Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1826: Shelter

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Chapter 1826 The Place of Habitat

This black iron box is not big, but it is very heavy.

With Cheng Feng's current strength, he feels heavy in his hands.

It seems that something huge in the box is heavier than a mountain.

"This black iron box was obtained from the other side after I killed the killer Ye Di."

Cheng Feng whispered: "It was speculated at the time that this box contained a ray of heavenly magic."

"If this speculation is correct, the buddha interest lying on me will definitely respond."

"Then slap it out and judge the tracker's positioning on me!"

The black iron box has a strange shape and a pattern on it.

When he was held by Cheng Feng, a faint smell of magic spread to the four sides.

And at the waist of this breath-spreading process peak, that Buddha wood scabbard moment.

Om ~~~

A wave suddenly appeared.

Turned into a Buddhist fingerprint, suppressing the breath of demon.

"Well, that buddha's breath is actually hidden in the scabbard of the Buddha."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow condensed: "With the homogeneous breath of the scabbard of Buddha wood, hiding yourself is almost impossible to prevent."

"Fortunately, there is an iron demon box that attracts the Buddha's interest."

"Otherwise, it's a big deal!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng was ready to start and destroy the Buddha's breath.

However, Cheng Feng did not wait for his hands.

The black iron box he held in his hand suddenly black light skyrocketed.

When he rose up, he rushed to the handprint of the Buddha's interest.

In the blink of an eye, the Buddhist fingerprints were swallowed up and disappeared without a trace.

Let Cheng Feng's mind disappear.

"Uh, resolved?" Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

I did not expect that he would not have to do it at all, and the problem was completely solved.

So he shook his head and smiled, untied the scabbard of the Buddha's wood, and brought it to the iron demon box.

Let the demon iron box sweep up and down once again to ensure that the Buddha's breath hidden in the scabbard of the Buddha's wood is completely cleaned up before the two things are put away.

Then he flew into miles and flew into the iconostasis.

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

The trio of Emperor Tian Qi, who was following Cheng Feng, frowned and stopped short.

"No, the Buddha's breath left by Cheng Uncle's ancestor on Cheng Feng disappeared."

Pu Yuan monk Shen said: "It must be that Cheng Feng found the Buddha's breath and cleared it off. It's abominable!"

Because Cheng Feng is proficient in miles, he can be far away in a flash.

The three monks of Pu Yuan, although they were three peerless powerhouses, could not quickly catch up with Cheng Feng.

The buddha's breath that had been left on Cheng Feng's body by the war monk quietly got closer.

Now, Buddha's interest was cleared by Cheng Feng, and they directly cut off their pursuit.

At the speed of Cheng Feng, he could quickly escape to the ends of the earth.

Since then, the sky is high and the sea is hard to find!

"The junior Cheng Feng is really harder than a ghost."

The Emperor Jian's face was also gloomy, and he gnashed his teeth and said, "This emperor has been tens of thousands of years across the world.

"The combat power is shocking, but it also means to fall out ... Bendi really doubts whether the opponent is a super existence reincarnation and repair."

"Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?"

"Well, the little monk thinks so too."

Pu Yuan Monk felt the same way: "Apart from the great reincarnation, I can never think of anyone else who can be so scary!"

"Okay, two."

At this time, the voice of the Emperor Tianqi came: "No matter how bad Feng Cheng is, he must die!"

"Bendi has a backhand on him."

"Even without the lock of the monk's first Buddha's breath, the emperor could trace him!"

"Further, after the first monk of the war monk was searched out and cleared by Cheng Feng, he would surely let him relax his vigilance."

"When we catch up with him, we will definitely be attacking him."

"By then, he won't want to die!"

"Oh, that's fine."

The sword emperor's eyes lit up, and a sense of killing rose on his body.

Then under the guidance of the Emperor Tian Qi, Cheng Feng resumed his pursuit.

However, the means by which Emperor Tian Qi remained on Cheng Feng was subtle.

The Emperor Apocalypse was struggling to track down, and the speed was greatly delayed.

When they chased near the iconostasis, Cheng Feng had already crossed half of the iconostasis, and a wild and primitive rolling mountain came into view.

"Is that a million mountains? Sure enough, it's yellow!"

Standing on the top of a small hill, Cheng Feng could not help but open his eyes when he overlooked the continuous mountains in front.

The desolate and expansive taste makes people who have been fighting for a long time, very comfortable and natural.

The spirit slowly relaxed, and the pain seemed to have weakened a lot!

"Cheng Feng, the millions of mountains have retained their original landforms."

Nalan Changsheng said: "In it, you can see the landforms and monsters in the ancient period, the middle period, the modern period ... three periods."

"It's like traveling through space and time, and enjoying the customs and customs of different periods."

"Oh, I would feel it."

Cheng Feng smiled and walked towards the rolling mountains.

"Cheng Feng, don't be too relaxed."

Seeing this, Nalan Changsheng reminded: "Millions of mountains are very peaceful, and there is not much killing in it than in the outside."

"And you are still a monster in the mountains, a tribe, a hostile human species of ancient times."

"Once the track is exposed, it will definitely be targeted."

"Don't overturn the boat in the ditch, you can't regret it!"

"Uncle Naland, rest assured."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "I will not make such a low-level mistake."

Cheng Feng seems relaxed, but in fact, the alertness has never let go.

After all, the realm he stepped into at the moment, but the monster world.

Putting down the alert completely is simply death.

Cheng Feng stepped forward, and soon reached the periphery of Million Mountain.

Waiting to step in, a vicious breath rushed forward.

But Cheng Feng didn't respond, but instead flew inwardly against this breath.

In a blink of an eye, they flew for hundreds of miles.

The sight of the monsters gradually appeared in the field of vision, all of them were very heavy, and the level was not low.

However, this is not enough for Cheng Feng.

So he continued to go deep, and at the same time opened the eyes of the good fortune to observe the terrain.

Once there is a relatively hidden place, it can be made into a temporary shelter, heal wounds and robbery, and enter the heaven.

"Well, the valley in front is nice, long and deep, and there is a big demon in the third floor."

During the flight, Cheng Feng stopped suddenly and looked at a deep valley and said, "I cast a shadow kill and hid in the valley."

"With the breath of that big demon covered, no one can find me."

"That valley is indeed a good hiding place."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "However, this place is just the outer area of ​​a million mountains, and the danger is average."

"In the event that a killer arrives, you won't be able to borrow much energy."

"I suggest that you go deeper into the millions of mountains. If you can't find a better place, it is not too late to return here!"

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