the crocodile swallowed its mouth, it stabbed ~~~

The predator actually split into two pieces along its mouth.

Then, Daoguang continued to move forward, chopping the steel claws caught by the fierce birds.

Huh! Two steel claws broke on the spot.

Secondly, big arrows, sharp swords, Buddha sticks ... can't stop them.

After being struck by the Devil Sword, it immediately fell apart and stunned countless people.

In the floating temple, the monks who cooperated with the old monk to control the mountain peaks of the Temple of Inner Mongolia breathed cool air.

I feel like I'm facing a human-shaped tyrannosaurus. As long as my body is next to it, my bones will fall apart!

"What a cruel guy!"

Above the main hall of the floating temple, the old monk Du Er also saw the fierceness of Cheng Feng.

One eyelid picks and yells, "Old man will start with you and let you taste the power of Tianwei!"

After saying nothing, the old monk Du Er pressed his hands down and aimed at Cheng Feng.

Suddenly, wow ~~~

Thousand-handed Buddha Mountain peak with two thousand bergamot hands, followed by palms towards Cheng Feng.

Exposing Cheng Feng to the light of the Buddha, the stealth effect of actually killing Cheng Feng's shadow has weakened more than one.

Cheng Feng's figure flickered, revealing a strong middle-aged ugly man.

And this is just an appetizer.

Hum! After Fo Guang locked Cheng Feng, in the depths of the sky, a giant beast that was unimaginable suddenly came out!

The beast's claws are covered with silver long hairs, giving a taste of steel forest.

When he fully extended from the sky, he took a hard shot towards Cheng Feng.

Stabbing ~~~

The void is just like a piece of paper.

Many warriors besieging the mountain peaks of Husi Temple fled to the distance early, and dozens of people were caught up by the broken void at this moment.

嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~

If the whole person is crushed vigorously, it explodes directly in the air, and the scene is extremely bloody.

However, this is only the edge position of the beast's claw.

As for the central part, it is the source of the storm.

The void has long been broken into dust, and nothing emerges, completely submerging Cheng Feng's figure!

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