Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1876: Beat the Remnant Apocalypse

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Chapter 1876 Fighting the Remnant Apocalypse

Each of Cheng Feng's dozens of punches was amazing.

Can easily defeat a peerless powerhouse.

At this moment, dozens of punches blasted to the Apocalypse, immediately changing his face.

Hold back the writhing blood in the body, burst into a shout: "The transformation of the land demon, transformation!"

With the sound, click

The Apocalypse Xie Emperor changed greatly.

There was a layer of black scale armor all over the body.

And between the scale armor, there is a sharp spike.

Especially on the head, there are two deformed black horns, just like two scimitars, which makes people shudder!

"Look, Emperor Apocalypse used his strongest hole card!"

"He used the magic of land demonization, which can temporarily change himself into a land demon. The overall strength has skyrocketed."

"The Emperor of the Heavens has full firepower and can forcibly get out of trouble."

"The Emperor Tianqi used this trick and should be able to block Cheng Feng's make-up knife!"

The martial arts performed by the Emperor Tianqi at this time is called Demon Demonformation.

It is a martial art he created by imitating the demon and the demon of the demon world.

Using this martial art, the Apocalypse can temporarily become a land demon.

Gaining the defense and attack power of the land demon is the best in the earth dome continent.

After seeing him deformed, he stretched out a deformed dark claw.

Stab it! He grabbed a boxing punch, and caught five holes.

Wudaoqi was poured into the boxing force along the hole, and the boxing force quickly dried up and eventually dissipated.

A punch that was enough to wreck a peerless powerhouse was easily resolved.

唰 唰 唰 唰 ~~~

After that, the Emperor Tianqi grabbed dozens of claws in succession, and almost every claw hit a punch.

The punches that blasted Feng Feng to the spot one by one!

"This place is a bit interesting!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "After the transformation, the strength of the Emperor Tianqi was almost doubled."

"Is that land demon more powerful than the land of creation?"

"Cheng Feng, that's not the case."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "The land demon is just one of the many demon heads in the demon world."

"The strongest demons can at best compete with petty creatures."

"Opposite has captured the existence of the great good, and will be killed in minutes!"

"Oh? In that case, after Qixie Emperor turned into a land demon that day, his power would increase so much?"

Cheng Feng was puzzled and felt unreasonable.

After all, the Apocalypse Emperor is also a giant who has won a small fortune, and his strength is not inferior to the strongest land monster.

It's a bit inferior to improve the strength by transforming into a land monster!

"Cheng Feng, this is the continent."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "The power of the Apocalypse will be greatly restricted here."

"But the land demon is not affected. The apocalypse is transformed into a land demon, just a means of leverage!"

"So it is."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly, and said immediately: "But even so, Apocalypse is a scum to me."

"Anyway, give him a lifelong lesson!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng no longer stays.

bass! Withdrawing the Devil Sword, a cold murderous spirit rose from his body.

It was very uncomfortable for the Emperor Huangtian and the God of War to fight together, as Qiqi was caught by the monster.

That day, Emperor Qixie was the first to bear the brunt, and his hair was tensed.

"Cheng Feng, this little beast, is going to be real."

Emperor Tianqi's face was gloomy, and he gnashed his teeth, "But this emperor has performed the magic of land demonstration, no matter how strong the little beast can be, he never wants to defeat me!"

In the groaning, the Emperor Tianqi actually took the lead.

A pair of magic claws protruded, grabbed a heavy void, and came straight to Cheng Feng's heart!

"Di Cang Sword Art, cut me!"

Cheng Feng's expression sank when he saw that the Emperor Tian Qi had taken the initiative to attack.

No nonsense, directly evoked the power of God, cut off the first style of Emperor Cangshu!

This type of knife technique, for the current Cheng Feng, has been unable to keep up with the rhythm.

But under the blessing of the six-star divine power, the power is also very objective.

If it is an ordinary peerless powerhouse, I am afraid that even a knife can't stop it, it will be live split.

But the Apocalypse was very fierce, and he actually blocked this trick with a pair of magic claws!

Not only that, the Emperor Apocalypse still chased after the attack.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Emperor Cheng Feng held up the sword, so that the stars above the sky lit up.

The fifth form of Emperor Cang Sword was directly used, attracting the power of nearly four hundred stars in the sky.

When Xingli merged with the six-star divine power, it turned into a swordless cut.

Stabbing ~~~

The knife was as bright as daylight and sharp to the extreme.

The moment they hit the pair of demon claws of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor, they forcibly cut them apart.

During the black blood splattering, the two demon claws were disengaged from the arm of the Apocalypse.

Suddenly cut off by that terrible knife light!


His hands were beheaded, and the Emperor Tianqi sent out a terrible misery.

The severe pain poured into his head, causing his cheeks to twitch, and he cursed, "Little beast, how dare you cut off the hands of this emperor?"

"You're dead, and heaven and earth don't even want to live!"

Emperor Apocalypse has won the power of nature and respected him. He has never been cut off.

Cheng Feng's move at this moment is simply breaking ground on Tai Sui.

Let Tianqi evil emperor get angry and go mad, vowed to kill Cheng Feng, severe torture!

However, Cheng Feng has long been accustomed to this tasteless threat.

Coldly: "Apocalyptic evil emperor, as early as the moment you intend to do something to my family, you are already doomed to be killed by me."

"Now, it's just the beginning!"

The words came to an end, Cheng Feng shot very decisively.

Hum! It once again attracted four hundred stars to come down and slashed away to the Emperor Tianqi.

At this moment, the Emperor Tianqi was chopped with both hands, and his combat power fell into a trough.

In the face of Cheng Feng's blow, there was no resistance at all.

He did everything he could, and was also shot in the shoulder.

噗嗤 ~~~

The sound of a knife breaking into the flesh spread.

The next moment, the small half of the body of the Emperor Tianqi was cut off by Cheng Feng.

The **** scene made the Emperor Apocalypse angry and growled.

Even more, the warriors buried around the sea of ​​gods have a shocked look on their faces as if struck by lightning.

"My God, the Emperor Tianqi was beaten by Cheng Feng with no fighting power."

"At this moment, blood is splattering, and death is close at hand!"

"Moreover, looking at Cheng Feng's posture, there is no intention to stop."

"Is he going to kill the Apocalypse and kill a great emperor?"

"It's too scary !?"

Countless martial artists were shocked by Cheng Feng's fierce sturdyness, and looked over with eyes, trying to witness the historical moment.

In fact, Cheng Feng did have the idea of ​​slaughtering the Apocalypse.

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