Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1877: Evil emperor

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Chapter 1787 The Evil Emperor, Meteor

Anyway, he has forged a deep hatred with the evil Emperor Tian Qi, even if he let the evil Emperor Tian Qi at this moment, the other party will try to kill him.

In that case, why should he be kind to each other?

Think of it here, the killing in Cheng Feng's eyes skyrocketed.

Without saying anything else, the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu broke out again.

"Little beast, you don't want to kill this emperor!"

Facing the crazy attack of Cheng Feng, Tianqi evil emperor yelled.

Immediately exuding a billowing black gas, he actually wrapped the whole person in the black gas.

Stabbing ~~~

Cheng Feng cut off with one stroke, and the strong cross sword light cut off the black gas.

But it did not cut to the entity, as if the Apocalypse Evil Emperor, who had been enveloped by the black gas, had disappeared and gone.

"Have you escaped?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's expression sank.

Then he continued to cut out the knife and chopped the black gas into pieces.


When the black gas was chopped, a scream screamed loudly.

The voice is the same as that of the Emperor Tianqi, he growled, "Cheng Feng, this emperor remembers you."

"When the Emperor's injury is repaired, he will definitely return today's shame to you 100 times!"

With the shout, the black gas that was chopped by Cheng Feng condensed into a vortex in the sky.

The vortex pierced the barriers of space, just submerged into it, ready to go away.

"Want to take care of your injuries and come back to me?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's face flashed fiercely: "Since this is the case, you still die!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng triggered the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu to the extreme.

Let the sky light up more than 430 big stars.

Waiting to draw down the power of the big star, cut across the black gas vortex.

Bang ~~~

The black gas vortex was cut directly by Daoguang.

A pentecostal man with no hands and half body was forced out of the void.

Cheng Feng then made up for it.

"Do not!!"

The old Pentecosta had no time to scream before he died.

The next moment, the whole person was beheaded by Cheng Feng on the spot!

"Wo Ri, the apocalyptic evil emperor, was actually killed by Cheng Feng?"

"Oh my God, is this true?"

"How can Cheng Feng dare? Isn't he afraid of being targeted by the Emperor Tianqi, is he dead?"

Seeing the picture of the Emperor Tianqi being beheaded, all the warriors around the burial Shenhai were beating with shocked hearts.

Some warriors from the Apocalypse God's face are even paler and their bodies are shaking.

Because the Apocalypse is an extraordinary emperor, it is one of the most extreme beings on the continent.

For tens of thousands of years, there have never been any errors.

However, he died in Cheng Feng's hands!

"Cheng Feng ... actually killed Apocalypse's clone?"

In the sky, the Emperor Huangtian also moved: "The son's sharpness is really too sharp, and he does not take Tianqi in his eyes."

"Even the Emperor didn't take it seriously, his courage was terrible!"

"It seems that in dealing with it in the future, we must be cautious."

"Otherwise, there will be big trouble!"

The different parts of the dome continent limit the power of creation.

The stronger the modification, the greater the limit.

Here, as long as the warrior breaks the fear in his heart, then the power of creation is only a powerful seventh ascendant!

Confronting Cheng Feng, even the Emperor of the Abandoned Heaven, must shun three points!

"Hahaha ~~~"

Unlike the shock and shock of everyone, the God of War laughed: "Cheng Feng, kill well!"

"As a dignified man, you have to have the courage to be fearless!"

Listening to the words of God of War, Cheng Feng's heart rose with pride.

There is no psychological burden on killing the Apocalypse!

He even took a step forward and exhibited the Soul Mark of Soul Martial Arts, preparing to sweep over the body of the Emperor Apocalypse.

Send the Apocalypse to the dead!

"Cheng Feng, wait for the emperor."

Sure enough, the evil Emperor Tianqi did not die thoroughly, and issued a vicious vow: "This life, this emperor is staring at you, and you have a seed that will never come out of the continent."

"Otherwise, Bendi will make you regret being born in this world!"

However, Cheng Feng was too lazy to listen to such threats.

After waiting for the Apocalypse Emperor to finish his speech, bang ~~~

The Soul Mark of the Soul blasted out violently, shattering the broken thoughts of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor, the fragmentation of the bombardment, and the disintegration!


"Damn little beast, Bendi must kill you, you must die !!!"

Just when the clone of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor fell completely.

Outside the dome continent, in an unknown world.

A heaven-like voice resounded above the sky: "Little beast, this emperor awakens the second avatar sent to the earth dome continent."

"This avatar is forged from the body of a demon of eight grades, and its combat power is comparable to that of the eighth heavy martial artist."

"A sneak attack on the assassination technique will surely make you dead!"

Earth dome continent, the ethereal **** burials Shenhai.

Cheng Feng knew nothing about the follow-up methods of the Emperor Tian Qi.

However, vaguely, he also guessed that the Emperor Tianqi may not be resolved so easily by him.

"The apocalypse is insidious and cunning. After the matter here is over, I will go to the apocalypse."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Stop the possible hidden dangers in the cradle."

"In addition, several other gods who have killed me have also taken a tour."

"Sooner or later, you will have to pay back!"

Thinking of it, Cheng Feng collected his thoughts.

Then he looked at Emperor Huangtian.

"It fell, the Apocalypse Evil Emperor completely fell!"

"But looking at Cheng Feng's stance, there was no intention to stop, and he turned to stare at the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Muffy, he still wants to have trouble with Emperor Huangtian?"

Seeing the pictures from the sky, countless soldiers were stunned.

Especially when Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword and strode toward the Emperor of the Wasteland, the sound of cold breath appeared on the scene.

"Heaven Emperor, you battled me before and left a lot of power."

The funeral **** is over the sea, while Cheng Feng walks towards the Emperor of Heaven, and says, "To meet again today, let us fight without a reservation!"

Regarding Cheng Feng, Emperor Huangtian was rather regretful and did not really kill his heart.

In the battle with Cheng Feng, some killing moves did not make use of.

If Emperor Huangtian had fired before, Cheng Feng might face a life threat.

"Cheng Feng, your strength has indeed improved a lot."

Emperor Huangtian looked to Cheng Feng and said lightly, "However, you and I are desperately fighting, and the one who survives must be me!"

"Because your cultivation is not yet complete, Shennian has not been promoted to the Six Stars, and is not yet the sixth heavy martial artist to ascend to heaven."

"In that case, I believe!"

Cheng Feng nodded: "But I won't fight with you, I'm just going to fight against you."

"I'll leave when I have enough!"

"And if I want to leave, no one can stop today, you are no exception!"

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