Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1854: Battle of the Three Emperors

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Chapter 1854 Fighting the Three Emperors

"My divine thoughts have finally been promoted to five stars!"

Divine entry into the five stars, which means a lot to Cheng Feng.

Marking his cultivation, officially entered the fifth of the ascent!

You must know that after the warrior has entered the heaven, each promotion requires the promotion of three main subjects: divine power, divine body, and divine mind.

Otherwise, it is not considered a promotion at all.

Even if a subject is promoted too quickly, it will affect the balance of repair.

In severe cases, it will lead to repair and collapse, and die on the spot!

Cheng Feng's three main subjects, the promotion of divine power and divine body is faster, and the slowest is the divine thought.

I was stuck at the four-star limit before. At this moment, with the bombardment of heart robbery, I suddenly broke into the five-star promotion.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's repair was balanced and completely stabilized at the fifth point of climbing the sky.

At that moment, a force emerged from the three main bodies, and when they stayed together, they formed a new kind of strength.

This power is the real divine power!

There are faint multicolored fluorescent flashes on it, representing the five-star magic power.

"Is this the five-star power?"

Feeling the new power born in his body, Cheng Feng's brows raised, "The last wave of swords has arrived, just to test the power of this magic!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng evoked his divine power and poured it into his arms.

Then both fists lifted up, bang bang ~~~

Booming towards the sword and sword sea that came down from the sky.

The power of this wave of swords, mountains and swords is terrifying.

Each sword can strangle a sixth-strength extreme strong.

But at this moment, the sword killed the territory, the sword gas is not less than thousands of shares, the number of swordsmanship is almost the same.

It is equivalent to nearly 10,000 sixth ascendants who climbed to the sky, and launched an attack on Cheng Feng at the same time.

In those scenes, I feel a little scalp!

However, several punches made by Cheng Feng exploded.

Bang ~~~

Actually, like a smashing bamboo, it instantly smashed hundreds of swords.

Killing the terrible sword with a sword, he made several big holes.

In the place where the boxing was banging, not only the sword killing area collapsed, but even the void was blasted, revealing the vast void sea.

This scene directly shocked the eyes.

"Oh my god, Cheng Feng's strength is so strong?"

"Boxing casually, the strongest wave of sword killing domains collapsed!"

"It's a violation of normal truth, and it's almost the same as the first monk."

At this moment, the fifteen peerless powerhouses were as dead as chickens.

In particular, the monks of Puyuan almost exploded.

Because he came close to the first seat of the war monk, he knew how powerful the first seat of the monk was.

At this moment, Cheng Feng felt the same as when he was facing the first seat of the monk.

Could it be said that Cheng Feng has been able to keep pace with the first monk?

In fact, it does.

With Cheng Feng's full promotion to the fifth rank of Dengtian, his combat strength is completely comparable to the first monk of the eighth rank of Dengtian.

It is no exaggeration to say that Cheng Feng has already stood on the top of the earth dome at this time.

It is a few people who can compete with the first leg of the war monk, the Emperor of Heaven, and the other.

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, has finally come this far."

In the sky, Emperor Tian Qi's face was somber and gritted his teeth, "Not only did he survive the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation, but he also advanced to the fifth ascendant in one breath"

"The power of combat has already overpowered the Emperor!"

"Except for Emperor Huangtian, only the first monk with full firepower can fight him."

"Well, that's true."

The sword emperor said in a low voice: "So this time, we must solve this problem."

"You must not give him a chance to improve yourself, otherwise, the entire dome continent will have no place for us!"

After the words stopped, the sword emperor shot very decisively.

Roar! !!

The true dragon sword in his hand growled.

The next moment, turned into a dragon-shaped sword light, and stabbed towards Cheng Feng.

At the same time, the evil Emperor Apocalypse also shot.

The ninth section of the holy artifact held in his hand was thrown vigorously, wow ~~~

It turned into an evil python, penetrated through the clouds, and hit Cheng Feng's head.

In addition, the iconostasis was not idle.

I saw him slap the colossus.

Teng Teng ~ ~ ~

The white giant elephant suddenly rushed up.

The huge soles stepped in the void, stepping out of the void into the huge collapsed pits, and the cracks and spider webs generally spread to the four sides.

When the speed of the Pentium reached the extreme, the image of the iconic emperor and the emperor combined, creating a horrible impact.

A few hundred miles away from Cheng Feng, the fierce impact left!

"Hands on, Emperor Jian and other three emperors are separated, and finally they still have hands on Cheng Feng."

"I don't know if the three emperors will join forces to defeat Cheng Feng!"

Fifteen peerless monks from Pu Yuan looked at Cheng Feng and attacked Cheng Feng.

All looked condensed and paid special attention.

As for the siege of Cheng Feng, his face was frozen.

Whispered: "These three guys still want me to die!"

"It was originally intended to turn over the page where you chased me, since you are unwilling to spare."

"All right, let's calculate the ledger!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng's five-star divine power transpired.

Wait until it is poured into the slayer, 嗖 ~~~

Raise the knife directly into the sky, submerged in the sore sword killing field.

Then the sword fell from the hands, wow ~~~

The last wave of assassination crashed.

The robbery clouds rolling over the sky, completely dissipated and opened, exposing a clear sky.

Then, Cheng Feng raised his sword to face the sword and the sword emperor came together.

I saw the sword emperor at this moment, it is simply a dragon-shaped sword.

The sword was so arrogant that it pierced the void directly.

Just saw the picture of the big sword stabbing, the next moment, the horrifying dragon-shaped sword had already carried unmatched strength and reached Cheng Feng.

Fortunately, after Cheng Feng's repair reached the fifth weight of the ascent, his response increased by more than ten times.

Almost from an instinctive reaction, the Devil Sword slashed forward.

Huh! The dark blade was just chopped on the tip of the dragon-shaped sword.

The mighty force exploded from where the swords struck, shaking the dragon-shaped sword back.

As for Cheng Feng, the hand holding the knife suddenly numbed.

Under the push of a powerful force, the entire person moved backward several hundred meters.

The soles of the feet rubbed into the void, and there were actually two air waves visible to the naked eye.

Sword Emperor Jianfeng's fierce blow for a long time, was blocked by Cheng Feng stiffly.

However, at this time, there were more than one sword emperor attacking Cheng Feng.

Sword Emperor's attack has just come down.

Emperor Apocalypse urged the Ninth Whip of the Holy Artifact, turned it into a python, and swallowed it to him.

Cheng Feng had just blocked the fierce blow of the sword emperor, and his arm was numb.

But seeing the evil python rushing, he still clenched the sword, and poured into the rolling star power.

Huh! Slashed with anger.

After Xiu Wei arrived at the fifth ascent of the sky, Cheng Feng's combat power burst.

The power of the slashing knife is also very amazing.

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