Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1790: Three Thousand Arhats

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Chapter 1790 Chapter Three Thousand Arhats

"This is the first Buddhist temple, is it the Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

Seeing a temple where a big Buddha stands, Cheng Feng was not calm in his heart: "It's really magnificent and extraordinary!"

Thousands of Buddha Temple feels very bright and majestic.

The statue of the great Buddha looks like a soul, with a compassionate smile, overlooking the whole land.

Standing at the feet of these big Buddhas, everyone could not help but feel a small feeling.

Like the ants, it has the inner obedience and worship of the Buddha.

Cheng Feng's spirit is strong and determined.

But at this moment, I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

I want to cut my hair as a monk and serve Buddha all my life!

However, as soon as this feeling occurred, it was suppressed by Cheng Feng with great perseverance.

The whole person quickly returned to normal and recognized himself!

"Buddha is really a dangerous existence."

Cheng Feng warned himself: "In the future, I still have to deal with the Buddhists less. If one is not good, it may become a Buddhist."

"Pious and faithful Buddha throughout his life, lost his personality!"

After some self-awareness, Cheng Feng converged and slowly glanced across Qianfo Temple.

I saw the Thousand Buddhas Temple, it seems that there are really more than a thousand statues of big Buddhas.

Each of the great Buddhas was excavated from a mountain, and the central area surrounded by the giant Buddhas was interspersed with attic halls.

It is like thousands of big Buddhas are sheltering Qianfo Temple, which makes people feel a sense of security involuntarily.

In fact, it does.

These big buddhas around the attic temple are not for the sake of good looks, but a super big array.

During this time, any outsider would not want to mix in the Thousand Buddhas Temple.

"This great Buddha should be the rumored group of three thousand Lohan?"

Cheng Feng looked at the big Buddhas, his eyes narrowed slightly: "This array is rumored to be a large array of kings, with the power of three thousand Luohan, and the seventh strongest person in the sky is afraid to break in.

"There was once a peerless powerhouse of the apocalyptic **** who did not believe in evil, but as soon as he entered the big three steps, he was blown alive!"

The Three Thousand Arhats is a super formation.

The complete form has reached at least the high rank of Wang Pin, and the old antiques that are ascendant to heaven must be shunned by three points.

Although the three thousand Luohan large array outside Qianfo Temple is only one-third of the full form, it is not trivial.

The seventh strongest man in the sky can also block it stiffly.

It can be called one of the strongest formations on the entire dome continent.

"It is rumored that the Western Desert Buddhist Kingdom built the Three Thousand Arhats Array, not just to protect the Thousand Buddhas Temple."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The main purpose is to suppress the head of the God of War in conjunction with the Vassal Formation!"

"I want to unseal the head of God of War. It is best to destroy this array first."

"When you enter the main hall of Qianfo Temple, you can quickly break the Vajrayana array and unseal the head of the war god."

It takes about three steps to unblock the head of War God.

First, it passed through the three thousand Luohan array and mixed into the thousand Buddha temples.

Second, enter the main hall of Qianfo Temple and lead away the eighteen monks guarding the main hall.

Thirdly, the Vajra amulet in the head of Kaifeng, the sleepy war god.

These three steps are easy to say, but very difficult to do.

For example, in the first step, through the three thousand Luohan array and entering the Thousand Buddhas Temple, countless people were blocked out of the door.

"If you want to go through the three thousand Lohan array, it's obviously not possible to break through."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "The best way is to find a flaw in this array and sneak in along the flaw."

"So, you must be quite proficient in the way of fighting."

Three thousand Lohan battles can block the seventh strongest man in the sky.

Breaking through this battle is no different from finding death.

The best way is to find out the possible omissions in this array by sneaking into it and sneaking in.

However, Cheng Feng's method of playing against the law is not fully understood.

Although in the Tianlong Tomb, he once obtained the ancient array master Xu Yan, who gave a detailed explanation of the array method cheats.

But I have never read it. The book is still brand new.

"If Long Aotian followed the goods, things would be much easier."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Establishment with that product's formation method, even if there are no flaws in the Three Thousand Luohan Formation, you can create a flaw out of nothing."

"Now, my eyes are blackened and I can't get started!"

"Cheng Feng, there must be three obvious loopholes in this three thousand rohan battle."

As Cheng Feng had a headache, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded.

"Uncle Naland? Can you see the loopholes?"

Nalan Longevity is a knowledgeable ancient power.

Cheng Feng knew that the other party knew a little bit about the formation method, but he did not expect to be so proficient.

Even Wang Pin can see the flaws at a glance.

"I haven't studied much about the way of playing tactics, but I still know a little about the general Wang Pin battle."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Especially this three thousand Lohan big array, only one-third of the full form, a lot more flaws."

"With my aquatic products, I should not be mistaken."

"Haha, that relationship is good."

Cheng Feng was overjoyed: "Next, please ask Uncle Nalan to help me one or two and find out the three flaws."

"Let me sneak into Qianfo Temple by the way."

"This is simple."

Nalan Changsheng replied: "In the west of Qianfo Temple, the 147th Big Buddha has a small crack in its mouth."

"That rift changed the pattern of the three thousand Lohan formations. Walking along the rift, you can escape the detection of the large array and enter the Qianfo Temple."

"Second to the north of Qianfo Temple, No. 753 Buddha, the veins of the formation method on his toes are blocked."

"If you sneak from there, you can avoid detection by more than 90% of the array."

"The third flaw is right in front of you, Big Buddha No. 237."

"The Buddha's belly is crowded, and the array of pulses is not completely covered. It can be called a shortcut to the Qianfo Temple."

"Uncle Nalan, listening to your analysis, these three flaws are obviously the easiest thing for the Great Buddha 237."

Cheng Fengdao: "The second one is the Big Buddha No. 147, and the last is the Big Buddha No. 753."

"Then my first choice, of course, is the 237 Buddha."

"Well, that seems to be the case."

Nalan Changsheng nodded his head: "But I don't recommend you choose the 237 Buddha."

"Oh? Why?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Because the flaw is too obvious."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This formation method is flawed, as long as anyone who is proficient in some formation methods can basically see it."

"This kind of low-level mistake, I don't think the masters of the formation method of the West Moss Buddha country can make it."

"Uncle Nalan, do you mean ... the flaw in the Great Buddha No. 237 was left intentionally?"

Cheng Feng was shocked: "The purpose may be to deliberately seduce some people to hook?"

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