Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1796: Surge like wind, mad like rain!

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Chapter 1796: The wind is like wind, the madness is like rain!

"Oh? This sounds simple."

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng frowned.

"Well, it's really simple."

God of War: "These nineteen formation lines can be easily destroyed by warriors in the sky before the big formation is opened."

"It's up to you in minutes."

"Difficulty is difficult, there are eighteen old monks guarding the temple."

"Three of the eighteen old monks cast seven-pin Luohan body, and the other 15 cast six-pin extreme Luohan body."

"Once joined together, the seventh-highest martial artist on the sky will have to concede three points."

"It is hard to destroy the nineteen array formations under such a tight defense!"

"God of war, the eighteen old monks in this temple are initiating the peerless spirit boy."

Cheng Feng said: "In this case, it is impossible to exert the full combat power."

"Eighteen old monks joined forces, I'm afraid they can't even reach a peerless powerhouse, and they can't stop me!"

"Cheng Feng, you read it wrong."

However, the God of War said: "These eighteen old monks just distributed a small amount of Buddha power to empower the peerless spirit boy."

"You can get out of the empowerment at any time."

"As soon as you start, the eighteen old monks will immediately detect it and then stop it."

"But at your speed, it's totally shockable."

"As long as you make the right choices, you may be able to destroy all the formation lines at once and unseal the head of the god."

"To destroy the formation context, the strongest formation context should be the first."

Cheng Feng groaned: "God of war, these nineteen lines of formation, which are the most important?"

"If it is important, it is the panlong that is the dome, and the golden Buddha statue guarded by the three monks who formed the seven-pin Luohan body."

God of War: "The panlong on the dome is the line of formation of the eight-armed King Kong Buddha outside the temple."

"After being destroyed, the connection between the eight-armed Vajrayana Buddha and Vajra Vajra will be broken."

"It can be said to have cut off one arm of Vajra!"

"As for the three golden statues, these are the three main lines of the Vajrayana Demon Formation."

"After destruction, the power of Vajrayana's magic array will be reduced by 30%."

"Oh, right?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "In this case, I will destroy the Panlong, then the golden Buddha statue guarded by three peerless monks, and finally destroy the other 15 Buddha statues!"

After thinking smoothly, Cheng Feng didn't delay.

Quietly took out the Demon Sword and aimed at the panlong above the dome of the hall.

Stabbing ~~~

Knife and knife fall!

The life-like Panlong was cut down by Cheng Feng from above the dome of the hall.

"No! Someone broke into the hall!"

The moment Panlong was chopped up, the main hall was directly in front of him, and the three old monks who formed the body of Qipin Luohan were the first to notice it.

Three pairs of eyes coincided, looking at the dome of the hall.

However, at this time.

噗嗤 ~~~

Three old monks leaned to the one on the left, and the golden statue of Buddha he guarded was suddenly hit.

In the breath, shattered into the sky!

This made the old monk's face suddenly change, and when his gaze was regained, the Buddha's transmitted power was interrupted immediately.

Turn it into a big Buddha hand and grab it in the direction where the statue was smashed.

However, it was empty.

Because just as he stabbed, he stabbed ~~~

A golden Buddha statue beside him was fragmented like porcelain.

Immediately afterwards, the third statue of the Golden Buddha was also shattered!

"No, there are experts who want to destroy the Vajrayana Devil."

"Quick, everyone pays attention to defense."

"You must not let outsiders destroy all the formations of Vajra's formations!"

At the time of breathing, the panlong on the dome of the main hall and three golden Buddha statues were destroyed.

This made all the old monks here aware that some masters had sneaked into the main hall.

Dare not to neglect in the slightest, the eighteen old monks in the presence of Qi Qi stopped initiating the peerless spirit boy.

He urged a strong force of Buddhahood and hooded the golden Buddha statue behind him.

Protect the golden statue of Buddha under the shield of Buddha's power to prevent the intruder from destroying it.

But it's late!

The Buddha's power evoked by the eighteen monks has not shrouded the golden Buddha image.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Four golden Buddha statues were suddenly smashed,

Soon after, oh!

Another three or four consecutive golden Buddha statues were destroyed under a forceful bombardment.

When the Buddhist power of eighteen monks was covered, the remaining golden Buddha statue was covered.

There are actually only seven statues of Buddha.

"Abominable, even twelve lines of formation were destroyed by my eyes."

"Vajra Vombat is about to be completely destroyed!"

"Seal the door to me, and the old lady will have to see, who is the sacred God and my country in the desert?"

Nineteen lines of formations were destroyed most of the time.

This made eighteen old monks angry!

After protecting the remaining seven golden Buddha statues with rolling Buddha power, eighteen pairs of eyes were swept across the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

Want to scoop out Cheng Feng in stealth, and smash the dead!

However, Cheng Feng seems to have evaporated.

Eighteen old monks searched the entire hall and found nothing.

"Open the magic eye, that person must be still in the temple!"

At this time, a large old monk said: "The person must be found out, otherwise, the endless troubles will be endless."

However, the voice of the old monk with a large figure just fell.

Stabbing ~~~

Seven golden Buddha statues sheltered by the eighteen old monks, one of which is pierced by a blade.

The next moment, the blade rushed in.

Twist the entire Golden Buddha image into instant powder!


Under heavy protection, a golden Buddha statue was destroyed.

This made the eighteen old monks extremely angry!

In particular, the old monk with a large body was full of murderous intentions.

Eyes suddenly stared at the smashed position of the golden Buddha statue, and two dry hands snapped together.


Massive Buddha power came from all directions, forming six walls.

The person who destroyed the golden Buddha statue was trapped in the six walls, showing his original shape!

Unfortunately, that man was very cautious.

The moment he destroyed the statue of the golden body, he immediately withdrew and retreated.

At this moment, he was already standing outside the six Buddha walls.

Even the eyes flashed fiercely, stabbing ~~~

Actually shot again, pierced the shield of Buddha power, and destroyed another golden Buddha statue.

Not only that, the man kept moving even after destroying the second Golden Buddha statue.


The blade swept across, destroying the third and fourth golden Buddha statues.

The remaining seven golden Buddha statues have been reduced to three!

"I found him!"

"The guy who destroyed the array of formations is north of the hall, 350 meters away."

"Hurry up, everyone, let's get out of here and take that guy down!"

After Cheng Feng destroyed four golden Buddha statues in a row, he originally intended to go all out and destroy the last three Buddha statues.

Unfortunately, identity was revealed.

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