Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1873: Eight-armed dragon

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Chapter 187 Eight-armed Dragon

Cheng Feng displayed a thousand miles.

After several consecutive times, they were far away from millions of mountains.

Then, I slightly identified the position and changed to stride flight.

While flying to the misty dynasty, he took out the stone box presented by Nilong Aoqing.

This stone box is not large, about half a foot wide and one foot long, and the whole body is green.

Cheng Feng took out the box and opened it directly.

Immediately, a golden flower reflected in Cheng Feng's eyes.

"Is this the Hundred Gods Soul Flower?"

Cheng Feng looked at the golden flower and looked at it carefully: "This flower has its own charm and has a spiritual atmosphere."

"It has a great warming effect on human spirits!"

The golden flowers exuded a faint scent, Cheng Feng sniffed and was full of fragrance.

At the same time, a peculiar amount of energy flowed into Cheng Feng's mind, so that the soul tree that had grown to ten meters quickly became verdant.

"According to Ao Qing, this flower can be swallowed directly."

Cheng Feng whispered: "After eating, it will break down by itself to nourish and improve the mind."

"I'll eat it now, and advance my divine thoughts to six stars earlier."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took out the golden flowers in the stone box.

Without a word, he chewed into his mouth.

After chewing, swallow it.

Om ~~~

A heat wave was suddenly generated in Cheng Feng's body.

Then along the meridians, quickly rushed to Cheng Feng's mind.

Let the tree of spirits in Cheng Feng's mind seem to be nourished by water and grow up rapidly.

The tree became thicker and taller, which allowed Cheng Feng's consciousness to rise steadily.

"The promotion of the god's mind by these hundred gods and soul flowers is slower."

Cheng Feng groaned: "It's like a breeze and drizzle, it's slowly nourishing."

"But that's fine. With a buffer period, the foundation is very solid and there will be no sequelae!"

Many treasures that enhance the mind are squeezing the potential of the human body, or stimulating the mind to make it skyrocket.

Although this speed is very fast, it will leave a lot of side effects.

Bai Shen Yun soul flower is different, the moisturizing is silent, there will be no side effects.

This is the real world treasure!

"Next, let the mythical soul flower slowly nourish my divine thoughts."

After clearing the pros and cons, Cheng Feng secretly said, "At this speed, at most about three or five days, I can advance my **** to six stars."

"Before that, I could just make time to communicate with the nine stars."

"Take the power of the fifth form of Emperor Cangshu to the strongest level."

"By then, no one will be my opponent!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng moved his mind away from the Baishen Yunhun Flower.

Let him nourish himself, without intervening.

Then, shocked the spirit tree, evoked the divine thought completely, and fell into the end of the sky.

While communicating the nine-day stars, lighting up the light of the stars, hurried to the ethereal burial of Shenhai.

After a day, Cheng Feng set foot on the misty dynasty.

He has already lit a total of 438 stars.

The power of the fifth form of Emperor Cangshu was advanced to a super-strong state.

As for the divine thought, it has reached the five-star high rank under the warm cultivation of the hundred gods and soul flowers.

Let him communicate more smoothly with the nine-day stars, forming a virtuous circle!

"It is said that the burial gods sea is located in the south of the misty **** dynasty, which is very close to the sacred place of martial art in the misty **** dynasty.

Cheng Feng stood on the edge of the misty godly dynasty, gazing at the huge misty godly dynasty, and groaned, "It is rumored that the sea is hundreds of thousands of meters deep and almost runs through the earth dome continent. Wushen has entered it and has never returned.

"Therefore, the name of the sea of ​​burials was given!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, after the Emperor Tianfu buried the war god, he sealed one leg into the bottom of the Sea of ​​Burial Gods."

"An eight-armed dragon was subsequently brought in and kept in the sea to prevent someone from breaking the seal."

"But the eight-armed dragon is fierce and hard to tame, and it often flies from the sea of ​​burial gods."

"It wasn't until the establishment of the ethereal dynasty that Emperor Zong was sitting by the side of the burial god's sea, and then the eight-armed dragon was shocked."

"Keep the misty gods from the evil dragons!"

"Well, this rumor is true."

Nalan nodded his head: "In fact, up to now, the eight-armed dragon is also very restless."

"Forcing the Zongzong Sovereign to consolidate his avatars and enter the burial Shenhai to suppress it, so that he could barely have trouble!"

"This time God of War wants to unseal his sealed leg, and it is bound to fight that evil dragon, which is a huge obstacle!"

"Is that eight-armed dragon not dead yet?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng raised a brow and was a little surprised.

You know, it has been more than 100,000 years since the beginning of the suppression of the God of War by the Emperor Tianfu.

This shows that the eight-armed dragon has also lived for more than 100,000 years, which is simply incredible.

"Cheng Feng, that eight-armed dragon has been promoted into the half-day class long ago."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Its strength is comparable to the existence of half-steps, and it has survived for more than one hundred and twenty thousand years without any pressure."

"Half-day dragon?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Is this dragon's level blocked by the Emperor of Heaven?"

"That's not true, but it was suppressed by the dome continent."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The earth dome continent began to mutate 100,000 years ago. It is too strong to exist, or it is forced to leave."

"Either, it was repaired to be greatly compressed and maintained at the seventh limit of ascent."

"Once the limit is exceeded, there will be a natural countermeasure!"

"Is it the seventh limit?"

Cheng Feng thoughtfully and whispered: "In this case, then it wouldn't stop the God of War from unsealing his leg."

"If God of War needs help, I'll help him kill that dragon!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng had rushed to the direction where the burial Shenhai was located.

Several thousands of miles were displayed during the exhibition, and a blue sea came into view.

The sea is vast and the water is crystal clear and unfathomable!

However, at this time, the sea surface was very calm, and the waves were turbulent.

The terrible waves set off, and the rush of the coast blasted.

Especially above the sky, there was a more thunderous thunder roar.

The overwhelming strength stirred up and stunned Wanli Yunxia stiffly, and the scene was very scary!

"I don't seem to be late."

Cheng Feng looked at the horror picture on the horizon and whispered: "The battle between Emperor Huangtian and the God of War has not subsided yet. I can help him!"

Think about it, hum ~~~

Cheng Feng spreads the essence of martial arts in his body without reservation.

Suddenly, the sky is pierced by the unmatched martial arts essence.

It seems that a pillar of great sky suddenly appeared, letting the entire misty dynasty look at it.

"Look, a super-dominating martial spirit has appeared!"

"That martial arts spirit is so strong that it is like a dragon absorbing water, which makes the world change."

"Nine out of ten is an emperor-level existence!"

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