Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1827: Followers arrive

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Chapter 1827 Arrivals of Arrivals

"Well, that's fine."

Cheng Feng nodded and agreed with Nalan Changsheng's proposal.

After all, although the Million Mountain is fierce, the degree of danger in the surrounding area is limited.

Can only scare some little feet, the real master will certainly not be afraid.

Only by going deep into the inner wall of the million-dollar mountain can those masters be feared.

With the decision, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

I saw him perform a walking step + shadow kill, and flew silently to the depths of a million mountains.

About two or three hours later, Cheng Feng went down a million mountains to seven or eight thousand miles.

Eventually stopped in front of a waterfall.

"Uncle Naland, this waterfall is good, and there is a big drop."

Cheng Feng stood in front of the waterfall and observed for a moment: "And in the deep lake below the waterfall, it seems that there is still an anaconda about to be transformed into a dragon, and the grade has reached the sixth grade of the ground.

"The demon's air is pervasive, and it completely covers my breath."

"I'll stay here for a while, heal and adjust."

"This place works."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "Although it is still the outer area of ​​the Million Mountains, it is not too far from the inner circumference."

"Those topmost crouching deep in the millions of mountains can be followed."

"In the event of a situation, we can come over and have a deterrent effect."

"Okay, then I set up a little bit and started to heal."

Cheng Feng is capable and direct in his work.

Open the eyes of the God of Fortune, and observe the whole waterfall for hundreds of miles.

Then he walked and walked silently through the waterfall.

Behind the waterfall, a large vacant cave.

These caves are deep and vast, and the atmosphere of the monsters is very strong, apparently dormant by powerful monsters.

Cheng Feng did not startle those monsters, but chose a corner on the edge of the cave.

Immediately rushed, Kakaka ~~~

The armor of war goddess worn on him spontaneously unfastened, turned into several parts, and fell into Cheng Feng's hands.

"This trip to the Ximo Buddhist country is really dangerous."

Cheng Feng glanced at the armor of war, his eyelids couldn't help but jump: "Even the armor of war, there was a certain degree of damage."

"If there is no armor of war, then I ..."

After being upgraded to the limit of the semi-holy artifact, the armor of war has reached a horrible level of defense.

Even so, however, there were many marks on it.

In particular, the shoulder area hit by the front of the war monk was slightly inwardly deformed and deformed.

It took a long time to fully recover from it.

Permanent damage is inflicted and needs to be repaired by the Master of the Refiner to recover.

"These damages to the armor of God of War are harmless."

A smile suddenly appeared on Cheng Feng's face: "When the main hall of Qianfo Temple was destroyed, I took away a large piece of domain **** iron inlaid on the top of the main hall."

"That domain **** iron, at least a hundred pounds, can not only repair the damage of the War God armor, but also directly advance it to the sacred level."

"By then, you will be brave enough to fight against the first monk!"

"But this matter is not in a hurry. It will not be too late after I have finished my injury and entered the heaven."

Whispering so far, Cheng Feng rushed.

Include the components of the Warlord armor into the Soul Ring.

When I was relaxed, I immediately felt the severe pain from my arms.

Looking down, I found that my two arms had swelled high.

Wrist parts were faintly exposed with white bone forks, which were obviously severely damaged and the bones were broken.

With this level of injury, most people have to bite their teeth even if they move, but Cheng Feng is still fighting with the Devil Sword in his hand, which is incredible!

Not only the arms, Cheng Feng's shoulders, back, back, etc. are also severely red and swollen.

In particular, the major muscles and muscles in the body have broken a lot, which have some effects on the operation of the dragon force.

As for the five internal organs, there is also a small half broken, and the blood overflowing from the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth is with a small black piece.

That's the product of broken internal organs!

"The injury is serious."

The corners of Cheng Feng's mouth twitched slightly: "Fortunately, these are all repairable injuries and did not hurt the root."

"Just swallow some of the water of life and healing elixir, and adjust the rest for half a day to fully recover as before."

"No difference from before it was injured!"

Cheng Feng's injury looks very serious, but it is not really a major injury.

I saw him bear the pain, took out more than one hundred drops of water of life and threw it into his mouth.

Let the body refine and absorb by itself, while replenishing dragon power consumption, repair the broken veins and broken internal organs of the body.

Cheng Feng then stretched out his right hand to correct the fracture in his left hand.

Then proceeded to correct the injuries on the right hand and shoulder one by one.

Then run Tianlong Jinshen, so that the skeletal tissue on his arms is derived in large quantities, and the flesh and fascia is also rapidly proliferating.

The area where the wound was broken improved rapidly, and the pain quickly diminished.

Just when Cheng Feng swallowed the wounds of life to heal.

The iconostasis, a large city near the Million Mountains.

A young man in red, a sharp middle-aged swordsman, and a large middle-aged monk are walking.

These three people walked in the bustling city with crowds of people.

The crowd didn't feel the slightest, as if they could not see them, they turned a blind eye.

It was the Apocalypse, Emperor Sword, and Puyuan monk who followed Cheng Feng.

"Apocalypse, can you really trace Cheng Feng?"

As he strolled forward, the sword emperor suddenly asked.

"Cheng Feng is ahead."

Emperor Apocalypse said: "As long as we keep going forward, we will be able to track him."

"Apocalypse, have you said this several times, haven't you caught up with Cheng Feng?"

The sword emperor frowned: "Whether your tracking method is okay? Don't end it, just waste the time of the emperor."

"Sword Emperor, Bendi's means still question?"

The evil Emperor Tianqi said unpleasantly: "This time tracking Cheng Feng, the reason why he can't catch up late is because Cheng Feng has been moving."

"Secondly, what the Emperor traced on Cheng Feng was a little small."

"It will be blurry to track, but the orientation will definitely not be wrong."

"Also, Bendi has sensed it, and Cheng Feng has stopped at this time."

"Now let's catch up, that kid is trying to escape!"

"Apocalypse, Bendi believes in you again."

Sword Emperor said: "If Cheng Feng is still not tracked this time, the emperor will no longer be accompanied."


At this time, the monk Puyuan said a Buddhist title: "The thinking of the little monk is the same as that of His Majesty the Sword Emperor."

"Well, when this emperor traces Cheng Feng, see what else you two have to say."

Suspected by the Emperor Jian, the Emperor Tianqi grunted coldly.

Immediately triggered by divine power, 咻 ~~~

Burst towards the million mountains to the north of the iconostasis.

The sword emperor met, and frowned to follow!

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