Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1795: Emperor VS Buddha

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Chapter 1759: Heavenly Emperor vs Lord Buddha

"The Emperor of Heavenly Desolation, Emperor Tianhuang, is there with the other seven emperors?"

In the Qianfo Temple, Cheng Feng raised a big wave in his heart: "If you add the Lord of the West Desert, you are the Lord of the Nine Gods.

"It hasn't happened in many years, has it?"

Each of the nine gods of the earth dome continent is a giant of good fortune.

The means are superb and majestic.

The so-called mountains do not tolerate two tigers, rarely meet each other.

This is the first time in nine thousand years that the nine emperors have gathered together.

The purpose is to put pressure on the Lord of the West Mo, and let him give up initiating the peerless spiritual boy!

"Eight emperors come together, will the Lord of the West Deserts submit?"

Cheng Feng speculated: "After all, against one of the eight dynasties with the power of one country, it is obviously not an opponent."

"What's more, there is the Heavenly Desolate God among the nine gods."

"Not necessarily."

Nalan's long-lived voice came: "The national power on the dome continent is of no significance to the power of the creation of the realm."

"As long as you can win the fruits of heaven and earth, it doesn't matter if you drop the entire West Desert Buddha country!"

Nalan Chang's rich experience has guessed the mind of the Ximo Buddha Lord.

I saw his voice fall, thousands of miles away.

The Lord of the West Desert Buddha looked somber and yelled, "The Emperor of Emerization, the Emperor of the Elephant, the Emperor of the Apocalypse, the Emperor of the Devil ...

"Eighty emperors, all come to me."

"What? Are you trying to overpower someone?"

When the Lord of the Western Desert spoke, his body was sloshing, and the temperature in the first ring of the entire Buddhist kingdom plummeted by dozens of degrees.

Heavy snow was falling in the sky, and hail even fell in some places!

"Xi Mo Buddha, isn't this the way to hospitality?"

Regarding the dissatisfaction of the Lord Buddha of the West Desert, several Emperor Huangtian turned a blind eye: "Guests come to the door, they look cold!"

"Sorry, I have no friends here."

Lord Ximo said coldly, "If you come to me, it's just to put pressure on me and let me give up the spiritual boy."

"I'm sorry, I won't be accompanied!"

As soon as the Lord Buddha of Ximo said this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into a trough.

"Hehe, it seems impossible to talk." Emperor Jun sneered.

"It's not that we can't talk, but that someone doesn't want to talk at all."

An emperor said coldly, "In the opinion of the emperor, we might as well start to find out and kill that spirit boy."

"So, someone will stop naturally!"

"Well, this statement makes sense." The emperor of Gods agreed.

"It's a good idea and it's worth a try," echoed an emperor.

"Well, I agree." The other emperors nodded.

Let the atmosphere at the scene to an extreme.

"Ximu Buddha Lord, do you really want to go alone?"

Seeing that the situation was a bit out of control, Huangtian Emperor frowned, looking towards the Lord Buddha of the West Desert.

"Well, it's not that Ben Buddha walks alone, but you are too bullying!"

The Lord of the West Desert said in a cold voice: "This time, if this Buddha has obtained the fruits of heaven and earth and formed the golden body of" War Buddha, "he will certainly ask you for advice!

In this regard, the Lord of the West Desert Buddha set the tone directly, and he will die with the Emperor Huangtian and others.

"It seems ... after all, you have to do it."

Emperor Huangtian sighed, "Also, my clone has been inactive for a long time."

"Come and learn martial arts today."

The words stopped, and the middle-aged man in the gold suit possessed by Emperor Huangtian stepped forward.

The next moment, he faintly punched at the Lord of the West Desert.

Facing the fist of Emperor Huangtian, the Lord of the West Desert looked serious.

Dare not to neglect in the slightest, so that Buddhism paramount high martial arts, daringly greeted it.


Just when Emperor Huangtian fought with the Lord of the West Desert.

The other seven emperors of the **** dynasty and the four peerless powerhouses did not sit idle and flew up to the first ring of the Buddhist kingdom.

To provoke the idea of ​​persecution, Li Ting swept the cave in general and swept across the first ring of the Buddhist kingdom.

Get the peerless spirit boy out of hiding, and then kill it.

Thousand Buddha Temple, outside the main hall.

Cheng Feng saw this scene, his eyes flashed.

"Perhaps I should act now."

Cheng Feng whispered: "During the time when the Lord of the West Desert and the major gods and emperors stubbornly smashed, the Diamond V-shaped magic array was broken and the head of the war **** was unsealed."

After speaking, Cheng Feng will run the shadow kill to the extreme, oh ~~~

Fly to the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

Thousands of Buddhas at this time can be described as turbulent.

The arrival of the Eight Emperors, including Emperor Huangtian, made all the monks in the temple more nervous than ever.

In particular, when the seven peerless strong men possessed them, they flew up with the other four peerless strong men to search for the whereabouts of the peerless spirit boy.

Thousands of Buddhist temples were in panic.

There was a wave of Buddha's power rushing into the sky, and several Buddha's forces were suddenly interrupted.

Even in the main hall of the Thousand Buddhas Temple, the eighteen strands of Buddhist power from the monk's body also fluctuated.

Obviously, I was greatly shocked, and my emotions could not keep calm.

This just gave Cheng Feng a chance, hey ~~~

Silently, sneaked into the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

Then, a magnificent and vast temple came into view.

The main hall of this hall is carved with painted beams and the dome is very high. In front of the main hall, there are three golden Buddha statues standing up to ten meters.

On both sides of the hall, there is also a statue of a Buddha.

Together, the two sides are exactly fifteen.

In addition to the three statues in front of the hall, there are eighteen statues.

Before the eighteen Great Buddhas, there was an old monk meditating on his knees.

Amazingly, eighteen Buddhist monks guarding the main hall.

"Is this the main hall of Qianfo Temple?"

Standing at the door of the hall, Cheng Feng's eyes glanced across the hall, and he whispered: "Except for the eighteen golden statues, there is nothing special about it!"

"Cheng Feng, you're right."

The relic residing in the doom of God of War was trembling at this moment.

Then came a voice: "The only special thing about this temple is the eighteen golden Buddha statues."

"The eighteen golden Buddha statues echo the eight-armed Vajrayana Buddha outside the hall to form the Vajra Vajra."

"It is this array that has trapped the gods under the hall for tens of thousands of years."

"As long as you break this array, God will be out of trouble!"

"God of War? Are you afraid of being noticed by the Lord of the West Desert?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng was surprised.

"The Lord of the West Moss Buddha is now doing tricks with Emperor Huangtian, and he dares not be distracted at all."

God of War said lightly: "Even if I show up, he may not be able to detect it."

Emperor Huangtian is a peerless man with much better strength than Ximo Buddha.

Facing this kind of existence, the Lord of Ximo Buddha naturally has to play a twelve minutes spirit.

This gave the God of War the opportunity to find out.

"God of War, you have been suppressed under the Vajrayana Devil's Formation for many years. You should already know this formation."

Cheng Feng said: "Let's talk, how can I break this array away and let your head out!"

"There are nineteen formation lines in this Vajra Vajra array."

God of War: "The eighteen golden Buddha statues in the hall are the eighteen lines of formation, followed by the day of the dragon on the dome of the hall, which is also a line of formation.

"If you want to break this array, you just need to destroy these nineteen arrays!"

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