Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1799: Heavenly Burial Monument

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Chapter 179 Heavenly Burial Emperor's Stele

"Cheng Feng, this is the remnant power of Vajrayana!"

The voice of the God of War sounded: "Vajra Vombat is a king of battles, and its suppression is extremely strong."

"Based on the main hall of Qianfo Temple, it covers almost a half of the building of Qianfo Temple."

"Fortunately, you were very fast just now, destroying the seventeen array formations, so that the power of the entire array can only play a small part."

"Otherwise, it would be so simple to have more than one Buddha mirror and a magic wand at this moment!"

"The power of the Vajrayana Devil's Formation?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized, and whispered: "This array is really terrible. Only a small part of the power is left, and it is so terrible."

"Suppressing my strength to a great extent, my combat power can only be 90%."

"This is already pretty good."

God of War: "If it is a Vajrayana Devil in its full state, at least your strength will be suppressed by more than half."

"The best way is to completely break this array, then the pressure on your body can be broken, and God can escape from the trap!"

"God of War, there is only a little and a half power left in this Vajra Volcano formation, can't you get out of trouble?"

Cheng Feng is a little puzzled.

With the means of God of War, can't you break the broken Vajrayana?

"Cheng Feng, the Diamond Buddha Formation is nothing."

God of War: "The key thing to suppress my head is a stone stele under Vajra!"

"That stone stele is a fragment of the heavenly burial, a suppression of the emperor's stele made by its own blood and sacrifice.

"You have to completely destroy the Vajrayana Devil's Formation and move that stone stele away before I can really get out of trouble!"

"What? There is a celestial burial monument under the Vajrayana Devil's Formation?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "God of War, it's a bit of trouble to unseal your head!"

"After you get out of trouble, you must give me a good return."

"That's natural!"

God of War agreed with his mouth: "After your **** gets out of trouble, you will definitely be in good shape."

"At least it will help you to hold on to a few old guys who are staring at you, and make your future brighter!"

"With your words, you will also unseal your head when you die!"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's spirit was boosted.

No longer care about the exposed things, grabbed the demon sword, and slashed to the huge mirror suspended in the sky.

"Intruder, suffer!"

However, Cheng Feng just started.

Hundreds of meters away, the eighteen old monks rose into power.

Then he drank in the blast of the peerless monk Pu Guang, humming ~~~

The golden body Luohan on the top of the eighteen old monks immediately twisted his waist.

One hand was condensed into a fist, and one punch blasted to Cheng Feng fiercely.

Bang ~~~

Golden Body Lohan combines the power of eighteen old monks, and the combat power is simply dazzling.

A random Lohan fist was hit, but the power reached a scary level.

Actually, the knife light that Cheng Feng cut out broke instantly.

After that, his fist fell and he hit Cheng Feng away.

Forced Cheng Feng to throw out several knives before he resolved this punch!

However, Cheng Feng just resolved this punch, and the second, third, and fourth punches of Jin Shen Luo Han have already arrived.

Let the sky's golden light flash like a meteor falling.

The air suddenly thickened, making people feel a sense of suffocation!

"The power of these eighteen Lohan battle formations is very strong, and they have definitely reached the level of the seventh-highest-ranked powerhouse in the sky."

In the face of dozens of punches, Cheng Feng's face was solemn: "With my current strength, if I don't fire all the way, I can't resist it."

"Just let go of your hands and feet, can it be done, here it is!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran let go of his hands and feet.

Hold on to the Devil Blade with both hands, 唰 ~~~

Emperor Cang's Sword Technique is outrageous!

The first type of Emperor Cangshu was called Canglong, one month after the other. As Cheng Feng cut it off with a knife, a bladeless sword flew out of the Demon Sword.

Turned into a bladed light dragon, shook it up, and chopped down those dozens of bangs.

Boom boom ~~~

When the sword light Canglong was submerged in the blast of fist.

The sky was collapsed, and the emptiness surged in, and it was dark all of a sudden!

The aftermath of the terror was stirred up, and even if there was a Buddha light sheltering the Thousand Buddhas Temple, it would shake the temple loft close by.

The glazed tiles are just like arrows, blasting away into the distance!

"No, some peerless power sneaked into the town's hall."

"At this time, you have already fought with the eighteen uncles who guarded the town's magic hall, and even formed the eighteen Arhat battles!"

"It seems that the infiltrator is no small matter, I am afraid that it is among the best in the entire dome continent."

"Otherwise, it would not be possible to force the eighteen uncles to this point!"

In the Temple of Thousand Buddhas, all the monks were shocked to see the battle scene in the main hall.

I know the Thousand Buddhas Temple deeply and are in the midst of internal and external problems.

Outside, there are eight emperors of the continent coming together to force the Lord of the West Desert to abandon the empowerment of the peerless spirit boy.

An infiltrator entered the town hall, and the war devil's head suppressed under the hall was released.

Anything that goes wrong is enough to shake the foundations of the Ximo Buddhist nation.

Let all the monks present in the mood ups and downs, can not be calm for a long time.

However, what is causing them more headaches is still behind.

I saw that outside the Thousand Buddhas Temple, the Lord of the West Moss was fighting with the Emperor Huangtian.

The rivalry was small, but there was a chilling danger.

Twist all the objects entering the battle area into powder!

As for the other seven emperors and four peerless powerhouses, they searched the first ring of the entire Ximo Buddhist nation, and found nothing directly, then divided the two paths directly.

The three emperors with their bodies and four peerless powerhouses went to the direction of the war monk hall.

The bodies of the other four emperors were attracted by the battle fluctuations in the Qianfo Temple.

Between steps, I came outside Qianfo Temple.

Silent at the huge Qianfo Temple, even Cheng Feng and the eighteen old monks in the battle glanced out of the temple in unison.


At this moment, a skinny old monk came out of a temple in Qianfo Temple.

The old monk was really old and very weak, and felt that a gust of wind would blow him away.

But as he walked.

With each step, the oldness of his body weakened.

After he stepped up to the top of Qianfo Temple, the whole person had changed greatly.

Become a middle-aged monk who is tall and strong, at the peak of the human body!

He stood in front of the four emperors and stepped into the footsteps of the Qianfo Temple with the intention of the four emperors.

"Uncle Pu Yuan!"

"A hundred years ago, Uncle Pu Yuan's ancestors formed a Qipin high-level Luohan body, and then repaired it to a standstill."

"In order to break the bottleneck of cultivation, Uncle Pu Yuan practiced the taboo Dharma‘ Dead Zen ’!”

"Once this dying Zen has been cultivated, it must go through nine trials of dryness of flesh, exhaustion of mind, and death of spiritual knowledge."

"After Nirvana rebirth after nine deaths, he can break the barrier of repair and forge a seventh-grade extreme Luohan body."

"This time Uncle Pu Yuan appeared, could he have practiced his dead meditation to the highest level?"

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