Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1807: Unmatched

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Chapter 1807 Unmatched Fist

As long as it is confirmed that the person with the gold armor is Cheng Feng, the emperors and lords of the major gods and the Ximo Buddha will join forces.

Kill Cheng Feng, the guy most likely to pick the fruits of the world, in the cradle!

After all, compared with the peerless spirit boy, Cheng Feng's threat is greater.

The top of the broken realm is repaired, but it can fight the seventh strongest man in the sky.

What if you get into the heaven?

Once they are allowed to enter the sky, the fruits of heaven and earth must not have their share.

Regarding this kind of thing, the emperors of the major gods will never allow it to happen!

So soon, the Emperor of the Elephants, the Emperor of the Apocalypse ... and even the Emperor of the Barrens all turned to Cheng Feng with their killing eyes.

Let Cheng Feng be as negative as Dayue, his emotions were suppressed to a few points.

But at this moment, an overbearing voice suddenly sounded.

"You guys, you seem to be wrong, right?"

"Let's not let this horrible calamity of the gods calm down, but look for the trouble of Cheng Feng."

"Isn't it really possible to treat God as air?"

The voice came from the head of God of War.

I saw that the head of God of War at this time was no longer as dry as before.

The layer of skin attached to the bones was full and there was a faint radiance of activity.

The deep-set eyes also became more energetic with the fullness of the flesh.

Like two headlights, revealing unparalleled domineering and warfare!

"God of War?"

"Grass, almost forgot this crop!"

"This is the biggest trouble at the moment. If we can't suppress it again, I am afraid it will reshuffle the entire continent!"

With the intervention of God of War, everyone's attention was attracted to the past.

When seeing the head of God of War being chased by the old monk Puguang and the monk Puyuan, not only was he not suppressed again.

On the contrary, the breath is fast and strong, and there is a taste to return to the peak.

This made Ximo Buddha's brow frantic, and he couldn't help looking at the west for 1,800 miles.

I saw there, a huge golden sculpture, cracked on it.

At the moment that the Lord of the West Desert looked, 嘭 ~~~

The gold sculpture suddenly exploded.

Immediately, a two-meter-tall man wearing a cloak of iron blood appeared to everyone's eyes!

"The first monk! That is the first monk!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

"The first monk of the war has completely awakened. Now let's see how the war demon's head and his party Cheng Feng continue to jump!"

Seeing the old man wearing the iron blood monk's clothes, the monks in the first ring of the entire Ximo Buddhist country, all excited and shouted loudly.

Even Puyuan monk and Ximo Buddha were relieved.

As if there was this person present, no matter how chaotic the situation was, it could finally be completely calmed down.

Because this person is the first of the war monks, the first strongest in the West Mo Buddhism!

"The first seat of a monk! A strong man who has become the eight-pin Luohan!"

The appearance of the middle-aged man in the iron blood monk's clothing slightly wrinkles the head of the war god: "When suppressed by the Heavenly Burial Emperor's Monument, the **** may still be afraid of three points."

"But now ... what can you do with me?"

In the yelling of madness, the mouth of God of War's head opened, and he took a sigh of fierceness towards the sky.


Suddenly, the wind raged in the sky.

Rolling up a hurricane, howling to the mouth of God of War's head.

Even because the suction was too huge, the curtain of Buddha light that actually condensed the three thousand Luohan bursts was sucked inward.

Finally, 嘭 ~~~

The curtain of Buddha's light was sunk to the extreme and exploded directly.

Immediately, outside the curtain of Buddha's light, huge amounts of heaven and earth vitality were absorbed by huge mouths.

Wow! Swept from all sides.

Formed a huge funnel, and rushed into the mouth of God of War's skull frantically along the hole in the curtain of Buddha's light.

Let God of War's head plump up quickly, the deep exposed cheekbones disappear, and the eyes filled.

It looks like a little human.

At the same time, a tyrannical breath spread.

The head of God of War looks like an ancient beast, giving a taste of incomparable horror.

Even the emperors of various major dynasties, such as the Emperor Yuhua, all contracted their eyes and felt a strong threat.

As far as one thousand and eighteen miles away, the pair of warriors wearing iron-blooded monk clothes, the eyes of the killer, stared suddenly at this moment.

When he saw the head of the God of War that was constantly absorbing the vitality of the earth and the earth, and quickly became stronger, he didn't say a word.

A punch was punched in the direction of the head of Ares.

Bang ~~~

The first fist punched by the war monk seemed uncommon.

But after one punch, the void broke instantly.

A heart-wrenching punch penetrated the broken void, and in an instant, across a distance of 1,800 miles, it reached the sky above Qianfo Temple.

The huge Buddhist temple of Qianda suddenly became extremely depressed, and the air became sticky.

Breathing becomes incredibly difficult, and can suffocate at any time!

"Good boxing power!"

In the Qianfo Temple, Cheng Feng is full of Dayue: "The boxing power has not yet been added, and the boxing power has almost crushed people!"

"This method is just like a legend. It is worthy of being the first strongest man in Ximo Buddhism!"

The first fist punched by the war monk contained immense fist power.

This type of attack first crushed people's minds with punches, causing people's hearts to collapse, and they could not exert 30 to 50% of their strength.

Then the punch arrived, usually under one punch, he could blast the opponent on the spot!

However, his opponent is God of War.

God of War conquers the world, and battles of all sizes have gone through countless times.

The mind is as hard as iron, indestructible!

The first fist punched by the war monk, although overwhelming, had no effect on the God of War.

Only the meteor-like punch made the head of God of War feel a threat.

So I took a savage blow from my mouth and swallowed a lot of vitality into my mouth.

Hum! The whole head was full of light.

The next moment, those rays condense below the skull.

It turned out a translucent vitality body.

Immediately lifted his arms and boomed ~~~

A punch to that punch that fell from the sky, daringly welcomed it.

This punch of God of War is very powerful.

Although the body is formed by vitality, one punch is enough to easily blast the sixth strongest man in the sky.

However, this punch was the first to fight against the monk, but the strength was a lot worse.

Under the two punches, the punch of the God of War was quickly dissipated.

Then an overwhelming force raged, and it was actually a vital arm that had just been formed by the God of War, and it exploded!

"Haha, the first mighty!"

"Please also fire the first firepower to suppress the warlord's head again."

"The warlord's party Cheng Fengzhen was put into a Buddha prison, and the eternal life cannot be born!"

Seeing the first shot of the war monk punching one arm of the **** of war, all the monks in the Ximo Buddhist state cheered loudly.

Seeing the head of God of War and being repressed again!

Because the war monk's first seat had just awakened at this moment, just now he just punched at will, which was less than one tenth of the heyday.

If the real firepower is turned on, then the suppression of the head of Ares will be just around the corner!

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