Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1772: Mighty

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Chapter 1772 The mighty Tianwei

"Is this Tianwei? Really strong!"

The giant beast claws have not yet arrived, and have already produced disaster-like destructive power.

This caused Cheng Feng's face to condense and his hair to shrink to the extreme.

Do not dare to neglect, and use a variety of defense methods, such as mad sword domination, purple thunder refining, Tianlong golden body, etc.

Even the War God armor, which was promoted to the limit of the semi-holy artifact, was taken out by him.

Once the situation is not good, regardless of his identity, he will wear it directly on his body.

After finishing these defenses, Cheng Feng grasped the sword.

The third type of Instant Sword of the Summoning Knife is cut out!

This style of martial arts, known for its speed, was once Cheng Feng's strongest killing move.

He helped Cheng Feng slay many powerful enemies and saved him countless lives.

Although it can't keep up with Cheng Feng's rhythm, the power is still amazing after the show.

call out! I only heard a crackling sound caused by rubbing the air with my body.

The next moment, Cheng Feng even approached the super beast claw.

The long knife held up in my hand, 铿 ~~~

Cut the silver hairs in the way, and hit the center of the super claws fiercely.

But don't want to, that super beast claw is actually stronger than imagined.

After the demon sword was cut, it only cut into the tens of meters, and the cutting power was consumed a lot, and the speed dropped sharply.

According to this estimate, Cheng Feng can only cut into the super beast's claws about 100 meters at most.

But the approximate thickness of the super animal claw, but it has reached thousands of kilometers.

In other words, Cheng Feng will eventually get stuck in the palm of Super Beast Claw and cannot cross it out!

"So strong beast claws!"

In the beating, Cheng Feng moved: "Since I can't cut it through, I will immediately get away from the center of the beak claw."

"If the beast claws are closed, the unrivaled crushing force will crush me directly!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng immediately changed the offensive.

From the knife to the front, it slashed into a backwards retreat.

However, the old monk from Nautuahe responded quickly.

As Cheng Feng flew back, the old monk's hand suddenly closed.

Hum! Then, in the center of the super beast claw, the knife mark cut by Cheng Feng followed the rapid contraction.

The silver meat wall squeezed, generating the power of rowing mountains and mountains, leaving Cheng Feng as if immersed in the sea, the feeling of suffocation straight into his mind.

This was second, and a force of force poured into the body.

Cheng Feng made a burst of bony knots all over his body, as if the whole person was going to be crushed.

"So strong!"

The pain came from all over the body, making Cheng Feng very uncomfortable.

Do not dare to neglect, and cast the Sword of Magic Sword to kill instantly.

Stabbing ~~~

Cut back the shredded meat wall.

Before the meat wall was completely closed, it flew out of the knife mark.

However, flying out of the knife marks is not the end.

Because at this time, the five toes of the super beast claw have been closed together and buckled down to the palm position.

There are only two notches on both sides of the thumb to escape.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng made a swift decision and made a shadow of the shadow of a hundred miles.

Huh! In an instant, he escaped from the crush of the super beast's claw.

"Huh, it was a bit thrilling just now."

Standing a few dozen miles away from the super animal claws, Cheng Feng exhaled: "Fortunately, the slapping of the super animal claws first shattered the effect of Buddha's reinforcement on the void barrier, allowing me to reluctantly perform the shadow puppet method. "

"Otherwise, you have to leave something behind!"

In the territory of the West Desert Buddha, there is an overbearing Buddha.

The deeper the Buddha's internal ring, the stronger the Buddha's interest, which will greatly strengthen the void.

In this case, it is difficult for the ascendants of the heaven to tear the void, let alone carry the void.

Of course, this has limited effect on the peerless powerhouse.

They can break the barriers of space at any time, unless locked by Buddhist monks.

Otherwise, you can go anywhere you want!

"Look, that mysterious strong man has appeared!"

"It looks like people are middle-aged, and they don't know which dynasty's peerless powerhouse."

"It was unbelievable that the Tianwei from the old monk Duo Er was attacked without any damage!"

Due to the locked light of the Buddha's light, Cheng Feng's figure was stiffly exposed.

However, the appearance at this moment is the appearance of Cheng Feng Yirong revision.

Everyone wanted to guess Cheng Feng's identity from this appearance, and it was almost impossible.

"Cheng Feng, be careful!"

Unlike everyone else, Lan Feixuan looked dignified, and said, "The old monk's attack method has just begun. A bad one may fall."

Lan Feixuan's voice just fell, 咻 ~~~

A large golden sword suddenly emerged from the depths of the sky.

Jian Guang Sen Han came straight to Cheng Feng's head.

Once hit by this sword, let alone the peak warrior in the broken state, the peerless powerhouse will also be seriously injured or even fallen!

"Tianwei, another Tianwei!"

The golden sword was cut, and the void was broken inch by inch.

The hair on Cheng Feng's entire body was erected one by one, and his face was dignified to the extreme.

"Much stronger than any monk I have ever met."

"But you want to kill me, but it's worse!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's sword in his hand had been raised.

When the golden sword was cut, the first style of Emperor Cang's sword came out.

Emperor Cang's sword is regarded as Cheng Feng's strongest martial art.

However, due to the strength of the stars, the style is unique and distinctive, so Cheng Feng dare not use it.

The first two styles are fine, the last three styles cannot be used at all.

Immediately after being used, it will be noticed by people with a heart and recognize Cheng Feng's identity.

At this time, the first form of Emperor Cangshu was used, and Cheng Feng modified it slightly.

The power of the knife is preserved, but the features are not so obvious.

Therefore, the golden sword was slashed in one stroke.

Huh! The horrible sharpness caused a narrow crack in the sky.

Like a huge cobweb, people shuddered.

Especially the golden sword, although there was a small gap with the sword-cutting sword.

However, the overbearing power overwhelmed one of the Devil Swords and poured into the Devil Swords madly, impacting Cheng Feng's hand holding the knife.

Cheng Feng's arm was numb violently, and the whole person was shocked to fly out.

At this moment, the super animal claw immediately followed.

In order to cover the world, Cheng Feng must be caught in the claws of the beast, and he must be caught alive!

As a last resort, Cheng Feng once again exhibited the shadow-shaped method.

Ready to get under the grasp of the Super Beast Claw, and break away again.

But just then.

The golden sword seemed to understand Cheng Feng's transmission route.

Stab it! One sword was cut in the void, and the void channel that Cheng Feng was preparing to teleport was exploded.

Cheng Feng was forced out of the transmission.

Then the golden sword swept across the sky and cut to Cheng Feng again.

At the same time, the super beast's claws covered the world, even the golden sword was covered, and they rushed to Cheng Feng.

Almost all the retreats of Cheng Feng have been sealed off!

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