Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1859: Cheng Feng is angry

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Chapter 1859 Cheng Feng is Angry

Cheng Feng, who is full of firepower, is strong enough to be almost abnormal.

The Apocalypse Evil Emperor urged the holy weapon to attack and kill him with nine knots.

Then, his offensive continued.

The Devil Sword slammed fiercely, and then beheaded at the sword emperor who killed the sword together.

At this moment, the sword emperor killed the real dragon sword.

The sword air was hundreds of miles, filling the entire sky, and Yunxia was smashed by the sword air.

When it banged with the sword-slayer, 铿 ~~~

It sounds like a thunderous thunder, and the sound of clear metal impact can almost crack a human eardrum.

In the cold voice, the true dragon sword turned into a sword-shaped true dragon began to deform sharply from the tip.

It's like a bow full of strings, about to break from the middle.

When the severe deformation recovers, 咻 ~~~

Zhenlong sword and the Emperor's clone flew into the void together, piercing the sky dome hole into a huge opening, it was shocking.

Looking back at Cheng Feng, the Devil Sword did not deform at all.

However, the arrogant force was poured into the Devil Sword.

But also let the Devil Sword involuntarily fly to the sky, Cheng Feng holding the handle, and the whole person followed the sky.

At the same time, the amount of violent violence poured into Cheng Feng's body, causing Cheng Feng's hands to violently numb.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng practiced into a five-star deity, and the discomfort in his hands was quickly neutralized, so that the boiling blood was calmed down.

However, at this time, four emperors were attacking and killing Cheng Feng.

Before Cheng Feng calmed down, the iconic emperor slammed on the white giant elephant.

Before arriving, a horrific oppressive force made Cheng Feng's breathing much thicker.

Then, dare not neglect.

Once again, the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword was used, and the sword was united.

Huh! In the face of the iconic emperor, he slammed into the past.

This impact was different from the previous two.

The first two times Cheng Feng used pure force to collide. This time, he grabbed the sword with a knife and aimed the Emperor with the blade.

Once sturdily hit, the Devil Sword breaks the defense of the iconic emperor.

That would at least kill the mount of the Holy Elephant Emperor and the white giant elephant on the spot.

And this is indeed the case, Bang ~~~

As Cheng Feng collided with the Holy Elephant Emperor, Cheng Feng was hit by a force of terror and the whole person flew backward.

His arms violently burst, and finally broke several directly.

But at the same time, the dreaded light of the sword was the light of the iconic force that impaled the condensation of the iconic emperor.

The sharp blade penetrated into the body of the white giant elephant, and then pulled it fiercely.

Stabbing ~~~

Blood splattered like a waterfall from the white icon.

What's more, the iconic emperor himself became gloomy.

Hurry to procure divine power to heal the white giant to heal, and the attack on Cheng Feng was suspended temporarily.

When the iconic emperor was just completed, an emperor was killed.

This Great Emperor's avatar is the Lord of the West Desert Buddha.

He brought out a martial art created by the supreme ‘Amitabha Buddha’, called the Amitabha Buddha Palm.

With a big palm, the sky covered Cheng Feng's whole group.

Even under the impact of the Holy Elephant Emperor, Cheng Feng flew hundreds of miles to the distance, still unable to fly out of the envelope of the giant palm.

Bang ~~~

Waiting for the giant palm to fall, Cheng Feng was immediately slapped from the sky by the palm print.

Smashed into a rolling mountain, crushed the towering peak into the clouds, and turned it into powder.

After the huge palm was retracted, a giant five-fingered palm print appeared in the outer area of ​​the millions of mountains.

The dust was set off, shaking the whole million mountains.

The earthquake collapsed and I don't know how many mountain peaks, so that numerous rivers were diverted, and there were countless fissures on the ground.

The horrible scene was horrifying!

"Oh my God, the four emperors are all fired, it's terrible!"

"If you do not exercise restraint, I am afraid that the entire dome continent can be ruined hard?"

"That Cheng Feng was first bombarded by the avatars of the three emperors, and then was hit by the Buddha of the West Desert with Amitabha's palm.

"Perhaps, already killed alive?"

"It is very possible, and even if not dead, it is estimated that only half a breath is left, no difference from death!"

Looking at this horrible scene, all the peerless powerhouses and giant monsters all concluded that Cheng Feng was more ferocious and less fortunate.

After all, the emperor of the Dynasty of God is a powerful creature, and the strength of his avatar may not be strong enough, but the means are amazing.

The four emperors fired full fire, killing a fifth-ranked warrior, no problem!

However, just then.

Wow ~~~

Among the huge palm prints made by the huge palm, a figure rose into the sky.

When he reached the sky, he suddenly turned into a young man in black, with a ugly face.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

I saw Cheng Feng at this time, his clothes were a little broken, and his body was scarred.

At this moment, those scars are healing fast under the powerful healing power of the five-star divine power.

At most half an hour or so, I was able to recover as before without any serious injuries.

"Holding grass, is that actually Cheng Feng? He wasn't dead?"

"And not only didn't die, but it looked like he was only slightly injured."

"How did he do that? Could the body be made of some super **** iron?"

At this time, everyone present was blinded.

Stupidly staring at Cheng Feng standing in the air, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Even the Four Emperors of the Apocalypse felt a bit incredible.

Standing in the sky for a long while, then sneered.

"Don't you die?"

"Well, let's kill a few more times to see how long this little beast can carry."

The words came to an end, the Emperor Tianqi held the nine-section whip in his hand, and he wanted to attack Cheng Feng again!

"Apocalypse, are you addicted?"

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng standing in the sky spoke.

I saw his pair of cold eyes staring at the Emperor Qiqi, and said coldly: "Since you like to trample on people so much, then I will let you taste the trample!

During the conversation, Cheng Feng hurried.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Pieces of gold armor flew from a soul ring.

The next moment, he flew to Cheng Feng in an orderly manner, and spontaneously wore Cheng Feng's body.

Let Cheng Feng instantly become a person with a gold armor, just like steel cast iron, the defense force has reached an almost abnormal state.

At this time, even if standing and bombarded by the evil Emperor Apocalypse, it is estimated that it can be completely carried.

It can be said to be as solid as gold soup, inaccessible!

"Apocalypse, come and die!"

After putting on the God of War armor, Cheng Feng grasped the sword.

Later, he no longer considered defense, and the five-star magic power detonated in the body.

Hum! Pushing Cheng Feng into the sky, he rushed towards the direction where the Emperor Tian Qi was.

Haven't arrived yet, 唰 ~~~

A knife was cut out fiercely, and the horrific sword surged violently, flooding the vast sky.

Towards the Apocalypse, kill violently!

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