Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1824: Out of danger

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Chapter Eighteen Twenty-Four

Not only that.

The thirty-three giant beads that had been blasting towards Cheng Feng also turned their direction at this moment.

Fly to the sky, hovering above the head of the war monk's first seat.

Like pillars of the sky, to prop up the whole sky!

"Oh my god, the huge face in the sky disappeared and turned into a black giant hand, grabbed at the 33rd ring of Ximo Buddhism!"

"Is this God's punishment? You want to punish a peerless existence in the Ximo Buddha country?"

In all directions, when countless people saw the horrible picture in the sky, Qi Qi was shocked.

I thought that the people of Ximo Buddha had violated Cangtian and would be punished by God.

In fact, it does.

However, the existence of this offense against God is too strong, and actually has to keep up with Cang!

When everyone saw the sky below, a golden bergamot spread out.

When a huge golden lotus flower was formed, it was greeted by the inky black hand.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't say a word.

Until the sky, the bang ~~~

The dark hands that covered the sky and the golden lotus shot a thunderous noise, and everyone was awakened.

Then he watched the horrifying waves that stirred up in the sky, and the noise of rumors rose.

"Oh my god, somebody dare to fight God!"

"Who is that person? It's too courageous, too powerful?"

"It is incredible to fight against heaven with manpower!"

In the eyes of everyone, God is an invincible existence. Tianwei is unpredictable and dare not show any disrespect.

At this moment, some people dare to be tough, and they are all fainted.

Even those who knew the inside story were shocked.

"God's hand! This is the real hand!"

"It seems that the appearance of the first monk of the war monk has completely attracted the attention of God."

"Ready to call the power of the entire continent and expel him from the dome continent!"

As they talked, everyone set their sights on the sky.

Looking at the situation in the distance, I want to see whether the first monk will be suppressed or expelled by God.

Even Cheng Feng, who has performed thousands of miles and fled to the distance, turned his head to wait and see.

Suddenly I saw the sky above the 33rd ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom, and the golden lotus propped up on the head of the war monk was able to withstand the beating of the hand of God.

Although the golden bergamot lotus sank several kilometers under the slap of the hand of God.

A large number of golden bergamots were broken, but they stopped directly after touching the huge rosary beads suspended on the first head of the war monk.

However, the arrogance of the war monk's first seat stirred up even greater anger in God.

I saw that the hand of God lifted up, wow ~~~

Massive black clouds came from all directions and attached to the hand of God.

A large section that made it bigger and thicker again, and the power soared nearly doubled.

Then, shoot again to the first seat of the war monk.

This time, the first golden bergamot lotus that the war monk propped up finally couldn't carry it.

The moment he was hit by the hand of God, it collapsed.

The slapping force of the hand that can hold the sky penetrates the bergamot lotus and acts on the string of beads.

The Buddha was in full glory at the moment, and the next moment, they scattered.

Hovering around the body of the war monk's first seat, he actually wrapped the war monk's first seat in a bead.

Subsequently, a large number of golden bergamots broken up by the hand of God also flew over.


Like pieces of gold bricks, they are adhering around the beads.

In the blink of an eye, the beads and the first seat of the war monk were all wrapped in golden bergamots.

From a distance, it looks like a huge golden sculpture!

This golden sculpture is very solid.

The god's hand, which had doubled in power, hit it, and it couldn't break it.

He just hit it and flew towards the Ximo Buddha, banging ~~~

Fly a few hundred miles, and finally stopped in a desert in the 33rd ring of the West Desert Buddha.

Let countless monks be excited and worship!

"First Monk, this is a self-seal."

At this time, the Emperor Apocalypse and Sword Emperor chasing Cheng Feng immediately arrived after the first seat of the monk.

When they saw the scene, they said in a different way: "Did he hit Cheng Feng with a powerful blow just now?"

"At this moment, in order to avoid the rejection of God, I sealed myself again."

"Thus avoiding God's aim until being awakened next time?"

The speed of the Emperor Apocalypse is slower than the first seat of the war monk.

When the war monks first caught up with Cheng Feng and fought with them, they were far apart.

Only vaguely saw the first war monk made a terrible attack and attacked Cheng Feng crazy.

That kind of power, even the seventh strongest person in the sky, I am afraid I can't carry it.

Cheng Feng must die under such attacks!

However, just when the two Emperor Apocalypse smiled.

A voice sounded suddenly.

"Your Majesty, you are a little bit happy early."

The voice came from the monk Pu Yuan. He stepped forward and said, "Cheng Feng, didn't die in the hands of the uncle of the round warrior!"

"What? Cheng Feng wasn't dead?"

It was said that the two Emperor Tianqi thought they had heard it wrong, and said inconceivably: "How is this possible? How can Cheng Feng prevent the continuous attack of the first monk?

"The poor monk also felt incredible!"

Puyuan monk said: "However, this is the fact."

"At this moment, Cheng Feng is rushing towards the iconostasis."

"Intent to cross the iconostasis and return to the feathered one!"

"If we catch up, we might still have time to kill it completely!"

"This ... I'm afraid it's difficult?"

After several failures, the Emperor Tianqi was a little hesitant: "Cheng Feng's little beast was able to carry the war monk's first attack several times."

"Even if some of us catch up with him, I'm afraid he won't take the kid!"

"Your Majesty, you think too much."

The monk Pu Yuan shook his head and said, "That Cheng Feng is not King Kong's indestructible body. One of the reasons why he can block the attack of the Grand Master of the Round War is that the defense armor of the war monster is amazing.

"Secondly, Tiandao is stumbling from it!"

"And even so, Cheng Feng was seriously injured under the attack of his uncle's ancestor."

"At this point, as long as you catch up with Cheng Feng, he will be completely killed!"

"Oh? If that's the case, one or two can be killed."

After listening to the monk Pu Yuan, the light in the eyes of the Emperor Apocalypse flashed, and finally agreed.

The sword emperor groaned a little and agreed to chase and kill Cheng Feng.

The monk Pu Puyuan met and nodded: "Since the two her Majesties agreed to chase Cheng Feng."

"Exactly, in the hands of the poor monk, there was a scent from the uncle's ancestor."

"This breath locks Cheng Feng. As long as we follow this breath, we can catch up with Cheng Feng!"

"Really? Then take your way!"

After hearing that, the Emperor Tian Qi and the Emperor looked at each other and commanded: "Strive to resolve that Cheng Feng as soon as possible."

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