Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1808: Seal the world

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Chapter 1808 Sealing the World

"Oh, that's interesting!"

However, the God of War who was smashed by his vitality arm did not move at all.

When he saw a whisper, the burst arm quickly grew.

Even because the God of War absorbed more vitality, it made that arm much stronger.

Raise a hand and throw a punch into the sky, 嘭 ~~~

On the north side of the Buddha's light curtain, a huge hole was punched out.

"Cheng Feng, it's time for you to leave!"

After doing this, the God of War suddenly transmitted a voice to Cheng Feng: "Time has been dragging on for a long time, and the first monk to fully react will be very troublesome!"

On the surface, the God of War was a tyrannical hero, and he did not put the first monk in his eyes.

In fact, the first seat of the war monk is very daunting.

After all, his head was suppressed for a full 170,000 years. Even if he is strong, he will not be the first opponent of the war monk in a short time.

In case the war monk first let go of his feet and attacked Cheng Feng, the consequences would be disastrous.

"God of War, I promised you that it was done."

After hearing the news, Cheng Feng nodded and said, "I hope you will eventually break into a butterfly and return to the top!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow kill, and the whole person suddenly disappeared.

Secretly following the cave blasted by the God of War fist, he flew outside the Qianfo Temple.

"Cheng Feng, where to go!"

However, some people did not want him to leave.

Cheng Feng had just set off to fly outside the Thousand Buddhas Temple, and a loud drink sounded.

The next moment, a golden body Lohan appeared on his way.

His arms were like runners, launching a stormy storm toward him.

It was eighteen old monks like Puguang!

"Little bald donkeys, God play with you!"

Seeing the old monk Puguang and others urged the Eighteenth Arhat Battle, intent on intercepting Cheng Feng.

God of War shot directly, and punched Pu Guang.

This punch of God of War is an understatement, and there seems to be no power at all.

But after hitting the hundreds of boxing punches thrown out by the golden body Lohan, the rumbling ~~~

All the punches were blown by the God of War!

Then, the remaining boxing energy continued to bombard, instantly knocking off that golden body Luohan.

Let Cheng Feng's way, immediately turned into Kangzhuang Avenue.

However, there are more than just Puguang monks in Qianfo Temple.

The monk Puyuan who practiced the dead Zen and formed the seventh-grade extreme Luohan was not far from Cheng Feng.

After being intercepted by the old monks of Puguang and destroyed by the God of War.

The Puyuan monk took a step forward and crossed in front of Cheng Feng.

Fingers that are thicker than ordinary people are lifted, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

A few Dow-holes penetrated through the void and came straight to Cheng Feng's brows.

Even though Cheng Feng was wearing the armor of war, he felt a threat.

Almost out of an instinct, he lifted up the Tianfu Emperor's Stele in his hands, 唰 ~~~

Slap in the direction of your finger.

It turned out that those Dooms were so fierce that they flew away with the burial of Emperor Tianfu.

However, at the same time, the impact of the finger force poured into Cheng Feng's body along the Tianfu Emperor's Monument, but also forced Cheng Feng out of flight!

After all, the monk Pu Yuan was a man with a combat power comparable to the seventh-best extreme power in the sky.

Cheng Feng simply competed, it was almost ten thousand miles away!

"Little monk, come here to try your dead Zen."

Cheng Feng was intercepted, God of War shot again.

Actually also used a fingering, shot at Pu Yuan monk in the past.

At this time, the head of God of War was much plumper than before.

And the Buddha's light curtain was penetrated by him, and he was absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth every moment and constantly strengthening himself.

So the power of the fingers shot at this moment has reached a super-strong level.

Actually shot against the monk Pu Yuan, did not fall in the slightest.

This dragged down the monk Pu Yuan and secured a chance for Cheng Feng.

Huh! Let Cheng Feng fly out of Qianfo Temple.

However, at this moment, there are not only a few people who are looking at Cheng Feng.

The iconic emperor outside the Thousand-Buddha Temple, the Lord of the West Desert Buddha, and even the Emperor Huangtian were all interested in him.

The moment Cheng Feng flew out of the Qianfo Temple, the three emperors took a step forward to stop him forcibly.

Fortunately, at this time, the Emperor Fei, Emperor of the Demon God, and the Emperor Emperor stepped forward and stopped the three masters of the Ximo Buddha.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng flashed forward and passed by the three Emperor Huangtian.

Immediately intend to rush into the sky and fly away from the first ring of the Ximo Buddha country!

"No one is allowed to leave here today!"

Just then, a thunderous voice suddenly came.

The next moment, hum ~~~

An unmatched force emerged from nowhere, covering the first ring of the entire Ximo under the unmatched force.

Cheng Feng originally stole the Tianfu Emperor's Stele and pulled out the Devil Sword.

Prepare to use the sharp blade of the Devil Sword to break open the colorful Buddha ring that seals the first ring of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom and escape.

But with the emergence of that unmatched power, the defense of the colorful Buddha ring soared.

Cheng Feng slammed the magic sword instantly, and the man-knife was cut on the colorful Buddha ring, but it was Mars splashing, and he failed to cut the colorful Buddha ring.

Instead, an overwhelming force emerged from the colorful Buddha ring.

Flicked Cheng Feng out at once, and turned over several fights in the void!

"It's the first war monk!"

After flying horizontally for a few kilometers, Cheng Feng was shocked: "It must be the first shot of the war monk, and his strength is so strong."

"It feels like the seventh most important thing to climb to the sky.

Cheng Feng and Dengtian seventh heavy martial arts have already fought many times.

But none of the seventh strongest man in the sky can give him this sense of terror.

It seems that between the seventh and eighth ascents of the sky, there is a gap between the nature and the strength.

"Cheng Feng, ascending the heavens is like this. The further the realm is, the greater the gap in strength!"

When Cheng Feng was puzzled, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Usually, a eighth-level first-level martial artist who can ascend the sky can fight ten tenth-level extreme martial arts men.

"If you fight alone, you will be crushed!"

"You better not fight head-to-head with that war monk."

"Otherwise, even if you wear the armor of war, I am afraid there will be danger to life!"

The eighth ascent to the sky, this is the invincible existence in the earth dome continent.

The first war monk awakened from the self-seal. To a certain extent, no one can fight, and he can kill God and slaughter Buddha!

Cheng Feng confronts such existence, and he is certain to win or lose.

Maybe Cheng Feng can enter the battlefield with Deng Tianjing in order to compete with him!

"No one is allowed to leave this place?"

Just when Cheng Feng was bounced off by unmatched power.

In the Temple of Thousand Buddhas, the voice of the God of War screamed: "Oh, what a great tone!"

"My **** wants to try your first person in the so-called Ximo Buddhism Kingdom. How many pounds or two?"

The words come to an end, 咻 ~~~

God of War flew out of the Qianfo Temple.

Immediately, the first ring of the entire Ximo Buddhist country was a windstorm, rolled up a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality, and poured wildly into the mouth of God of War.

Let the God of War cling to the skin of the bones, all bulging.

Derived from flesh and blood, flesh and blood.

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