Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1814: Draw in secret

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Chapter 1814 Secrets of Secret

"Unstoppable, it's unstoppable!"

Faced with the joint attack of six peerless powerhouses, Cheng Feng felt unprecedented pressure.

Only after a fight, some can not carry it!

It was a passive beating without any help.

In a blink of an eye, six people from the Apocalypse Evil Emperor successively hit dozens of strokes.

Even if Cheng Feng was protected by the armor of war, he was hit hard.

In particular, the two arms were extremely cracked, and even the knife was not stable.

The feeling of death is closer than ever.

"Is Cheng Feng, are you going to die here?"

Hit by another wave of attacks, the whole person was directly hit and flew out for several kilometers.

Cheng Feng gritted himself and asked, "No! I don't want to die yet, let alone die!"

"There are many relatives and friends waiting for me to meet, I must never die here, never!"

In desperation, Cheng Feng's potential suddenly exploded.

A mysterious force emerged from the depths of the body, greatly restraining Cheng Feng's injuries.

Let Cheng Feng have a terrible state and have a leapfrog recovery.

The attack and killing of the six evil Emperor Tianqi was carried down.

However, this is only a temporary situation.

This mysterious force could not help Cheng Feng escape from the siege of the Six Emperors of the Apocalypse.

Continuing, Cheng Feng ultimately could not escape!

"Cheng Feng, do you want to survive?"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in Cheng Feng's ear: "If you want to live, I can give you a way to live!"

The sound was transmitted into the ear, and the tone was intentionally changed, which seemed very mysterious.

"Who are you? Why did you help me out?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is whether you want to live or not."

The mysterious voice said: "As long as you want to live, I have the means to let you escape from the siege of the Emperor Tianqi and others.

"Of course I want to live."

Cheng Feng's eyes flashed: "But can you believe?"

"There are six evil gods of the Qi Dynasty, but six peerless powerhouses, and the seventh extreme powerhouse who is ascended to the sky is targeted.

"Hehe ~~~"

However, the mysterious voice smiled confidently and said, "Six Apocalypse, I can stop them at any time."

"Then secretly cooperate and send you out of the West Desert Buddha!"

"What? You have so much energy?"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng was shocked, his mind was ups and downs,

You should know that the six evil gods of the Apocalypse come from different **** dynasties.

It is very difficult to let these six people stop together.

Even if the God of Desolation goes to the Emperor of Desolation, I am afraid it cannot be done.

However, the owner of the mysterious voice is confident that he can let the Six Emperors of the Apocalypse stop, which is incredible!

"As long as I think, nothing is impossible!"

The mysterious voice was full of confidence, and after the words came to an end, the offensive power of the Apocalypse suddenly abated.

Although it seemed on the scene, the attack of the Emperor Apocalypse was fierce.

But the actual attack has weakened a lot.

Moreover, not only the Emperor Apocalypse, but three of the four peerless powerhouses also began to bluff.

Attacking Cheng Feng on purpose, greatly reduced the pressure on Cheng Feng.

"How's it? Can you trust me now?"

At the same time, the mysterious voice sounded in Cheng Feng's ears again.

Let Cheng Feng's eyelids jump wildly, his heart was not calm.

"This mysterious voice can really make Tian Qi Xie Emperor stop?"

Cheng Feng thoughts fluctuated and whispered: "Does it say that there is an invincible existence in the dark that can make the existence of Tian Qi Xie Emperor surrender?"

Apocalypse Evil Emperor, who is at the helm of the Apocalypse dynasty, has won the superpower of creation.

How terrifying would it be to allow such beings to submit to existence?

I'm afraid Emperor Huangtian also sighs.

"Cheng Feng, stay calm and don't be fooled."

As Cheng Feng's thoughts floated, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It doesn't necessarily need to be powerful to let the evil Emperor of the Apocalypse stop."

"Actually he can do it himself!"

"Apocalypse himself?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's mind flashed: "Uncle Nalan, you mean the evil Emperor Tian Qi is singing a double spring."

"That mysterious voice is himself at all? He directed and performed the play?"

"So, to achieve an unspeakable purpose?"

Cheng Feng's guess is very likely.

If the owner of the mysterious voice is really the Emperor Apocalypse himself, then everything can be easily understood.

The Emperor Tianqi collided secretly with the three emperors in the dynasty where the peerless powerhouse was located, and reached some agreement with them.

Then the mysterious voice wants to let the Tianqi evil emperor attack when they wait.

When he asked to stop, the Apocalypse Evil Emperor would stop.

It seemed that the mysterious voice owner was very arrogant and shocked Cheng Feng.

By then, the owner of the mysterious voice wants Cheng Feng to be what Cheng Feng will be.

"Cheng Feng, nothing is absolute."

Nalan Changsheng said: "You can start with the mysterious voice for a while or two, as long as he is an apocalyptic evil emperor, it will definitely show the fox tail!"

As soon as Nalan's voice fell, the mysterious voice came again.

"Cheng Feng, you have seen the means of this seat."

The mysterious voice said, "Next, it's time to talk about the conditions of this seat to save you."

"Conditions? What conditions?" Cheng Feng asked.

"I want this seat to save you, the conditions are simple."

The mysterious voice said: "As long as you swear a vow of soul and soul, it will remain true to this seat. Even if the first monk comes in person, this seat will keep you safe!"

"Swear a vow of faith, and stay true to you?"

Cheng Feng frowned, never expecting the other party to propose such a condition.

"Cheng Feng, this seat helps you get out of trouble, it is the grace of reconstruction."

The mysterious voice said, "It's not wrong to let you stay true to this seat, right?"

"It's too much, of course not too much."

Cheng Feng said, "I want to ask, who are you sacred?"

"I swear, I can't live without your name."

"Cheng Feng, you made the smartest choice."

After hearing the words, the mysterious voice thought that Cheng Feng agreed to his conditions.

The tone was full of joy: "To tell you the truth, this seat is not a single person, but there are three."

"Episode Apocalypse, Emperor Iconostasis, and Sword Emperor Sword Emperor."

"When you will make a vow of the soul, remember to include all three of my names."

"From now on, you will always be loyal to the three of me!"

"Apocalypse, Emperor Icon, and Sword Emperor?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's heart jumped and was surprised: "Mysterious voice is actually three people working together, and they are also three emperors of God."

"I am afraid that there is only one purpose for helping me secretly, and that is for the fruits of heaven and earth."

"Only the fruits of heaven and earth can make the three monarch-level existences collude with each other and lose the bottom line!"

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