Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1823: Forever

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Chapter Eighteen Twenty-Three

"Too strong, the first attack of the monk is too strong!"

The moment he was struck by the beads, Cheng Fengru was bombarded by thousands of mountains at the same time.

The armors of the warlords, who were promoted to the limit of the semi-holy artifacts, were sunken inward at that moment.

A horrible force penetrated the armor of the war god, bombarded Cheng Feng's back, and instantly burst the Jiyi Sword's protective film.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng also exhibited the Purple Thunder Refining Decree, Tianlong Golden Body, and the Magic Sword Technique.

Under this circumstance, the violent impact force was barely carried down.

However, even so, Cheng Feng was injured.

Suddenly there was a sweetness in his mouth, and a large mouthful of blood had flowed from the corner of his mouth!

But Cheng Feng was not overthrown.

Almost at the moment of stabilizing, 唰 ~~~

The shadow-shaped 10,000-mile figure was cast again.

The whole person turned into a beam, and disappeared suddenly!

As for the twenty-eighth ring of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, the war monk came first.

A step out is a few hundred miles, much faster than Cheng Feng's performance in a thousand miles.

And his eyes were like a torch, and he actually saw through the void of thousands of miles, and saw the picture of Cheng Feng escaping in a thousand miles.

Without saying a word, their hands snapped together.


Nearly 20,000 miles away, the string of beads scattered around seemed to be pulled by an invisible force.

The beads flew back from all directions, and immediately pointed at the direction where Cheng Feng fled.


Juyue was like a mad crit.

But at this moment.

Above the sky, the huge face formed by the rolling black clouds was angry.

I only heard a roaring thunderous sound, and immediately the huge face changed greatly, turned into a large black hand covered with scales.

Cover the sky and take photos from the sky.

At that moment, it seemed as if the sky dome collapsed, and the horrible sky mighty tens of thousands of miles.

Aimed at the first seat of the monk to suppress him under the giant hand.

"Tiandao, finally let's do it!"

Seeing this, the first frown of the war monk frowned: "Tiandao is the consciousness born from the earth dome continent, which can mobilize the entire earth dome continent."

"Although I have formed Bapin Luohan, I am far from being an opponent."

"Forcing it against it will eventually be expelled from the dome continent and the Lord will lose a hole card."

"However, Cheng Feng is too scary at this point."

"If it can't be resolved early, even if the Lord Buddha provoked a seven-pin Luohan spirit child, the fruits of heaven and earth will be difficult to obtain.

"So, take the final blow!"

"It's best to kill Cheng Feng with this blow. If it doesn't, then kill it next time!"

War Monk's first move just angered God.

In order not to be completely targeted by God, the war monk first planned to temporarily stop after making a final blow to Cheng Feng.

Otherwise, the raging fire of the gods will inevitably kick the war monk's first seat out of the dome continent.

This is very bad for the next plan of the Lord of Ximo Buddha.

"Dharma is boundless, look back-it's the shore!"

After the idea was settled, the first monk of the war monk ignored the dark hand that was shot in the head.

Instead, facing towards the direction where Cheng Feng was, eight words were read in his mouth.

These eight words seem to have a magical power.

With the eight words blurted out, wow ~~~

Everything in the world suddenly stopped.

Thousands of miles away from the West Desert Buddha Country, inside a void passage.

Cheng Feng was originally performing a ten-mile flight, and flew away.

But at the moment when the first eight words were read by the monk, Cheng Feng turned his head involuntarily.

Look at where you were before.

At this look, it turned out to be a problem.

Because as Cheng Feng turned his head, the void passage where he was located actually changed direction spontaneously.

He turned his head directly and let Cheng Feng quickly transmit to the original position.

Looking from a distance, as Cheng Feng suddenly became stupid, turned around and returned.

A few thousand miles away, the huge beads smashed, just like death!

"Cheng Feng, wake up!"

The speed of Wanli is very fast, and Cheng Feng quickly returned to more than a thousand miles.

Closer and closer to the thirty-three giant beads.

Once sturdy, Cheng Feng, even if wearing the armor of war, I am afraid to die on the spot.

But at this moment, a cold and sizzling drink suddenly sounded in Cheng Feng's ear.

Like Hong Zhongda Lu, Cheng Feng awakened from the strange state.

"What's going on? Why am I running back?"

After being awake, Cheng Feng was horrified: "What happened just now?"

He couldn't understand it at all.

He was clearly teleporting away from the West Desert Buddha Country, but now he is returning in the same way.

"Cheng Feng, you have been attacked by the warrior's first heart."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Just now, the first war monk used a powerful mental power to make a Buddhist magical power."

"That supernatural power affects your mind and makes you lost."

"Involuntarily changed the direction of the teleportation and turned back."

"If you can't wake up, you will eventually run into the 33 Buddhist rosary head-on, and hit you on the spot!"

"Buddha magical power?"

After hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng was terrified.

I instantly knew what I had just experienced, and it was just death.

If it wasn't critical, Nalan's longevity drank and awakened him from his loss.

Then he probably obediently obeys the command of the war monk, and walks to death happily!

"Mad, this is probably the first real means of war monk, killing invisible!"

Cheng Feng shuddered: "Facing this kind of existence, one accidentally puts his life in."

At this point, Cheng Feng has categorically stopped showing his miles.

I stopped myself three thousand miles away from thirty-three beads.

Then I thought about it, and re-implemented the Wanli 遁 shape, flying away from the direction of the bead bombardment.

At this moment, the first of the war monks has reached the 33rd ring of the Ximo Buddhist nation.

He saw Cheng Feng suddenly awake halfway, then turned and fled again, and couldn't help sighing.

"Cheng Feng is really an extraordinary existence."

The voice of the war monk's first seat was full of regret: "Even the method of the supreme attack of the Buddha's gate can be carried hard.

"This time I want to kill it, I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"I hope I can find a chance next time, hit this child in one shot and completely kill it!"

The words stopped, the war monk's first hands clasped together, facing the dark hands that fell from the sky.

The sound of the Buddha in his mouth was magnificent, and he meditated, "Amitabha!"

With the voice of the war monk's first seat, wow ~~~

From all sides of the war monk, a golden bergamot was produced.

These golden bergamots were gathered together like lotus flowers, and one was closed to the other, propping up to heaven.

Suddenly, dense golden bergamots appeared in the sky.

With the palms facing upwards, she utterly blocked the dark hand that was photographed from the sky.

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