Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1813: Desperate

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Chapter 1813 Desperate

The crisis is coming faster than Cheng Feng imagined.

He had just stood still, carrying a knife in case the enemy attacked.

噗嗤 ~~~

A cloud of black mist came from his side.

A sharp knife emerged out of nowhere, stabbing into Cheng Feng's heart.

This knife is fast and suddenly very high.

Even though Cheng Feng appeared at the tip of the knife, he noticed it and waved his sword for defense.

However, he did not defend.

Huh! The heart was attacked.

A vicious force penetrated the armor of War God and poured into Cheng Feng's body.

It made Cheng Feng's heart suddenly hurt, and his heartbeat stopped for two or three seconds.

Under the impact of this force, the whole person slammed forward.

Moreover, as Cheng Feng scrambled forward, standing on the occasion of instability.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

Count several sharp knives in a row from different directions towards Cheng Feng's heart and brows.

Want to kill Cheng Feng on the spot!

"Huh, that guy!"

But at this moment.

However, Cheng Feng snorted suddenly, and when the man rushed forward, the sword in his hand was severely thrown away.

In the middle of a haircut, hey!

The blades that pierced the vital parts of his body were all blocked.

However, the secret attackers are amazing in strength.

Its divine power contains a very strange power that exceeds the seven-star divine power.

Despite his keen response, Cheng Feng blocked the attack by the attackers in time.

A weird force ran down the sword and poured into his arms.

The bone fracture in his arm made the three-pointer worse.

Even the weird forces are still entangled in the cracks in the bones, destroying Cheng Feng's bones all the time, making the bone fractures impossible to repair!

"This guy is a master!"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Its strength is no worse than Puyuan monk."

"Eighty-nine out of ten is also a seventh-strength extreme powerhouse."

"Cheng Feng, the person who attacked you is the Apocalypse of the Apocalypse."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This apocalyptic evil emperor is a sinister man who is proficient in various miscellaneous studies and likes to attack and ambush."

"Cultivation may not be the strongest of the nine emperors, but it is more dangerous."

"You must be alert to this person."

"Maybe at some point, they will be killed by the opponent's tricks!"

"Apocalyptic evil emperor?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng nodded suddenly: "It turned out to be an emperor's body, no wonder the strength is so great."

Knowing that the sneak attacker was after the Apocalypse, Emperor Cheng Feng's alert increased sharply.

The sense of crisis in my heart became stronger.

It feels that it is becoming more and more difficult to escape the West Desert Buddha bones this time, and hope is beginning to fade.

However, Cheng Feng will not give up halfway.

Take a deep breath and squeeze the complex thoughts into your heart.

Enduring the stings in his arms, the fifth style of Emperor Cang's sword came out.

Cheng Feng's style of Emperor Cang sword borrowed the power of two hundred and sixty-eight stars.

Cut it out with a knife, wow ~~~

The thick black fog in front was just chopped down by a broad channel.

Cheng Feng seized the opportunity to show his stride.

Huh! Instantly flew out of the dark mist package.

However, although Cheng Feng was out of the dark fog area, the danger was not thrown away.

Instead, it is more dangerous.

Because outside the black mist, the monks of Puyuan stood like mountains.

With both hands raised, Buddhism learns Arhats and is ready to go.

At the same time five hundred miles away, the breath of strong cross-border martial arts struck, blocking Cheng Feng's retreat completely.

In addition, the rolling black mist suddenly shrank sharply.

After all the black mist converged, a young man in red appeared in front of Cheng Feng.

Amazingly the body of the Apocalypse!

"Cheng Feng, really an interesting kid."

After the Emperor Tianqi emerged, he looked at Cheng Feng with a playful look: "The culmination of the peak of the broken realm, but it can block the two attacks of the emperor, is a heavenly wizard who will never meet forever."

"I can kill you with my own genius, and I feel a little excited when I think about it!"

During the conversation, an abnormal smile appeared on Tian Qixie's face.

Then he suddenly shot, and five fingers slammed into Cheng Feng.

Wow ~~~

The finger actually rose in the wind, turned into five slender sharp knives, and stabbed Cheng Feng away.

At the same time, the monk Napu Yuan also shot, and **** close together continued to poke.


A sharp force of fingers shrouded Cheng Feng's heart and brows.

Secondly, the four peerless strongmen who had just arrived also shot, an ancient sword, an iron gun, a heavy hammer, a pointed needle ... divided into four directions and hit the four key points of Cheng Feng.

"Grass, six peerless strongmen hanged together!"

In the face of heavy attacks, Cheng Feng's face was solemn: "These **** really don't want to give me a little bit of life!"

A total of six peerless powerhouses, one of them is the monarch possession, and the other is a monk who has formed the body of Qipin Luohan.

Under such horrific attacks, the seventh-highest powerhouse on the sky will be severely damaged.

Even if Cheng Feng is protected by the armor of war, I am afraid it is more fierce.

However, Cheng Feng was not intimidated.

Holding the Devil Sword in his hand, it actually increased the number of stars in the sky to 272.

Then 272 starlights were drawn into the sword.

laugh! Attacked heavily and chopped it down.

This sword cut by Cheng Feng has unprecedented power.

After the sword was cut, the world was killed, and penetrated and broken by the knife light.

When the sword light cut the five sharp knife fingers captured by the Emperor Tianqi, 铿铿 铿 ~~~

It is like a sledgehammer hitting, sparking a brilliant sword flower.

Shatter large walls of space and make the sky instantly fraught with holes.

The billowing craziness poured in from the breach, like a giant monster with hundreds of mouths.

In the splattering force, the hand of the Emperor Tianqi shook.

Obviously struck by strength, could not help but retract.

This is not the case for the Devil Sword. After the violent sword opened the grasp of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor, it slanted and choked against the monks from Pu Yuan.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Dozens of fingers will stop you.

However, the impact of the heavy finger force rushed into Cheng Feng's arms along the cutting sword.

Let Cheng Feng's hand holding the knife soften, and the Devil Sword almost came out.

In this case, Cheng Feng suddenly had no strength to block the attack from the other four peerless strongmen.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Hit by a sword, a gun, a hammer, and a sharp needle.

Cheng Feng was frightened, and the four key points came from the heartache.

And this is not over yet, after the Apocalypse Evil Emperor, Pu Yuan monk, and four peerless powerhouses attacked.


The second wave of stronger attacks is one after another!

Want to kill Cheng Feng on the spot!

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