Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1789: Set foot on the first ring of Buddha

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Chapter 1789 Entering the First Ring of the Buddhist Kingdom

"God of War, you have made this weak area of ​​the ring of Buddha very deep."

Cheng Feng looked at the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring in front of him and smiled.

However, God of War did not answer.

Because Cheng Feng was about to enter the holy place of Buddhism, if the **** of war took the lead, they would be caught by the Lord of the West Desert.

Then his plan for tens of thousands of years will fail.

Cheng Feng also knows that the situation is special now, so he doesn't care about the answer of God of War.

A word said casually, using the method told before the God of War, to tear the camouflage of this weak area of ​​the Buddha ring.

The next moment, stepped into the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring and reached the other side of the colorful Buddha ring.

The other side of the colorful Buddha ring is also a dense jungle.

But the concentration of the Buddha's breath is so scary that it can be clearly seen by the eyes.

In particular, the mighty Buddha, spreading from somewhere in the north, was actually a dragon and tiger in the sky, and a ghost image of the Buddha.

It's like coming to the real country of Buddha, which makes people's heart shake.

When Cheng Feng arrived, his soul was shocked and his breath was slightly leaked.

Unfortunately, there is a team of law enforcement monks patrolling above the jungle.

Cheng Feng's breath leaked, and he was immediately noticed by the head of the law enforcement monk.

A pair of torch-like eyes stared suddenly.

The response of the no process peak was very rapid, and when the chief of the law enforcement monk stared, he had recovered his calmness.

The leaked breath converged, and the body flew a few hundred meters away.

The shadow turned into a big tree, which can be called God's blindness.

The head of the law enforcement monk was not weak, and there were five halos behind his head, which formed the five-pin Luohan body.

In particular, a pair of eyes are bright and bright, apparently practicing the Buddha's magical power ‘Tianyantong’ to the point of reaching the peak.

Even so, however, his gaze swept towards Cheng Feng, but he found nothing.

Brow could not help but wrinkle, and then searched again carefully, still nothing, just shook his head in doubt.

Thinking that he had an illusion, he led the team of law enforcement monks and continued to patrol the road.

"The first ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom is truly a holy place for Buddhists!"

After the leader of the law enforcement monk left, Cheng Feng emerged and whispered: "The security of its guard is too much beyond other areas of the Buddha ring."

"If I hadn't responded quickly enough, there would have been a problem."

The first ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom was almost shrouded in the entire Buddha's breath emanating from the Qianfo Temple.

Since Cheng Feng set foot here for the first time, he was impacted by the explosion of Buddha's interest several times, which caused a little discomfort.

As a result, a ray of breath was leaked, and almost accidents occurred.

Fortunately, everything was forcibly reversed by Cheng Feng.

The law enforcement monk leader found nothing but leaked, and left with a lot of doubts.

"It is said that there are three places in the first ring of Buddhism, the most dangerous places."

After Cheng Feng's thoughts were calmed down, his eyes swept across the first ring of the Buddhist kingdom and whispered: "The first, the Thousand Buddhas Temple; the second, the Buddhist monk's palace; the third, the Buddha's palace.

"All of these three places are guarded by super powers, and it is no exaggeration to call them Longtan Tiger Caves."

"I must be very careful when I move next."

In the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom, Qianfo Temple is a sacred place for the Buddhist Kingdom, and its status is comparable to Qianlong Academy in the Feathering Dynasty.

There are many monks gathered in it, and there are at least five or six monks who have formed the seven-pin Luohan.

Secondly, the Monk Hall is the source of the fighting power of the Ximo Buddhist nation.

Especially in the Buddhist monk's hall on the first ring of the Buddhist kingdom, there is the first Buddhist monk in the Buddhist kingdom to sit in the town.

It can be called the West Desert Buddha country, the place that can't be provoked most.

Finally, the Buddha's Palace is the palace of the Lord of the Buddhas in the West Desert.

Although the Ximo Buddha Lord in the Buddha's Palace is just a clone of the real Ximo Buddha Lord, it is not trivial.

Ordered the entire West Desert Buddha country to be the Lord of the Buddhist monks.

If Cheng Feng wanted to unseal the head of the war god, he would unseal it from under the Qianfo Temple.

You must be extremely cautious and take the wrong step. Even if there are War Armor + Devil Slayer next to you, I am afraid that it is more fierce.

"According to the response of Dutai Temple to Duguang and two peerless monks, the initiation of the peerless spiritual boy by the Ximo Buddha Kingdom has completely begun."

Cheng Feng groaned: "This matter is very important and requires the full participation of the monks of the entire Ximo Buddhist country."

"So, at this time, the monks in Qianfo Temple should all be busy with the empowerment of the peerless spiritual boy."

"I dive into Qianfo Temple at this time, it will be the easiest."

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

In order to inspire the peerless spirit child, the entire Ximo Buddhist nation was busy.

Except for the monks dragged by the warriors of various gods, almost all the other monks went to the Thousand Buddhas Temple to contribute the Buddha's power and inspire the peerless spirit boy.

Going to Qianfo Temple at this time is undoubtedly the most suitable.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng looked up at the west.

I saw a rush of Buddha power in the sky thousands of miles away from the west, and then lost track.

"Those disappeared Buddha powers should be transmitted to the peerless spirit boy."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But the destination of the teleportation is very hidden, and it is impossible to determine the specific location of the peerless spirit boy."

"Although when I was at Huantai Temple, Du Guang and Du An two peerless monks passed on their Buddha power to the third Buddhist ring floating temple."

"But the composition of the play is very large, intended to confuse audiovisual."

"However, this matter has little to do with me."

"Even if the peerless spiritual boy has succeeded, it is only after the fruits of heaven and earth have matured that there is one more fight."

Cheng Feng didn't take his mind very much about the peerless empowerment.

Because he picked the fruits of the heavens and the earth, he was just serving the mighty nature.

Regarding the peerless spiritual boy empowerment, those who have created the realm are the most anxious, and will use various methods to destroy it.

Cheng Feng didn't need to bother at this time, just happened to be able to sneak into Qianfo Temple and unblock the head of the God of War.

Reduce the cause and effect between him and the God of War to a minimum.

"Go, first go to Qianfo Temple to explore the situation."

After the idea was settled in his heart, Cheng Feng took a marvelous step, and hurried to the first ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom, where the thousand Buddhist temples were.

The first ring of the West Desert Buddha Country, the alert is super strict.

Every other area, there will be a group of war monks patrolling.

But Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow kill, and these people couldn't find it.

Flying easily over a thousand miles, a magnificent temple came into view.

The temple occupies a vast area and is built on a rolling hill.

This mountain peak is majestic, and each one is carved into the shape of a giant Buddha, standing in the sky.

A wave of intense Buddha's breath emanated from these Buddhas, condensed into a sea of ​​Buddha's breath, and swung open in all directions.

Suddenly, the entire Ximo Buddhist nation was shrouded in Buddha's breath.

Any wind and grass movement will be caught for the first time, stifling the hidden dangers in the cradle.

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