Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1844: Beginning of death

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Chapter 184 The Beginning of Death

The picture of Cheng Feng vomiting blood was also seen by the other eighteen peerless powerhouses.

When they saw the sword emperor attack again, they were no exception, showing their strongest means.

On Cheng Feng, launched a third wave of joint attack!

"Di Cang sword, cut!"

In the face of the attacking sword emperor and others, Cheng Feng took a deep breath.

He shook his slightly numb hands and raised the Devil Sword.

Cut the Emperor Cangshu again and greeted the Emperor Jian and others.

Bang ~~~

After the horrible confrontation, Cheng Feng was no exception and was again sent by Zhenfei.

There was a spit of blood in his mouth, but it didn't look like he was going to die.

Instead it gives people a taste of being more wary.

"what's the situation?"

"Is Cheng Feng's kid the unbeatable Xiaoqiang? Why is it getting stronger and stronger?"

Jiandi and others noticed this, and their cheeks twitched.

Looking at each other, they all saw shock and fear in each other's eyes!

As for the sword emperor, his eyes sank and he took the lead in attacking Cheng Feng again.

If you do n’t believe in evil, you must do Cheng Feng.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed!

This wave of joint attacks still failed to kill Cheng Feng.

Not only that, Cheng Feng didn't even vomit up his blood, his face flashed with energy, and his spirit was fierce.

"If you don't believe me, you won't die!"

The sword emperor was angry and carried Cheng Feng.

Using a deep sword technique, the whole person and the sword are fused together, ready to attack and kill Cheng Feng again!

However, his repeated attacks have made Tiandao extremely angry.

Waiting for this wave of attack to come out, rumbling ~~~

Rolling into the sky, he locked him, descended from the sky, and violently bombarded him!

Not only the Sword Emperor, but the other eighteen peerless powerhouses were also locked by the sky robbers, and severe sky punishments were dropped.

They had to stop attacking Cheng Feng and stop the punishment from God.

Therefore, I missed the best opportunity to kill Cheng Feng!

"The fifty-sixth wave of disaster ... is finally here!"

Tian Jie came, Cheng Feng was relieved.

After he entered the fourth stage of Dengtian, although he was able to carry the joint attack of the sword emperor and others.

But over time, problems will still occur.

Fortunately, at this time, the 56th wave of sky bombarded.

The siege of the sword emperor and others was resolved so that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sword Emperor and others, this time they took the initiative to attack and kill me."

Bathing in the sky, Cheng Feng's discomfort disappeared quickly.

The injury was quickly restored under the strong recovery power of the divine body, and the lost divine power swallowed dozens of drops of water, and soon returned to its peak.

Immediately, the killing in his eyes rose, thinking: "So, the punishment of Heaven for their power is definitely not light."

"Next, I just need to make up for them. Nineteen of them, none of them want to leave alive!"

To the sword emperor and others, Cheng Feng really moved his heart.

I'm going to go through all of them here, and I won't miss one!

Cheng Feng has this ability.

"Start with the weakest."

Regarding the 56th wave of disasters, Cheng Feng didn't look at it at all.

Allowing the thunder, poisonous fire, and scorching wind to feel like itching every other boot, can not hurt Cheng Feng half a hair.

Instead, the flesh and bones of Cheng Feng were beaten, and the divine power and the mind were read.

Let his practice be, to charge Dengtian fifth.

Only when confronting the sixth heavy sky to kill the sword, Cheng Feng will pay attention to it.

After the sword was eliminated, a pair of eyes turned to a short old man.

The old man was wearing a wide robe.

Totally disproportionate to his short stature, it is extraordinarily funny to wear on his body.

"This man's robe should be a top weapon."

Cheng Feng didn't underestimate the short old man, and the eyes of the **** of fortune opened, and he swept carefully on the other person's body.

It was found that the robe on the other side was an infinitely close weapon.

Once because the other person's dress is ugly, they will be contemptuous and will definitely suffer a lot!

"The first goal, just use this person!"

After finding out the details of this person, Cheng Feng's killing intention rose: "People who want my Cheng Feng's life must pay for it!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng cut off the demon sword.

With a pair of gazes, the elder man with a short stature was locked.

"Not good, then Cheng Feng locked the old man."

At the moment of Cheng Feng's gaze at the short old man, he became aware of convenience.

As if stared at by a super monster, countless pores suddenly tightened.

When I looked back, I saw Cheng Feng's evaporating eyes, and he couldn't help shaking.

"Mr. Wang, Mo Pan, I'll help you together."

As the short old man shouted, the other peerless powerhouses looked one after another.

Seeing Cheng Feng walking towards Mr. Wang Lao, he could not help numb his scalp.

Then, the people looked at each other, and at the same time they resisted the bombing and killing.

Qi Qi shot, ready to help Mr. Wang Lao to block Cheng Feng together.

Because they are now grasshoppers tied to the same rope. If they don't work together, they will only be defeated by Cheng Feng one by one. No one can survive!

"I want to kill Cheng Feng, no one can stop it!"

However, Cheng Feng did not look at the obstruction of the crowd.

Casting a swift step, while approaching Mr. Wang Lao quickly, the Devil Sword has been severely cut out.

Stabbing ~~~

A bladeless sword shattered the sky and splattered to Mr. Wang Lao.

"Jinyan Robe, stop the old man!"

Without a sword, Mr. Wang Lao had a deep chill in his heart.

Feeling that if you are cut by the sword, you will definitely die.

So without neglecting it, he tore off the wide robe worn on his body and danced vigorously in front of him.


The robe immediately flew up and turned into a golden swirl.

The swordless Wu Guang, who was chopped towards Cheng Feng, welcomed him.


Mr. Wang's golden robe is indeed no small matter.

It is forged from the rumored sacred iron ‘Jinyan Red Steel’ and is hard enough to rival the holy artifact.

If you integrate some of the domain **** iron, you will be able to be promoted to a real holy weapon.

Therefore, when Wupi Daoguang cut the robe, he failed to cut it open.

The knife light rubbed on the rapidly rotating robe, making a harsh snoring sound, and the sparks were splashing!

However, although Wuping Daoguang failed to cut open the Jinyan robe, his arrogant strength penetrated into Mr. Wang Lao through the Jinyan robe.

Mr. Wang was numb with numbness and his veins were broken.

As if hit by tens of thousands of giant elephants, the whole person flew out behind him!

During the horizontal flight, a large mouthful of blood could not help but splash out!

"Holding the grass, Cheng Feng is already so strong?"

"Mr. Wang is a peerless powerhouse, but he can't stop him even in one hit!"

"This guy's strength is probably too abnormal?"

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