Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1853: Set foot on the fifth

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Chapter 1853 Entering the Fifth Heavy

time flies.

In an instant, Cheng Feng passed the eighty days of the calamity.

The **** body was lifted from the limit of the four stars to the peak of the four stars.

There are various divinations on the body, and maybe the next moment will break through the limit and be promoted to a five-star deity.

As for divine thought, it has also reached the four-star limit.

With just one opportunity, he can be promoted to five stars, pushing Cheng Feng's cultivation into the fifth place of Deng Tian thoroughly.

And this opportunity, Cheng Feng did not wait too long.

Rumbling ~~~

As the clouds of heaven roiled.

The eighty-first wave of sky robbery finally gave birth to the shape and fell from the sky.

"The last wave of hegemony ... is finally here."

The Eighty-first Heaven Calamity is very horrifying, and it makes the heavens and the earth eclipsed, and the sun and the moon are dark.

But Cheng Feng was excited, took out the water of life, and threw hundreds of drops into his mouth.

Immediately rose to the sky, daringly welcomed to Tianjie!

"My God, such a terrible disaster, it is unheard of."

"It's more than ten times stronger than Dengtian's seventh heavy disaster!"

"However, Cheng Feng didn't have any fear at all, and the knife was ushered up. It was a pervert."

Seeing the picture of Cheng Feng rushing to Tianjie, all the peerless powerhouses present were shocked.

The scalp was numb and a layer of goosebumps sprang up.

The Emperor Sword and the Emperor Tianqi were no exception, taking a breath of relief for Cheng Feng's madness.

As for the huge mountain of millions, countless monsters, barbarians, and ancient relics ... all fell into a fierce panic.

Especially in the area covered by the calamity, massive monsters rushed out of their lairs and fled away.

It turned out to be a tide of beasts, like a giant wave.

Centering on the place where Cheng Feng crosses the robbery, he flew towards the Quartet, and the scene was very scary.

Just when Wan Beast was frightened and fleeing frantically.

In the sky, Cheng Feng has stormed into the sky.

Rumbling ~~~

The violent extinction of the Purple Thunder came out and drowned him instantly.

There was also a blistering wind blowing and violently bombarding him.

There are even more poisonous fires, robbery, heart robbery, sword killing ... and he must be dragged into the dead.

However, Cheng Feng is like a stubborn iron.

He slammed into the sky, and although his skin fluttered and his bones exploded, he never stood still.

What's more, the breath on my body has increased and become stronger.

In particular, his divine power has been promoted from the initial five-star level to the intermediate level, and he has even launched a charge to the high level.

As for the **** body, hum ~~~

Under the bombardment of violent scourge, it finally crossed the limit and entered the five-star.

Suddenly, the powerful body's self-healing ability erupted, quickly healing those injuries on Cheng Feng's body.

A large amount of fresh flesh grew, the bones became thicker and harder, and the divine text was born.

Not only did he get rid of the injured state, but he became a lot stronger than before.

"Cheng Feng, this little beast, has become much stronger!"

Hundreds of miles away, the Emperor Tianqi looked at Cheng Feng during the robber, and his face twitched: "At this moment, I am afraid that you and I will join forces and we will be able to share the best with them."

"Single fight alone, even with the aid of a holy weapon, will only be passively beaten!"


The sword emperor's eyes leaped wildly, and his voice was dry: "Moreover, this doesn't seem to be the limit, and Cheng Feng's devotion has not yet reached five stars."

"Once the divine thought has also been transformed, he will be promoted to five stars, and his cultivation will be officially promoted to the fifth point of ascension!"

"The only thing I am afraid is that only when Emperor Huangtian arrives, can I win a little."

"Others, don't even think about it!"

At this point, the Emperor Jian asked: "Apocalypse, do you know that the Emperor Huangtian has come?"

"Should come."

Emperor Apocalypse said: "According to the icon of the icon, Emperor Huang is on his way."

"I just hope that the icon is not talking nonsense, otherwise there will be big problems!"

"Two people, rest assured."

At this moment, a giant elephant flew from the sky.

This giant elephant is snow white, carved like white jade, exuding a strange fragrance.

You can smell it across the distance.

On the spine of the giant elephant, there is a middle-aged man with an enlarged body.

At this moment with a smile, the voice said: "The Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor has spanned millions of miles and reached my iconostasis."

"You can arrive in a few minutes."

"At the same time, the Ximo Buddha Lord will also come together."

"As long as there are no accidents, Cheng Feng will definitely be suppressed!"

Obviously, this middle-aged fat man who came on a giant elephant was the iconic emperor of the iconic dynasty.

The fat body on his body was not a joke, it contained the terrifying power.

Once you cooperate with the giant elephant and launch an assault, the seventh strongest person on the sky can be blasted alive.

It's a very wild existence.

"Icon, you're finally here."

Seeing the Great Icon Emperor, the Emperor Apocalypse frowned and said, "The iconic **** dynasty under your jurisdiction is the closest to this place, but has only come here now.

"Two people, this emperor came late to trap Yuhua."

The iconic emperor said: "Cheng Feng, but the genius cultivated by Feather, was besieged by us, and my heart was full of fire."

"I even plan to tear my face and hang off the talented disciples you cultivated."

"If it wasn't for this Emperor's discovery in time, using a holy weapon to temporarily trap him, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"The Emperor Feathered? Almost forgot the hidden danger."

Upon hearing this, the Emperor Tianqi and the Emperor Jian were shocked: "It seems that after Cheng Feng has been killed, we must immediately return to our respective gods for defense.

"In case mad Feather comes after you, kill the strongest genius."

"After destroying us, the plan to harvest the fruits of the world!"

While talking, the three emperors gazed while watching Cheng Fengdu Jie.

Secretly planning the layout, thinking about how to get the fruits of the world.

at the same time.

Rumbling ~~~

Cheng Feng stood upright in the void, and carried the last wave of extinct Purple Thunder stiffly.

Let the rolling clouds of heaven dissipate for a minute, and the first type of sky disaster, Thunder Thunder, dissipate.

Then the wind screamed and Cheng Feng evoked the five-star **** body, and the body text floated.

Howling wind cut on the body, there was no reaction at all.

Let the looting clouds in the sky dissipate for one more point, and the second hurricane 'wind robbing' dissipates.

It was followed by fire and water, which was also easily passed by Cheng Feng.

Let the robbery in the sky dissipate for a little over half.

Until the fifth kind of sky robbery, the heart roar came suddenly.

Cheng Feng had lost the cloud and light wind before him, and his expression condensed with a look of confusion.

However, not long after this confusion appeared, it quickly dissipated.

A pair of eyes became cold, firm and unyielding again!

And at the same time, hum ~~~

Deep in Cheng Feng's mind, the divine thought reaching the limit of four stars suddenly changed at this moment.

Like a flower to be put in bud, it was suddenly moisturized by rain and bloomed instantly.

Pushed Cheng Feng's divine thought from the four-star limit to the five-star!

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