Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1855: Savage Boom

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Chapter 185th Savage Boom

Stabbing ~~~

Cheng Feng cut it out with a knife, and the knife light fell into the mouth of the evil Python.

The huge python was cut along the mouth, and then Daoguang hit the whip tip of the ninth section whip.

The two top weapons collided fiercely, making a sound of iron and stone clashes.

The next moment, the Emperor Tianqi whispered, retracted the nine-section whip, and retreated tens of miles.

Immediately looking at the nine-section whip, I immediately saw that the nine-section whip tip was missing a small piece.

Let the Qiqi Emperor twitch his cheeks, revealing the pain and anger.

Obviously in the confrontation just now, the nine-section whip did not block the edge of the Devil Sword, and the defense was broken by the Devil Sword, and part of it was cut off.

If it was not for the timely response of the Emperor Apocalypse, the Jiujie Whip would be collected.

The holy sacred ninth whip may be severely damaged and fall from the holy sect level!

"Slayer, good job!"

Cheng Feng did not pursue after a blow to retreat the Emperor Qiqi.

Because at this moment, the iconic emperor was already riding on the white giant elephant and rushing towards him.

Before arriving, the tragic air wave rushed forward, shocking Cheng Feng with his body shaking, and hunting in black.

Do not dare to be indifferent, and all the five-star divine power in the body has been triggered.

In front of him, a divine shield of several meters thick condensed.

Then Cheng Feng evoked the beast martial spirit, and his body suddenly became thicker and stronger.

The next moment, a shoulder rested on the divine shield.

Immediately, it was the iconic emperor who rushed to the fury while facing the shield of divine power, and the wild collided.

"Grass, what's the matter?"

"Cheng Feng actually wants to meet the Emperor Elephant? Is he crazy?"

See the picture of Cheng Feng carrying the shield of divine power and charging towards the iconic emperor.

The peerless strongman present had a mouth wide open and was stunned.

One after another felt that Cheng Feng was crazy and collided with the iconic emperor, and he would definitely end in tragedy!

"Oh, how can you compete with the Holy Elephant? Cheng Feng, this little beast is really awful and crooked."

When the sword emperor shot down, he was preparing for a second strike.

But seeing this scene, the action of the attack couldn't help but stop, standing on both sides of the real dragon sword with his arms folded, and said coldly: "The holy icon, the flesh contains the power of 80 million holy icons."

"On the strength and strength of the body alone, it can rank among the top three in the entire dome continent."

"Cheng Feng and the Holy Elephant are savage, they will definitely be killed alive, their bones will fall apart!"

Not only the Emperor Jian, but also the Emperor Qixie stopped the offensive that day.

I feel that Cheng Feng is looking for death at this moment, and he does not need to continue to attack at all.

However, when Cheng Feng collided with the Holy Elephant Emperor.

Sword Emperor and others changed their faces, as if they were a ghost!

Because Cheng Feng not only was not killed after colliding with the iconic emperor.

Instead, it stands like a mountain and stalemates with the iconic emperor.

It was not until the violent impact exploded that Cheng Feng was shaken by the impact for dozens of miles.

However, he did not suffer much damage. Except for the fierce tumbling of qi and blood, and the pain of the shoulder that caused the impact, the whole man was very fierce.

After a flip in the air, he stood firmly in the void.

Facing the iconic Emperor, dozens of miles away, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

It gives people a feeling that they are not addicted just now and want to do it again!

"Grass, what did I just see? Am I dazzled?"

"Illusion, must be illusion!"

"Cheng Feng will never be able to compete with the iconic Emperor known for his strength, it will never be possible!"

Seeing this scary picture, all the peerless presence present was dull.

There are several peerless powers of the iconic dynasty who even suspect that their eyes have problems.

Not only are the peerless strongmen, but even the powerful monsters in the millions of mountains, as well as the supreme existence in Zunwang Mountain and Wanzang Valley, are also shocked.

Looking at Cheng Feng, his heart murmured.

It feels that Cheng Feng is too abnormal, as if the potential is endless and there is no short-term weakness.

Is an all-round super warrior, terrible!

"Icon Emperor, good strength!"

Cheng Feng ignored the surprise of everyone, gazed at the iconic emperor, and yelled, "One more time, let me see the power of your emperor level!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng completely transformed the beast martial spirit of the metamorphosis period into himself.

Let his body suddenly rise up and become strong.

The blink of an eye turned into a little giant close to ten meters.

Full of muscles, full of explosive power.

Then all the five-star divine power in the body was triggered and condensed into a divine shield twice as large as before.

Then, tumbling ~~~

He rushed towards the iconostasis!

"This stinky boy, is the body forged from the domain **** iron?"

At this time, the iconic emperor was still in a fierce shock.

He didn't even think that he had caused nearly 60% of the impact of the force, but he couldn't hurt Cheng Feng with a hair.

Let him writhe in his heart, until the second charge of Cheng Feng arrived, and then he woke up.

While organizing a new wave of clashes, he shouted: "Cheng Feng, the Emperor has only used 60% of his power just now."

"Next, Bendi will use ten percent of his power."

"If you can still catch it, this emperor will withdraw from his siege!"

The iconic emperor got serious and wanted to use a 10% impact force to confront Cheng Feng.

Teng Teng ~ ~ ~

I saw the iconostasis rising from the white giant elephant.

Harnessing the white giant elephant to launch an assault again, a force of overwhelming power erupted from the body as the giant elephant rushed.

To be one with the Holy Elephant Emperor was to give the white giant elephant a bright light.

The bright light was like the sun, condensing directly in front of the giant elephant, and turned into two sharp ivory.

With the giant elephant running wildly, it seemed like two big guns and hurried to Cheng Feng.

Bang ~~~

Few miles away in a blink of an eye.

When the iconic emperor and Cheng Feng collided sturdyly, if the sky was hit by a giant star, a huge breach was torn directly.

The force of terror surged away and scattered the dark clouds.

Even the sword emperor Cheng Feng and the Emperor Qiqi who were ready to make up for the knife were both shocked and unstable.

Retreat to the edge of the fragmented space barriers, and look at Cheng Feng and the two who are violently attacking.

I saw in that tumbling nothingness, roar! !!

A painful roar came out.

At the next moment, the iconic emperor accompanied the white giant elephant, and emerged from the emptiness a little embarrassingly.

The white light condensing in front of the giant elephant had disappeared, and the two ivory were even broken.

In particular, the elephant's nose was severed, and blood flowed like a stream.

Obviously, it was caused by a sharp weapon.

"Oh my God, the iconostasis seems defeated?"

"What happened just now? Incredible, it's incredible!"

Seeing the iconic emperor, Pu Yuan monk and other peerless men who withdrew from nothingness, all were scalp.

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