Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1798: Golden Body Lohan

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Chapter 1798 The Golden Body Rohan

It should be noted that at this moment, the attack of Cheng Feng was hit by three peerless monks.

Of these three peerless monks, two cast into the first-ranked Luohan body of Qipin, and one cast into the middle-ranked Luohan body of Qipin.

The combined attack power of the three monks is enough to injure a seventh ascendant who is ascending to the sky.

However, even Cheng Feng's defense was not broken.

It's almost beyond their understanding, their eyes almost fell out!

"Nothing. The intruder's defense was amazing. The black and white robe and gold armor on his body worked."

Of the eighteen monks, the one who was proficient in the eye opened his mouth: "From what I just observed, we found that nearly 90% of our attacks were absorbed by the gold armor and dissolved.

"The real strength of hitting the intruder was less than one percent."

"This power is tantamount to that intruder, meaningless!"

"Gold armor?"

The big old monk's eyes narrowed: "Masters and brothers, do you feel that the breath of that armor is familiar?"

"Is it a bit like ... the smell of war demons being suppressed under the hall?"

War devil is the name given by some people to God of War.

Since the God of War was alive, he led the four war departments to fight the world and marched his horse for a lifetime.

It's no exaggeration to call it a war demon!

"Breath of War Devil?"

Hearing the words of the big monk, the other monks frowned.

After a moment of recollection, Qi Qi trembled with emotion: "Brother Puguang, the breath from that armor is indeed similar to that of War Demon."

"Even to say, from the same source!"

"Is that gold armor related to the war devil?"

"Sisters and brothers, that gold armor is probably not as simple as the war demon."

The old monk Puguang looked dignified and said, "I guess that armor is simply the war armor's body armor!"

"What? Warmongers?"

Upon hearing that, everyone was shocked: "Brother Puguang, aren't the War Demon Armor along with the six remnants of War Demon, and were suppressed in the six places of the earth dome?"

"Why now ... have appeared on this person?"

"Does this person gather all the scattered war armors?"

"Well, eight or nine are inseparable from ten."

The old monk Puguang nodded: "Although the war demon was suppressed by the burial emperor in the six fierce lands, but he never died, and he always wanted to escape."

"In the past tens of thousands of years, the war devil has used various methods to send the war devil armor parts that he suppressed together one by one to the suppression ground for planning and layout."

"The intruder in front of me is probably the chess piece selected by the war demon."

"I want to use this person to unblock myself from the crackdown!"

"So, you brothers and sisters, we must be uplifted."

"This person must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise the whole world will be plunged into disaster!"

"Brother Puguang, the armor of war demon is the armor of war devil."

At this time, an old monk said: "Although this armor has not been refined to the highest level by war demons, it is not trivial and its defense is amazing."

"With the strength of our single person, we can't break it at all!"

"So, I recommend starting the Eighteen Arhats!"

"By bringing together the strength of our eighteen people, we can break through and even destroy that armor!"

"Well, what should it be."

The old monk Puguang nodded, adding: "Also, let the Vajrayana Magic Circle be opened!"

"Although the main formation of this array has been destroyed to the point where there is little left, it can also exert a lot of combat power."

"Assist the Eighteen Arhats, and give the intruder a hard blow!"

"Good!" The seventeen other monks nodded in unison.

Eighteen old monks then lined up in a special formation and waited for the foley to erupt.

Om ~~~

An outrageous force suddenly appeared.

Above the heads of eighteen old monks, a golden body Luohan condensed.

This golden body Luohan is extraordinary, with wide ears, deep eyes, long arms, thick legs, wide shoulders and wide back!

It's like stitching together the strongest parts of the human body.

And it is true.

This golden body Luohan assembled the strongest attacking methods of the eighteen old monks with magical powers.

For example, his wide ears are the ultimate expression of God's ears; his deep eyes are a symptom of pure eyes; the wide shoulders and wide back are the manifestations of the indestructible body of King Kong!

In the face of this kind of existence, anyone must have a big head.

A few hundred meters away, Cheng Feng felt a pressure at the moment when the golden body Luo Han formed.

When the God of War introduced it to his ears, he learned that this was a Buddhist battlefield. After the Eighteenth Arhat Battlefield, his look became serious.

Because the Eighteen Lohan Battlefield can simulate the attacking method of the Eighteen Lohans.

If the person who formed the battle formation is strong enough to even make the realm of power great, it is a concession of three points!

"It seems that the eighteen old monks guarding the place have already reacted at this time."

Cheng Feng whispered: "I have to make a quick decision to destroy the last two golden Buddha statues."

"It's been a long time. What might happen?"

After speaking, Cheng Feng's gaze stared at the two remaining golden Buddha statues.

But at this moment, hum ~~~

Suddenly, the two golden Buddha statues exuded strong golden light.

The next moment, the golden light spread out and merged into the walls and beams of the hall.

It turned out that the entire hall had a great change, like a living creature, and the dome of the hall suddenly burst.

It was then split into two and rolled up to the sides.


In the blink of an eye, the whole hall was swept up and mixed into two huge objects.

One of them is a mirror with a diameter of 100 meters. As a golden Buddha statue in the hall flew out, the mirror was suspended in the air.

Hum! A ray of Buddha light suddenly shined from the mirror, and Cheng Feng and eighteen old monks were pictured in it.

Making Cheng Feng as a negative daybreaker, any action is extremely difficult, as if being dragged behind.

As for the eighteen old monks, they were as light as swallows as if they were blessed with some mysterious power.

Let the golden body Luohan condensed above their heads be even more mighty!

As for the other object, it was a hundred-meter-long magic stick.

This stick is surrounded by a series of Buddhist texts, exuding a strong Buddha.

It gives people the feeling that they can dig out a hole in the sky!

Especially when the last golden Buddha statue in the hall flew out and grabbed that futon in the hand.

Billowing in Weiwei soared, he locked Cheng Feng.

Let Cheng Feng be like a knife in his throat, and his whole hairs have been erected!

"God of War, what's going on?"

Suddenly, the main hall of Qianfo Temple turned into a mirror and a magic wand.

This caused Cheng Feng's pressure to increase sharply while he was confused.

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