Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1881: The second emperor's monument

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Chapter 1881 The Second Emperor's Stele

Emperor Fire is the second different fire among the heavens and the world.

Yihuo, the No. 1 ranked fire, has not been born for a long time, and Emperor Huo is actually the No.1 fire.

However, the promotion of Emperor Fire is very difficult.

In particular, the newly born Emperor Fire is even more frightened and needs to hide good deeds and not dare to show the slightest.

Once detected by Emperor Fire Overlord ‘Single Emperor Fire’, it will be killed from the Great Fire World and devoured by it.

Will threaten its existence, strangled in the cradle early.

Cheng Feng's new emperor fire was okay. He helped to make food and was still nourished.

But it is also very difficult to advance to a higher level.

At this time, he encountered an exposed underground fire, which was called a big meal.

After swallowing it completely, it may be able to advance it directly from the super top to the half king and even the king.

By then, it will become a new hole card for Cheng Feng!

As for the sealed fire bottle, it is a downgraded holy weapon.

But the ability to devour the flames is not trivial.

It is equivalent to a super container, which can store a large amount of fire energy.

At this time, absorbing the fire energy in the underground fire veins just came in handy.

"It's not too late, and I'm now absorbing the fire energy in this underground fire."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Strive to drain the underground fire pulse here as soon as possible, and break the fire pulse of the heavens!"

After saying nothing, Cheng Feng's thoughts urged, and a white jade bottle appeared in his hands.

It was the broken holy vessel that sealed the fire bottle.

As for the new emperor fire, because it wants to hide its tracks, it hides in a sealed fire bottle.

When Cheng Feng urged to seal the fire bottle and began to absorb the fire energy in the fire vein below the ground.

Then you can speculate and split the fire energy absorbed by the sealed fire bottle.

"Seal the fire bottle, get me!"

After taking out the sealed fire bottle, Cheng Feng didn't delay.

Align the mouth of the sealed fire bottle with the fire on the ground.

A strong horizontal suction appeared, drawing massive amounts of fire energy from the veins of fire below the ground.

It was like a river going into the sea, rushing towards the sealed fire bottle frantically.

"Damn man, how dare you break the seal of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Just as Cheng Feng absorbed the fire energy from the fire veins under the ground, a thunderous rage came.

The sound of waves slammed the sea water, and it actually produced a circle of ripples.

Cheng Feng doesn't need to look to know, but the eight-armed evil dragon.

This evil dragon was brought from outside by the Emperor Heavenly Burial to guard the fire array of the heavens.

Cheng Feng absorbed the fire energy at this moment, and immediately angered the dragon.

Want to come hundreds of miles away, tear Cheng Feng to pieces.

It is a pity that it can now be besieged by two extremists, and it cannot be separated at all.

Even a minute ago, he was hit by the spear of the **** of war.

A huge piece of scaled armor collapsed inward and was hurt.

So he stared fiercely at Cheng Feng, said a threat, and then slaughtered with the God of War again.

Let the sea of ​​funeral gods be turned upside down, the wind is raging like the end of the world!

For these, Cheng Feng didn't care much.

At this time, he focused on urging the sealed fire bottle, and quickly reduced the fire energy in the fire vein below the ground by one tenth.

The light that radiates from the fire veins of the heavens has darkened a lot.

"Hahaha ~~~"

In the sealed bottle, the laughter of the new emperor Emperor came out: "Cheng Feng, I haven't had such a good meal for so long."

"This time letting go of our hands and feet and eating and drinking might be able to push me to the level of the half king."

"By then, I will be able to burn to death among the peerless strong among humans!"

"Ha, so great?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and laughed: "Then you eat more and become more powerful!"


The new emperor nodded his head and immediately began a new round of devour.

Time passed, about half an hour later.

The power of the fire bursts of the heavens directly weakened nearly half.

At this time, the white sealed fire bottle had turned red.

Obviously caused by absorbing too much fire energy, it is about to reach its limit.

As for the new emperor fire hiding in the sealed fire bottle, at this moment, the waves of fire are sky-high, giving a feeling of explosion.

"Cheng Feng, I have eaten too much food and my belly is about to explode."

The new emperor shouted, "No, I have to sleep for a few days."

"You have to refine the fire energy in your stomach, and you will surely be able to step into the realm of half-step kings!"

"Okay, go!"

Cheng Feng nodded and let the new emperor go to sleep.

As for myself, I closed the fire bottle.

The next moment, a long time in the hands of brewing a sharp cut.

Bang ~~~

When no blade of sword slashed on the flames of the heavens.

That violent shock caused a crack visible to the naked eye!

"The flames of the heavens are indeed the king's battle."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng praised: "It has less than half of the source of its fire pulse, and it can still carry my sword full of firepower!"

"But at this point, after all, it's the end of a crossbow, and it won't stop me."

Talking, banging bang ~~~

Cheng Feng opened his fire and fired several knives towards the fire veins of the heavens.

The sword is horrifying and chopped on the array of fires of the heavens, and the cracks in the array are rapidly expanding.

In the end, Cheng Feng displayed the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu and came up with the strongest sword.

Bang ~~~

The whole array collapsed arrogantly.

A shackle on the right leg of the Seal of War was forcibly broken by Cheng Feng.

"Damn man, you dare to let the war demon's right leg be born, the Heavenly Burial Emperor will not spare you!"

In the distance, the eight-armed dragon saw the scene and screamed in anger.

However, Cheng Feng turned a deaf ear.

Stepping into the large array, I immediately saw a blue-black slate cracked on a small hill.

The small hill was shaped like a human leg, with a big tree growing on it.

If you look closely, those trees are not trees at all, but black legs.

At this moment, as the bursts of fire in the heavens were broken, the man's leg and mountain bag vibrated violently.

Want to lift the black slate cracked on it to escape from the state of suppression.

But the blue-black slate seemed to be as heavy as Mount Tai, and some could not be lifted off.

It is exactly the right leg of the God of War, and the monument to the burial emperor!

"Is there a lot of burial monuments this day?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

He also encountered a celestial burial monument when he unsealed the head of the war **** at the Thousand-Buddha Temple in the West Desert Buddhist Kingdom.

At that time, he thought that there was only one monument to the Heavenly Burial Emperor, which was used to suppress the most important part of God of War-the skull!

It now seems obvious that I think too much.

There are more than one emperor's stele in the sky, I am afraid that the six major bodies of the **** of war were suppressed, each body has a emperor's monument to suppress.

Thus put an end to the wreckage of the God of War, the hope of autonomously breaking away!

"Cheng Feng, in fact, there is only one monument to the Heavenly Burial Emperor."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "In the year of the burial of the Emperor, it was supposed to be an entire emperor's monument cut into six pieces to suppress the body of the God of War separately."

"If the six emperors are united, there may be unexpected gains!"

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