Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1822: First to the Bombing Monk

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Chapter 1822 The First Block to the Bombing Monk

"However, this is not the time to fear the tiger and the wolf."

In a whisper, Cheng Feng suddenly looked calm and gritted his teeth, "Crushing first is the best way to succeed."

"If it doesn't work out, think of another way!"

Cheng Feng is very decisive.

Before the words fell, the dragon's power in the body transpired.

Exhibited a shadow-shaped method of thousands of miles, 唰 ~~~

Exploded towards the 28th Ring of the West Desert Buddha.

The speed of Wanli is super fast. The blink of an eye has spanned more than three thousand miles and came to the 29th Buddha Ring.

This time, Cheng Feng did not lift the miles.

But when the whole person is about to hit the twenty-ninth Buddha ring, stab it ~~~

One sword was cut off to the twenty-nine Buddha ring.

The twenty-nine Buddha ring was cut out instantly.

The void passage blocked by the twenty-nine Buddha rings was immediately unblocked.

As a result, Cheng Feng smoothly passed from the 28th Ring of the West Desert Buddha Country to the 29th Ring of the Buddha Country.

Then, through the clouds and emptied, quickly rushed to the 30th ring of Ximo Buddha!

"The buddha ring in the outer ring area of ​​the Ximo Buddha is really much weaker than the buddha ring in the inner ring."

During the teleportation of the void, Cheng Feng showed a happy face: "I performed the first form of the Emperor Cangshu, and I easily cut the twenty-ninth Buddha ring, leaving the void channel open.

"If you change to a ring of Buddha within 20 rings, you can't cut it off!"

When Cheng Feng had performed a mile-long figure before, when he encountered the hindrance of the Buddha ring, he had to stop and break the Buddha ring first.

After entering the next area of ​​the Buddha ring, they re-run the 10,000-mile escape.

This directly wastes a lot of time and seriously slows down Cheng Feng's escape efficiency.

Now, because the defense of the Buddha ring has weakened a lot, he can break the Buddha ring in the way during the teleportation in the void.

Thereby, the escape efficiency is greatly improved.

You can escape a thousand miles when you cast a thousand miles.

Unlike before, which can only transmit three thousand miles, you must stop and rest.

Therefore, after only one thousand miles were cast, Cheng Feng crossed the distance of ten thousand miles and came to the thirty-first ring of Ximo Buddha.

Next, just need to perform the 10,000-mile sculpt once more, Cheng Feng will be able to break away from the West Desert Buddha country.

By then, the sky will be high and the sea wide, Cheng Feng will be free to swim!

However, at this time.

A horrible killing idea locked Cheng Feng.

The next moment, rumbling ~~~

Behind Cheng Feng, a string of beads passed through the clouds and burst through the clouds, exploding a number of Buddha ring guards.

Cheng Feng, who was on the thirty-first ring of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, called fiercely.

Once he was hit by him, even if Cheng Feng was wearing the armor of war, I'm afraid he couldn't carry it.

Nine out of ten, to fall on the spot!

"It's the first war monk!" Cheng Feng glanced back.

When he saw the string of horrible beads, his face was dignified to the extreme: "Damn, the first monk has chased me within thirty thousand miles."

"At this time, I can only race against time, and pull the distance back before the string of beads hits me."

"Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

During the groaning, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng has exhibited the shape of a thousand miles, and the whole person has turned into a beam of light, blasting out of the Ximo Buddhist country.

The shape of thousands of miles is a combination of martial arts and martial arts.

It can be regarded as teleportation, and the speed is very fast.

However, under the circumstances that Cheng Feng displayed a thousand miles, he could not match the speed of the first monk's bead.

In a blink of an eye, the string of beads burst six or seven rings and reached the thirtieth ring of the Ximo Buddha.

Cheng Feng was worthy to be teleported to the 33rd Ring of the West Desert Buddha!

The sense of crisis in the mountain and tsunami surged towards Cheng Feng like a raging wave.

Let Cheng Feng be as negative as Dayue, and his scalp became numb violently, making it difficult to breathe.

"Persist, you must!"

However, Cheng Feng did not give up: "The first attack by the war monk, although it could kill 30,000 miles away."

"But when the attack flies 30,000 miles, the power is bound to be greatly reduced."

"As long as I seize the opportunity, I may not be able to stop the blow."

In his thoughts, Cheng Feng continued to display the shape of a thousand miles, and flew out of the Ximo Buddha.

At the same time, early preparations will be made to push the power of the God of War armor to the extreme.

Then cast Tianlong Golden Body, Purple Thunder Refinery Decay, Crazy Knife Overpower, Summoning Knife Skills ...

All defensive measures were put out.

Then the Devil Sword held up, so that big stars lit up above the sky.

Waiting for Cheng Fengxuan to pass through the 33rd Buddhist ring of the Ximo Buddhist State, he completely flew away from the Ximo Buddhist State.

The number of big stars in the sky has reached an unprecedented 280.

Then he glanced behind him. When he saw that the string of beads had pierced through the thirty-second ring of the Buddha, he quickly bombarded.

Without any hesitation, he lifted a knife and drew 280 down.

Waiting for the slashing sword, stabbing ~~~

Cut it out with a knife, a bladeless sword cut through the void, and blasted away towards the string of beads!

Bang ~~~

The string of beads was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the 33rd ring of the West Desert Buddha.

At this time, Cheng Feng's unmatched sword light just arrived.

Two horrific attacks collided above the sky.

Suddenly, the deafening explosion sounded.

The next moment, the unmatched power was like the Yangtze River, rushing around in the direction of the land where Daoguang and Buddhism opposed.

The sky was torn directly into a huge black hole hundreds of miles away, and it was pouring out of nothingness.

Almost directly connected the earth dome and the void sea!

Those terrifying pictures will shock everyone who sees this scene.

The eyes stared at the boss, like a hell!

"My God, what happened?"

"The sky is actually falling, and it is broken by a string of beads and a knife light!"

"Which is sacred, or is it human?"

Many people did not see the first peak of the process peak and the war monk.

So at this time I can only guess and think.

It feels that a **** of heaven has landed on earth and is killing, and it is necessary to bring down the sky!

As for those who knew the inside story, they even felt scalp and exclaimed.

"Then Cheng Feng, was able to confront the first monk?"

"How did he do it? Still human?"

In fact, Cheng Feng's strength is far worse than that of the first monk.

After brewing the strongest sword for a long time, he persisted for only a few seconds.

Even an inch inch breaks up and dissipates!

On the other hand, the string of beads was cut off by the knife light.

Wow ~~~

Thirty-three beads were spread out at once.

Like a circle of Dayues, they blasted away in all directions.

Among them, two giant beads are like eyes, blasting towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng had just put away the Devil Sword, and he was about to fly away.

Bang ~~~

Hit by two beads.

The void channel used for teleportation was exploded on the spot, and Wanli Xing was forced to terminate.

The whole person was forced out of the void channel by the beads.

His back was hit by a bead and flew straight forward.

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