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Chapter 184

"Grass, Jiandi is too hateful."

"Actually forced us to die for him. We didn't take us seriously."

"As a **** that can be discarded at will, it is too bullying!"

The peerless powerhouse present was full of resentment.

Even the peerless swordsmen from the sword dynasty were no exception and were dissatisfied with the sword emperor.

So after the Emperor Jian ordered the attack on Cheng Feng, there were only a handful of responders.

It directly caused the first wave of attacks to end in failure and failed to hurt Cheng Feng.

Not only that, but also stealing chicken without eclipsing the rice has attracted the attention of Heaven.

The sword emperor and several peerless strong men who attacked Cheng Feng together were directly locked by Heaven.

The sky robs the clouds, and it may drop at any time!

This made the sword emperor angry, and his hands almost burst.

Until the dynasty emperor who belongs to the peerless strong, personally came the order.

And a great reward was given, and those who were peerless were only reluctant to shoot.

With the sword emperor, Cheng Feng launched a joint attack!

"Did these guys finally help?"

For the peerless powerhouses who looked around, Cheng Feng knew everything.

Originally intended to solve the opponent after the Tianjie ended.

Unexpectedly, the other party took the lead and let Cheng Feng frown: "Want to join in to hurt me and be killed by Tianjie Boom?"

"Huh, it's so naive!"

"You want my Cheng Feng's life, you are far behind!"

Although he said so in his mouth, Cheng Feng didn't keep it.

Show off his strongest means to block the joint attack of the peerless powerhouses.

After all, there are nineteen peerless strong men who besieged him this time.

Two of them are still the strong ones who have reached the seventh limit.

If you don't cope, you will lose your life.

"Summoning Swordsman, Die Langkang!"

The sword emperor organized eighteen peerless powers to kill together, and Cheng Feng responded with a magic sword.

Yi Dao went up, the mighty sword light, was actually blown open.

The remaining strength poured into Cheng Feng's body along with the demon monster, causing Cheng Feng's blood to twitch all over, all the internal organs and concubines followed the shock, and the abdomen was nauseous and uncomfortable.

The whole person was pushed backwards by thousands of kilometers under the push of force.

Fortunately, the damage caused by the combined attack of the sword emperor and so on is just that.

Cheng Feng simply carried it down and showed his horrible strength.

Make the sword emperor look pale, like hell.

"Grass, this boy Cheng Feng actually carried our 19-person joint attack?"

"Is this guy ... still human !?"

It's too shocking and too unexpected!

Nineteen powerful peers joined forces to attack, but were carried down by a fourth-strength martial artist.

This kind of thing came out, no one believed it at all.

Because even the first war monk to fight against the nineteen Emperor Sword Emperor, he would be frightened.

But Cheng Feng ... is so scary!

"You guys, we didn't put our strength together just now."

"This time we shot together and twisted our strength together, we will definitely hit Cheng Feng!"

Seeing that everyone was shocked by Cheng Feng, people's hearts were a bit distracted.

The sword emperor hurriedly stood up and returned to the hearts of the people!

At the same time, he used his strongest attack to turn a sword in his hand into a 10,000-meter sword and stirred up in the sky!

After everyone else saw it, Qi Qi urged Divine Power to take another shot.

Ready to launch a second wave of attack on Cheng Feng, completely killed Cheng Feng!

"These guys are serious."

After several kilometers back, Cheng Feng slightly moved his arm.

With a faint look: "Next, it's time to test my cultivation as a result."

"The fourth rebuild is to see if it can block the joint attack of nineteen peerless powerhouses!"

During the conversation, all the power in Cheng Feng's body was exhausted.

Wait for it to sink into the Devil Sword, making the Devil Sword suddenly become bigger.

The dark pattern on it came to life, as if a dragon had revived, giving a taste of death!

At the same time, two hundred and eighty large stars lit up above the sky.

Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword in a hurry ~~~

Starlights shot down, making the Devil Sword even more magical and edgy.

At this time, the attack of the sword emperor and others took shape, and the mountain shouted like a tsunami!

"Di Cang Sword Art, cut me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng gave a low drink, and the Devil Sword in his hand was angry.

Wow ~~~

Immediately, a dazzling blade of light like the scorching sun cut off the attack on the sword emperor and others.

Bang ~~

When two horrific attacks exploded, a huge mushroom cloud rose directly into the sky.

The cloud was too arrogant, and it actually scattered all the robbery clouds.

Let the fifty-sixth wave of sky robbery be delayed for more than a minute!

"So strong, so scary!"

Seeing the pictures of two attacks on Hong, the sword emperor and others all got scalp.

Nineteen people were shocked by shock waves, and a tremor came from them.

Cultivation as a weak person is even a few hundred steps back.

The turbulent waves in my heart are like dreaming.

Compared with Jiandi and others, Cheng Feng's situation is much worse.

Under the violent impact of the whole person, dozens of back-to-back fights.

I waited for 10,000 meters to cross the ground and smashed into a mountain before stopping.

The whole body was painful and cracked, and the internal organs were beaten like steel, and there were cracks.

There was a sweetness in his mouth and a spit of blood.

However, Cheng Feng looked a little bit embarrassed. In fact, his injuries were not serious.

And he has now entered the heaven, and has developed a **** body.

The physical recovery speed is more than ten times stronger than before.

This injury on my body was nothing at all.

Even Cheng Feng was smiling at the moment, and whispered, "Yes, the power of the Sipin **** body is really good."

"Defense alone is far beyond the level at which I performed the fifth turn of Tianlong's golden body."

"Perhaps only by invoking the magic sword tactics article, can we barely match it."

God body, not only the recovery speed of injuries has increased dramatically.

The defensive power also rose with the water.

Many martial art ascendants have stopped practicing refining martial arts because the defense power of the gods has already exceeded most of the refining martial arts skills.

Unless you practice half-sky or even heaven-level refining martial arts.

Otherwise, there is almost no effect!

The reason why Cheng Feng was able to carry the sword of the nineteen peerless men and other swordsmen together was that the defense of the gods was indispensable.

"You, Cheng Feng vomits blood!"

"He must have been severely injured by us. Quickly, let's work harder to get him completely killed!"

As Cheng Feng bleeds blood, the Emperor Jian's voice sounds.

It is very provocative and encourages everyone to fight against Cheng Feng.

In addition, he was a soldier in the ranks and performed a superb sword technique.

call out!

People and swords are united, kill Cheng Feng!

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