Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1858: Siege of emperors

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Chapter 185 The Siege of Emperors

"Desolate Emperor, it's not a pity that you are practical."

However, Cheng Feng said lightly: "Because even if the five of you join forces to siege, you can't kill me."

"I haven't had enough of Cheng Feng, and no one can let me die!"

"Haha ~~~"

Upon hearing that, Emperor Huangtian laughed and said, "What a self-confident man, he has a certain style of the Emperor!"

Compared to the praises of Emperor Huangtian, the other four emperors were ashamed.

In particular, the Emperor Apocalypse immediately stepped forward.

"Cheng Feng, a big tone!"

Emperor Tianqi said with a cold face: "Today, Bendi will let you taste the taste of death."

The words came to an end, and the nine-section whip in his hand fluttered.

Wow ~~~

Thousands of whiplashes were differentiated and they hit Cheng Feng overwhelmingly.

Not only was the Emperor Tianqi, the Emperor Jian also followed suit.

Holding the real dragon sword, he cut out a sharp stegosaurus and stabbed towards Cheng Feng.

At the same time, the iconic emperor and the Ximo Buddha were not idle. One stood on the back of the white giant elephant and punched him.

One suspended in the air and hit a huge hand.

To Cheng Feng, Qi Qi detonated away.

Only Emperor Huangtian didn't take the shot, standing in the void to overlook the whole world.

"Four old things, do you really think you'll eat me?"

"This time, I also let you **** way of Cheng Feng!"

Faced with the siege of the four emperors, Cheng Feng's face sank, but he was fearless.

Just listening to his angry scream, he lifted the Devil Sword in his hand, and summoned the Demon Sword to cooperate with Emperor Cang Sword.

铿铿 铿 ~~~

Blocked the attacks of the Emperor Tianqi and the Emperor Jian abruptly.

After that, the black knife split diagonally, cutting off a punch from the iconic emperor.

Then the black sword swelled, and the bladeless light spewed out from the blade, cutting the palm of the heavenly Buddha from the main body of the Ximo Buddha into two pieces.

With an incredible speed of reaction, they forcibly blocked the first wave of siege of the four emperors.

"Oh my god, Cheng Feng actually blocked the strangulation of the four emperors!"

"How did that guy do it !?"

"This is ... too incredible, right?"

Everyone has been very clear about Cheng Feng's abnormal strength.

However, at this moment, still shocked and stunned.

Looking at Cheng Feng against the four emperors in the sky as if dreaming.

"This Cheng Feng is really good."

The smile on Emperor Huangtian's face was stronger, and he whispered, "It's a lot stronger than that naughty boy in my family!"

"I can't bear to destroy it ..."

Not only is the Emperor Huangtian, two supreme beings in the depths of a million mountains, but also a mutter at this moment.

"Cheng Feng, this guy is a bit too strong."

The Supreme Being in Wanzanggu said: "If you continue to develop in this way, we don't need to help each other and we can escape safely."

"Old dragon, this may not be necessary."

The Supreme Being in Zunwang Mountain said: "The four guys in Apocalypse did not actually exert their strength."

"They are waiting for other people to move, and they want to take advantage of the fishermen."

"Furthermore, Emperor Huangtian hasn't shot yet."

"This guy is a ruthless character.

"Even if this clone has only the seventh-limit cultivation practice, it is strong enough to rank in the top three of the entire dome continent."

"If he shoots, Cheng Fengshi will be in a dilemma."

"By then, it's time for us to come forward!"

Everyone was shocked by Cheng Feng's powerful strength.

In the sky, Cheng Feng has fought dozens of tricks with the Four Emperors of the Apocalypse.

Every move is terrifying, and it is easy to blast a sixth-strength extreme strong.

He shattered the shattered void, shattered, and in a mess.

But the two sides of the battle were not injured at all.

Only Cheng Feng, who fights less often, will occasionally be unable to prevent certain attacks and be wiped into his body by horrific attacks.

However, Cheng Feng trained a five-star deity, and his defense and recovery are dozens of times stronger than before.

These scratches and blinks were quickly repaired and grown.

There is no difference between before and without abrasion, the dragon is fierce and continues to enter the battle.

This made the faces of the four Emperor Tianqi evil emperors look rather ugly, and they gradually hit the fire.

In particular, the Emperor Apocalypse yelled.

"Don't hide it, everyone."

"The four of us joined forces, but we couldn't even beat a stink boy, and it was going to be laughed alive!"

"Take out some real means. After killing Cheng Feng, we will compete for the fruits of the world!"

After speaking, the Emperor Apocalypse first took the lead.

He saw a knot printed on his chest.

The next moment, hum ~~~

A strong black gas spewed out from the Emperor Tianqi.

After spreading to the whole body, the Emperor Tianqi was able to grow a dark scale.

His eyes became **** and cruel, like a demon.

In particular, the nine-node whip of that holy weapon was deformed violently, and it grew up with the hand of the Emperor Tianqi.

Nine branches were then divided, each one a separate weapon.

That day, the evil hand of Kaixie Emperor shook, 变异 ~~~

Nine weapons were fired and attacked to Cheng Feng.

The power has been improved two or three times more than before!

Not only is the Emperor Apocalypse, the Emperor Jian no longer keeps his hands.

I saw a strong sword squirting out of him, pouring into the true dragon sword crazy.

It turned out that the true dragon sword became a sword-shaped true dragon.

Emitting a dazzling edge, he bombarded Cheng Feng.

Secondly, the iconic emperor evoked 12% of his strength.

The whole person merges with the white giant elephant, like a white big star, crashing into Cheng Feng crazy.

As for the Lord of the Western Desert, it is the stunt ‘Amitabha ’s Palm’ that is used to attack and kill the Buddha.

Big palms like sky, crashing down to Cheng Feng!

"Are these four old hairs finally moving?"

Seriously, the four emperors are scary.

For the first time, Cheng Feng's face was dignified, and Shen said, "Since this is the case, I will use my real tricks!"

"Just to test my extreme combat power after entering the fifth ascendant!"

The words ended, Cheng Feng urged all the five-star divine power in his body.

At the same time, the Devil Sword was held high, and the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword was used.

Over nine days, two hundred and eighty stars were lit up quickly.

Waiting for the big star to shoot down the stars, fused with the power of Cheng Feng's body, it became a terrifying sword light.

Rushing on the Devil Sword, then burst out.

Stabbing ~~~

Wupingdao is sharp and unparalleled, and its power has reached an appalling level.

When he cut off the nine weapons that were turned into the nine-day whip of the Emperor Tianqi, he heard only a series of crickets.

Immediately, those nine weapons were made up for by a crack without a knife.

The next moment, with a stronger force than when he came, the original shot burst back!

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