Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1874: Fight Apocalypse again

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Chapter 187: Fighting Apocalypse Again

When you see the sudden rise of the strong Yodo Budo spirit.

Around the burial Shenhai, the masses of warriors changed their faces, yelling at the spirit of martial arts.

One after another concluded that the master of martial arts spirit was an emperor.

Even the three humanoid lightning bolts that were fiercely colliding above the vault of heaven stopped for a while.

"God of War, you are finished now."

Among the three humanoid lightnings, a Pentecostal man in a black gold emperor laughed and said, "I have another helper here, and the three emperors will join you to kill you!"

"Hehe ~~~"

A tall, middle-aged man with a long shawl said: "Apocalypse, you really deserve yourself."

"Just by your little tricks, you also want to completely kill your god?"

"If it weren't for the Emperor of Heaven, the ten you add up are not your opponents!"

Obviously, these three fierce humanoid lightnings are the God of War, the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Apocalypse.

About ten days ago, due to the obstruction of the God of War, Cheng Feng escaped smoothly.

This made Huangtian Emperor extremely angry, and hunted down the God of War for ten days and ten nights.

During this period, the apocalyptic evil emperor who captured the unsuccessful Cheng Feng family counted hatred on the God of War.

Came here directly from the Yuhua God Dynasty to assist the Emperor Huangtian to suppress the God of War.

But I did not expect that God of War is very strong, and it is still getting stronger over time.

The Emperor Huangtian and the Emperor Tianqi joined forces to siege for more than a day and still failed to suppress the God of War.

Just let the God of War's head plump a little bit, and dried up again.

At this moment, it became skinny again, and obviously the source was very expensive.

This situation continues, and sooner or later there will be major problems.

However, no matter how bad the situation of God of War is, it cannot be completely destroyed.

Worst and worst, it will only be banned again.

Emperor Apocalypse vowed to destroy the God of War, but he just dreamed!

"God of War, is it so crazy to die?"

Hearing the words of the God of War, the Emperor Apocalypse was furious and yelled, "After the emperor arrives, how can you jump?

However, the expression of the Emperor Tian Qi just froze, but his face froze.

Because as the force of the Yokobudo spirit approached quickly, he actually saw a familiar face.

Make him look constantly changing, very exciting.

Because the master of martial arts spirit is not the so-called emperor of the dynasty, but the enemies Cheng Feng that he hates!

"Cheng Feng?"

Looking at the young man in black, a rage burst out of his body like a volcano.

Clucking with both hands, he yelled, "You **** clutter, how dare you come to die!"

From the perspective of the Emperor Tian Qi, Cheng Feng, who had managed to escape from his birth, would have to travel thousands of miles away, tortured in a remote corner, and dared not appear for a long time.

Never thought that it would only be more than ten days before Cheng Feng not only showed up, but also came to the door himself.

This is simply a provocation to him, and even a shame of Chiguo!

"Apocalypse, this is the misty dynasty, I want to come."

In the face of the angry Emperor Apocalypse, Cheng Feng looked pale and light-hearted: "It's you, don't wait for me to be slaughtered in the Apocalypse God's dynasty.

"It's really thicker than the walls, I don't know how shame is extreme!"

"Little beast ... you're looking for death!"

Cheng Feng's words had great lethal power, and almost apocalyptic Apocalypse exploded.

Pointing at Cheng Feng organized a half-day language, and eventually uttered only a few words.

Immediately the divine power in the body spurted out, and rushed to the past to Cheng Feng.

Compared to the Emperor Tianqi, the Emperor of the Barren was also very surprised.

He had played against Cheng Feng before, and knew deeply that Cheng Feng's martial spirit at that time was far less powerful than he is now.

This fully shows that in just ten days, Cheng Feng's strength has been dramatically improved.

Eighty-nine out of ten is already firmly in the sixth position of ascending to heaven.

No wonder dare to go it alone, kill Burial Shenhai, and face him and the Apocalypse!

This made him surging in his heart, and he was extremely afraid of Cheng Feng.

As for the God of War, it's different.

Staring at Cheng Feng haha ​​laughed: "Cheng Feng, your kid is interesting!"

"The **** originally thought that your kid would hide and not show up."

"I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, there was a leap in strength. Come and help God!"

"Haha ~~~"

Hundreds of miles away, Cheng Feng laughed and said, "God of War, you helped each other by righteousness, wouldn't Cheng Feng shrink?

"Here we are here, not only to help you get out of trouble, but also to unseal your sealed body from the sea of ​​burial gods!"

"If anyone blocks, I will kill someone!"

In the end, Cheng Feng's voice was cold.

Facing the killed Apocalypse, he said coldly: "The killing starts with you!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng raised his palm.

Waiting until the six-star magic power poured into the hands, and cast out the hand of God.

After the divine power entered the six stars, Cheng Feng's strength has greatly improved.

Only the hand of the **** who entered the gate hit, and a concealed hand that concealed the heavens and conquered the sun came down from the sky and grabbed the wicked Emperor Tianqi.

Like catching a chick, it gives a feeling of no escape!

Let the Emperor Tianqi start to sweat all over his head and be stunned by the anger, sober for a moment.

Immediately dare not neglect, show off his expert martial arts magic claw.

Huh! The black magic claws rushed up into the sky, and blasted against the crushing divine power.

Bang ~~~

The powerful hand blasted against the black demon claw, and the sound of a blasting explosion sounded.

Then, the terror forces swung open to the four sides, shattering the impact of the sky.

The billowing influx from outside the barriers of space made the sky instantly dark.

But when the sky was swallowed up by darkness, the great hand that covered the heavens and sun was suddenly gathered.

I grabbed the dark claw in my hand, and then clicked ~~~

A harsh crackling sounded.

The next moment, the earth devil's claws hit by the Emperor Qiqi were crushed into the air by his great hands.

Fortunately, the Emperor Tianqi responded quickly and rushed out before the claws broke.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the ants will be crushed to death by the divine hands and killed on the spot!

"My God, what happened over the sea?"

"Why did the newly arrived superpower suddenly start working on the Emperor Apocalypse?"

"And the strength is super horrible. It can completely crush the Apocalypse. It is really incredible!"

In the distance, many warriors of the misty dynasty saw this scene, and all of them were shocked.

Some masters who are proficient in pupillary surgery are even quicker to trigger pupillary observation.

When I saw a powerful man who was able to flee from the Apocalypse, he turned out to be a young man in black who was only twenty years old, and took a breath on the spot.

Just like hell, I can't believe my eyes!

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